Photo: QueensPost
Aug. 14, 2012 Staff Report
A Mexican steak house on 47th Avenue closed last month after being in business for about two years.
Real Santa Fe Steak House, which was a fairly up-market Tex-Mex restaurant, sold T-bone steaks, Filet Mignon and Black Angus Steak for about $16 to $18.
The restaurant, which was located at 47-08 47th Ave, replaced a Chinese restaurant when it moved in. However, business was always tough. The owners were close to shutting down several times over the past 2 years but managed to hang on.
At this point, there is no word of a new tenant.
The food was realty good, the owner is a dealer in the meat market. He kept the best pieces for his restaurant. There skirt steaks were so lean and tasty.
I hope he can try again on the blvd.
Since when is two blocks WAYYYYY far from Queens Blvd? Some folks need to get a little perspective. De Mole and The Haab are both located on 47th Ave. I think. I’d eaten there a couple of times. I hadn’t really considered it upscale, but it was a decent place. Too bad for the owners. I hope things are okay for them in the end.
I can;t believe they close the management was so nice and outgoing always gave out mothers day flowers and for valentines !! i’m sure gonna miss them!
The metropolitans are not projects. Although all the crime and drug dealing going in there would make you think so.
I was gonna say!! We don’t have NYCHA projects in Sunnyside. You’re not thinking of the Celtic Apts?? Puleeez!!
Projects? Really I did not know that the cosmopolitan building were projects.
It’s a bad location for a good restaurant for the simple fact that the PROJECTS are a mere block away. People from the neighborhood are not going to go and eat $18 dollar dishes when all they can afford is 3 dollar pork chops. It’s WAYYYY out of the way from the BLVD and 47th ave in general is really uninviting.
Maybe they can move in to one of the stores that recently opened in the blvd. Yogurtberry seems to be kicking ass, we need more variety in foods!
I agree Roger, bad location. I heard good things about this place, but never remembered to go there!
Bad location is my guess.
Sorry to see this place close. The restaurant participated in the Taste of Sunnyside event last year and were very generous.
I remeber when the place opened up and they advertised on this web site.. busineees must have been good… we have so many eateries in our town.. too many to keep up wth … we need a map of our town to see what we have.. and better marketing of our town so all our business can stay and do business..it is sad when on our business go under…
Very sad. The food was good.
It didn’t except etb cards
There is a place on the corner of greenpoint and 45th that has good coffee and sandwiches.
I hope they didn’t go into debt. I’d like a place with good coffee and sandwiches where I can sit down.