Nataly Juela via DCPI
April 24, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
A 14-year-old from Sunnyside who went missing late last week was found last night, according to police.
Nataly Juela was found at a shopping mall in New Jersey, and was returned to her family at around 8 p.m. on April 23, an NYPD spokesperson said. She was in good health, the spokesperson added.
Juela was reported missing to the police last week, and had been missing since Friday, when she was last seen at her high school in Long Island City.
Thank god!
So what happened did she run away, or decide she was going to stay with friends #WhereAreAnswers lol
Probably a boy involved, that’s usually how these cases turn out…
I would of left her lost in the mall theses kids know who they do it to soft parenting
I would of left her lost in the mall theses kids know who they don’t it to soft parenting
Nice going. She runs away to NJ to go dhopping anf causes a huge problem. Sunnyside Post wastes valuable space writing about her. Probably comes from a didfunctional family.
I think you need to go back to school and learn how to spell.
I think its great that she was found. Hopefully she can spell better than you can.
Dear Carol:
Maybe if u had a job and a boyfriend you wouldn’t be so bitter and angry.
Al’s mother u really need to teach ur son some manners calling my family dysfunctional is not nice especially when ur son doesn’t even know my family or my life
-thank you very much
love a kid
Carol I know al from sunnyside. This isn’t him it’s the idiot el loco. Al moved 6 months ago and he’s very happy up north. He told me he left sunnyside in sunnyside and all the trolls like el loco here.
She got lost at the mall
i really didnt lmao
Let’s hope her experience was a good one, no matter the reason for her disappearance.
Thanks goodness. Was just thinking about her this morning. Nice to have a happy ending.