July 22, 2016 By Michael Florio
Many animals in Sunnyside have suddenly died in the past two weeks and residents are fearful that someone might be deliberately killing them with rat poison.
Five squirrels, one raccoon, one feral cat and a resident’s dog have all suddenly died. The deaths have occurred primarily on 42nd and 43rd Streets (between 43rd Ave and Skillman Ave), according to Rick Duro, president of the Sunnyside United Dog Society. Multiple rats and pigeons were also found dead yesterday on 39th Street and 39th Place, he added.
Duro, along with other SUDS members, is suspicious that someone is putting down rat poisoning.
The owner of the dog that passed away took the pet to the veterinarian, who confirmed that it died from arsenic poisoning, according to Duro.
“It is a horrible death,” he said.
Mariann Nemeth, a resident of the Essex House that is located on 43rd Ave (between 42nd Street and 43rd Street), often feeds baby squirrels and a feral cat.

One of the squirrels found dead
She said four squirrels died on the building’s lawn last week. One died in front of her.
“One was still alive, he was bleeding from the nose, kicking in awful pain,” she said. “I held him in my hand for over eight minutes before he passed away.”
A Sunnyside dog walker has claimed to see a bloody squirrel and a dying cat on 42nd Street and 43rd Ave. Nemeth believes this is the cat she would feed, which has been missing for about two weeks.
The dog walker claims that he saw white powder on the ground, according to Duro.
“I am so upset,” Nemeth said on the verge of tears. “I don’t know what we can do to help the animals.”
SUDS members have been spreading the word throughout the neighborhood, as well as warning pet owners and parents with small children, Duro said.
Duro, Nemeth and SUDS member Jeannette Remak have reached out to the Department of Health. The department is not willing to investigate the matter until it becomes more widespread, the SUDS members were told.
The Health Department did not respond to Sunnysidepost’s request for comment.
A spokesman with the NYPD had no information about the incidents or whether an investigation was being conducted.
SUDS argues that its members have been getting little help from the city.
“I called 311 and all I got was the run around,” Remak said. “This is the most outrageous, unbelievable and aggravating cycle of nonsense I have ever been through in my life. It is appalling that not one person could help.”
They have reached out to Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s office.
“This is clearly a sad and dangerous situation, and my office is working diligently with the NYPD and the ASPCA to stop the poisoning and protect our neighborhood pets,” he said.
“I encourage anyone with further information on the source of the poison to call my office at 718-383-9566, or email me at jvanbramer@council.nyc.gov.”
While residents are concerned about the animals, they are fearful that something even worse might happen.
“Is it going to take a child getting sick for something to get done?” Duro asked. “People have to be held accountable for this.”
This is people that think that all animals will get them sick with the corona virus
It is usually people that hate animals or a religion that tells them that animals are bad
The country isn’t going to help you ,you have to speak on the news get everyone that loves all life to speak up and sign petitions to protect our pets and wildlife
They are doing this cause there is no one to stop them take
Photos and when you can if you see it Being done call the cops . Try to pick it up or have neighborhood watch start every day to stand and watch every street and when you see that person citizens arrest is aloud
And press charges especially the family that lost there pet
This is people that think that all animals will get them sick with the corona virus
It is usually people that hate animals or a religion that tells them that animals are bad
The country isn’t going to help you you have to speak on the news get everyone that loves all life to speak up and sign petitions to protect our pets and wildlife
They are doing this cause there is no one to stop them take
Photos and when you can if you see it call the cops and try to pick it up or have neighborhood watch start every day to stand and watch every street and when you see that person citizens arrest
And press charges especially the family that lost there pet
I shall avenge you !
What type of world we live in when a squirrel can’t bust a nut without getting mugged? TELL ME !
Squirrel lives matter
It’s just the homeless hunting for food.
that squirrel had a family. must you post it?
If everyone could get off the holy high road for one moment, we can agree that most of these animals deserve it. I love all of you and live animals. Amen.
Your Mother really should have made your Father use a condom. There are more important, REAL issues going on in the world than to complain about beautiful feral cats. Plus you are a chicken shit who can’t use your real name. GTFOH.
Dem fighting words ya fruit.
So eloquent you are, Siobhan. Clearly it translates very well in to your every day and work life. You can go see this piece of trailer trash at work in the Irish pub.
yeah…we can do without the feral cats….if you dont live in a house and dont know the pleasure of them using your backyard as a litter box…you cant complain about anything. All you feral cat supporters…..let me pee/poop in ur yard every day…and then let me know if your mindset changes.
The same morons making stupid comments on this site, are probably the same people doing protests or “lay-ins” at Grand Central. Stfu, and go do something instead of running your mouths.
So was this response so brilliant that you just had to say it twice?
The same morons arguing on this post are probably the same people doing a protest or a “lay in” at Grand Central. STFU, and go do something, instead of running your mouths.
How much would a wood chuck chuck if it could? Apparently not much in that neighborhood, it would OD
Can’t “like” this comment enough.
Ok, let’s move on to the next story.
it’s obvious, “a resident of the Essex House that is located on 43rd Ave (between 42nd Street and 43rd Street), often feeds baby squirrels and a feral cat” ….. no need to mention the name (read above).
no one bothers to ask whey they’re feeding???
it’s simple,
– it’s against the law to feed those creatures.
– pets owner2, have your animals on leash period.
John T: Stop being a douche (because that’s how your post is reading) and try adding something positive or productive to this conversation!
I think it’s actually the new squirrels pushing out the old squirrels. Since they can’t afford to rent a limb in Brooklyn, they’re forcing their way in. If you offer a squirrel a nut, and it’s asks if ” it’s gluten-free, free range, local only and a brand you never heard of before” , you’ve found a new one. They tend to have fuzzier faces also.
Some of these comments are just ridiculous.
I would say that 99% are ludicrous. It is hard to find an intelligent comment here.
R-R-Rocky is that you? Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People are putting out food and water on the street for animals (including rats, though that is not what they had in mind). They are setting up the perfect scenario for poisoning. Though a sick person might be doing this, stop leaving food and water for animals – you are only helping poisoning them. If it easy to put poison in water or food left out like this. Let the animals forage for themselves.
When I lived in Brooklyn my landlady was putting out lasagna for “the birds”…I had to break it to her gently that unless birds had four legs and long tails and lived under her shed, they weren’t the ones enjoying it.
While I understand their compassion for animals, feeding them only creates more animals. It’s an endless cycle.
The majority of feral cats in the neighborhood have been TNR’d, so they cannot continue to populate. The presence of feral cats cuts down on rodents. Feeding the stray cats is not “creating more animals”. You remove the cats that are here and you create a vacuum effect, and new cats will replace those cats. Raccoons and opossum have been here for as long as I can remember, along with hawks and other birds. They are part of the wildlife in Sunnyside. You should learn to embrace it.
It does create more pigeons, mice, and cats that aren’t fixed. How many kittens can an unfixed cat produce a year? I see food under cars that the cats eat maybe 1/2 of. The rest goes to the rodents. I’ve seen them dining on the remains many times.
I’m calling bullshit. Please send me the location to you where you see these rodents. The first line scavengers who get to the food first are raccoons and opossum. There is an ecosystem here bird brain, even among this little bit of wildlife that we have. The raccoons & opossum leave hardly anything for rats and mice. Blame your neighborhood teenager for flinging a chicken bone under the car. The handball courts are a mess every Monday morning with food from over the weekend. Again, the majority of the cats in our neighborhood are spayed & neutered. A handful of rescue groups have been dedicated to addressing that issue.
I saw a possum a few weeks ago on 47th St. right off Skillman. I’ve lived in the neighborhood for 26 years, and had no idea we had them here.
As for those who think getting rid of those excess squirrels, etc., is not such a big deal: first, the climate change is already doing it, no need to worry about that; second, deserts, ghettos, war-torn cities have neither animals nor plants, how appealing is that? Also, there’s more filth created by humans: plastic cups, plates, bags, wrappers, food remains, etc., than by any animal. It’s human waste that attracts vermin.
I once saw an entire family (mother, father, plus two kids) eating Dixie cup ice creams on the subway platform. One by one ALL FOUR OF THEM threw their empty cups onto the tracks. I confronted the father and told him that the reason there are so many RATS in New York is because there as many PIGS like him.
The percentage of people who don’t clean up after their dogs is minute next the number of people who throw their own shit on the street.
Another example: I once saw a livery car driver seated in the driver’s seat of his Town Car roll down his window and drop a McDonald’s on the street and drive off. I picked up the bag, followed him, and when he was stopped at the next red light I lifted his windshield wiper, put the bag underneath, and let go of the wiper so that it snapped and held the bag in place, saying “HEY, YOU FORGOT SOMETHING.”
His very unsuccessful solution was to put his wipers on. It not only didn’t dislodge the bag, but put a very nice coating of “Special Sauce” and ketchup all over his windshield.
It’s cretins like these that cause the rat problem.
You were quite nasty to my wife and kids!
To think that a moron like you is a breeder is a terrifying thought.
You are a dope.
I suggest that if LGBT people don’t like to be called derogatory names, the stop with the use of “Breeder.” It’s divisive and pejorative.
Today’s animal abuser is tomorrow’s serial killer. That is what the statistics show. Wake up El loco, cause you are loco.
TO ALL RESIDENTS — keep your eyes open — do your best to search out this idiot(s)-monster(s) — do NOT let these imbeciles get away with their sadistic torment on others — I’d LOVE to throw them in prison and leave them there for at least 5 yrs.
It would be wonderful news to find WHO spread this horrific toxin — it IS possible that it was accidental BUT I highly doubt it (wishful thinking) — to think how these innocent animals suffered, torturously suffered, prior to death and then death itself — this criminal-idiot-monster should be ashamed — this cruel, sadistic, unconscionable act should be taken seriously — the authorities are taking this way too lightly — that’s the problem — they authorities hold little value for other living beings – animals – and they should NOT –I’d throw the monster in prison for a lengthy term along with a fine of $10,000 — clearly, this idiot has mental issues — what’s next? — what’s the next weapon to inflict brutal suffering? — what are we waiting for? — FIND THIS MONSTER & TAKE HIM/HER IN!
I don’t condone this kind of behavior (if its done on purpose to kill animals other than rats) but dog owners need to realize people get pissed off at the lack of respect for the streets. The amount of dogsh*t in this neighborhood is deplorable. There are blocks that I avoid entirely because it’s a giant toilet for disrespectful and selfish dog owners. The excrement gets tracked back to your house, on your carpet, and your kitchens.
Every action has an opposing action. Sometimes those actions are exaggerated and extreme. Understand that what you do affects those around you. You don’t live in a vacuum, despite what the constitution says.
AND nobody knows if it was some sort of accident. Maybe some animal got into a bag full and spread it around. Hanlon’s razor. . .
There is a lot of human trash on the streets of Sunnyside. Everyone in our neighborhood needs to do a better job. I see piss jugs on the sidewalk everyday. I guess left behind by people who drive a lot? Disgusting cigarette butts litter our sidewalks, filled with 100s of toxic chemicals. Parents that allow their kids to toss burger king trash all over the sidewalk. The overwhelming majority of dog owners pick up after their dog. I see it, walking my dog each day/night. The shit you see is from a small group of dog owners. 10 ppl in a area not picking up 2x a day…well, do the math over the course of a week…it’s a lot. You will also notice its in the same spots. Dogs are creatures of habit. The # of litterers is small, but their mess is great. One example, the people who toss trash/food on the ground along the park on skillman, though there are garbage cans a few feet away. Sadly, there are selfish, lazy people in every neighborhood.
Sweetheart. You need a little more human contact and less doggy contact. I love dogs also but I think that your love for dogs is s little over the line. Know what I mean jellybean?
Darling, thank you for your concern:) I’m doing just fine, full social schedule, I teach, and the run is also filled with….. people! Dog parks are just as much about human interaction. Its great to work with your neighbors trying to see how we can make it better- Adoptions, training, fundraising, being good neighbors, education, gardening, etc. Everyone wins when we are civic minded, with the goal of the greater good. It takes work and being active and I enjoy the experience. Cheers
PS-this eve saw Galactic at Bklyn Bowl.
Ok, just a little concerned.
hey rick: who’d you go to the brooklyn bowl with your dog?
What a jerk off comment!! Rick is a saint and we are blessed to have him in our community!
obviously you’re not a saint using that kind of language.
At first the name here was a take on Pat Dorfman, now it’s my buddy El Loco Cabeza. Wha happen?
No, didn’t take my dog, did take yer mom tho!
I don’t disagree that there are selfish, lazy people everywhere, and that there is all kinds of trash on the streets. I have in fact seen livery drivers empty their ash trays and fast food containers right on the curb in front of my apartment. However, hookworm infections, Roundworms (ascarids), giardiasis, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis, or campylobacteriosis can’t be spread by cigarette butts or common litter; and piss jugs usually have the lid on. I’ve also seen few dog owners pick up their dog’s feces. Some do, of course, but the effect of those 10 people is overwhelming. They reflect badly on those that do, but you have to accept that as part of the deal in owning a dog. Besides, “Curb Your Dog” usually means train your pet to shit on the street, not on someones sidewalk, tree, or entrance to someones house, regardless if you pick it up. How many dog owners do that?
Curb your dog doesn’t mean go into the street. Look it up. It means you should try and get them close to the curb.
Yeah, look it up.
Every creature deserves to be protected God bless the people who do it humans aren’t an endangered species either they’re destroying the earth fix your logic
ISIS claims reponsibility. Death to infidel squirrels!
it’s a hipster serial squirrel murderer
I can see the movie now. American Squirrel Psycho.
Get Orlando Bloom or Jared Leto to play the killer.
“Just when you though it was safe to walk your dog. . . “
I will be starting a new organization called SUSS.
Sunnyside United Squirrel Society. We will sell Squirrel meat sandwiches, squirrel hats etc. we will advocate for squirrel rights.
You’re allowed to hunt squirrel in NYS, in season. In NYC/LI, squirrel season is November through February, and the limit is six per day. Them’s good eatin’! (You can hunt red squirrel anytime!)
Joking aside,unlike rats squirrel plant trees, lots of them.
“Through closer observation on my own land, I’ve learned that squirrels and other animals bring more gifts than they take away. We just have to be willing to accept them. Last spring, a friend suggested I remove the oaks, hickories and walnuts popping up in my grass and wildflower areas. Years ago, I probably would have. But now I’ve ceded some landscaping work to nature’s real gardeners, who, if only we’d let them, could eventually plant enough seeds, berries and nuts to feed us all.”
Why isn’t this a criminal investigation but bunch of people making random assumptions and blaming people? Get cops involved, or does some human have to die before they get involved? Dead pests are worse than live pests, the smell, the possible contamination of the area, disease spreading by flies and other animals.
Yes, let’s get the already thinly stretched police involved to avenge the squirrel deaths. Crime, terrorism. Who cares? Save the squirrels. Save the squirrels!
Terrorism? Sure, send every cop to fight terrorism, forget about the people, save the country.. What the hell are you talking about. Let me know when your dog sniffs or gets some of this stuff on her nose, go home and rub it around your kids toys.. What kind of ignorant fool are you? “Terrorism”, give me a break! They don’t even patrol the neighborhood on foot.
You little Trump loving jerk. You have no kids. People like you are the type of animal fanatic terrorists. i hate you, i hate you, i hate you. You make me so mad!
Maybe its not poison, maybe its this filthy disease ridden neighborhood. Its disgusting, nobody cleans up after their pets. Pet owners have a responsibility to clean up and they never do, wake up, your pets smell and lick this crap up. Also this suds outfit is a joke. Ive sent them several emails on this subject, on how i can join,ect, but they never reply. A joke
>>Maybe its not poison, maybe its this filthy disease ridden neighborhood.
The vet who examined the dog that died confirmed arsenic poisoning. I guess you can’t read. As it says in the post:
<<> Pet owners have a responsibility to clean up and they never do.
What are you the official monitor? If you are, you are falling down on the job. There are many, many dogs in Sunnyside and the vast majority of dog owners do in fact clean up after their dogs.
I get all suds emails. Have received zero from….:-p. Where are you sending these emails, buddy? Try Sudsmutts@hotmail.com.
My dog Rocky and other cats and dogs where poisoned from “rat poison ” 11 yrs ago here in the Gardens.At that time it was on 46th street. bet. Skillman ave and 43rd.ave.
I have 2 dogs now and I’ll be sure to keep them away from where those animals where found dead. Maybe we need to start a petition to have something done to keep our animals safe.
we need to do something. it is getting scary . Me as a fur parent am afraid of walking my dog anywhere near there,
I see kids in the park putting water from dirty puddles in their mouths, and just about anything! PLEASE watch your kids!! The authorities won’t take action until a child dies! Disgraceful!
My thoughts exactly…a fellow teacher…
Is Marianne Nemeth related to Joe Nameth? Coockoo, coockoo. I think Rick Duro is a couple of fried shirt of a happy meal also.
I’ll pass on the ‘fried shirts’, thank you. I’m on a diet:)
i meant french fries! you knew what i meant Rickster.
It seems like you are a bit obsessed with me. I may need to borrow one of suds larger dogs as a bodyguard. Brave anonymous keyboard trolls, what would America do without them?
Come on Rick D. loosen up. The squirrel murders have not led to any children being poisoned as some of the weirdos on this blog have predicted. These animals probably just died of old age. You know they do that sometimes. Even in the magical land of Sunnyside.
To paraphrase Lou Reed:
If you speak as well as you write, no one listens to you.
If people want to set up a neighborhood watch, I would be willing to organize a rotating guard schedule and boundaries on the area in question, but we are not about to “beat the crap” out of anybody. Justice needs to be administered without more senseless violence
Psychopath and future serial killer on the loose.
My roommate found a dead raccoon right outside our place two weeks ago! 45th Street and 39th Ave.
There is a sick animal hater out there. I’m not crazy about feral cats and the people who feed them, but I poisoning small animals is a real sign of a sick soul. It should be a criminal offense.
Unless they’re rodents, right? It’s okay to poison rodents? Because rodents are bad. They carry disease, they’re destructive, and they’re invasive. That’s why it’s so easy to buy poison.
Wait a minute. This woman held a dying squirrel in her hands for 8 minutes until he passed away and then cried. I’m sorry but that is weeeeeeird! I love animals with the best of them but come on! Get a life lady. Who does things like that. It’s not like the squirrel is an endangered species. I’m sorry but that is not getting you into heaven. Let’s catch this maniac but lets also stop crying for squirrels. And lets go Mets.
You sound like a real asshole! Sorry not sorry just saying
i bet if you knew me you would really like me. I just believe that we should be devoting more energy and resources to people not squirrels. It is terrible how immigrants, minorities and women are treated. Not that you would have any understanding for any of those groups Jenner.
Live from his Mom’s basement, it’s SAPT! On today’s show he types. Again.
Have a little compassion
I don’t know who is worse the woman comforting the squirrel or the poisoner. I live in Sunnyside and don’t want either in my neighborhood. Comfort your kids not squirrels! A few excess animals died. No big deal. Let’s move on with more important issues like why we can’t have a transportation system that works.
>>”A few excess animals died”
And what about the woman who lost her DOG? Is that what you consider an “excess” animal? Or did you not (or maybe can’t) even read the actual post?
For many people a pet is a loved one and considered a member of the family. Show some decency and respect.
your name is stupid.
You are obviously not a New Yorker.
actually i didn’t read the post.
Big Joe obviously doesn’t have big brain power. Poisoned, dead animals. Lil kids walking the same streets. Put 2 and 2 together, dummy.
I’m sure when all is said and done there will be a logical excuse for all of this. A new squirrel disease. The dog had cancer. These animal fanatics have nothing better to do. People first. Then animals. Stop hugging squirrels. Hug your kids!
Except the dog didn’t have cancer. If you READ the article, you would know that the Vet confirmed it was arsenic poisoning.
Yes, there are many other issues in the neighborhood but, this is also quite sickening and dangerous to the ecosystem as well as our families.
Hey …I’m not crazy about squirrels either but it’s not about that…someone is poisoning animals and they have rights too…besides we have a huge population of children here …it’s only a matter of time before a few squirrels become several pets and then a child…we should not wait …be proactive and get to the bottom of this ASAP…be SMART! if you can’t be compassionate.
Hey Big Joe, I think your name is really Big Joke. No wait, that’s too nice. Let’s make it, ” Big ignorant Asshat”!
I see you’re an admirer of St. Francis.
el Loco- do you every have anything intelligent to say?
If you don’t like free speech move to Cuba, China or N . Korea. I’m sure you’ll be voting for Donald Trump.
Hey El loco:
I’m sick of your stupid provocative comments. I bet that if you met me you wouldn’t open up your stupid mouth. I bet that if i ever met you you would not open your mouth to me. I guaranteer that by reading what you write you are a scared little man. I’m sure that most of the women in this neighborhood could easily kick your butt. i know that personally i could tear you apart. Any time brother. And here is my real name tough guy.
EL LOCO sounds like one of those illegals Trump is going to throw over the wall.
Anthony Whitewood:
You are a phony, pseudo intellectual hipster. People like you have ruined this neighborhood. Go hug your squirrel.
I think Marissa was calling you out to have a fight. step up el loco. meet her on the corner.
Are you crazy. She would use me as a punching bag. I would rather hide behind my computer and rip into everyone.
Total douchebag.
I bet you support Trump. What an asshole you are!
I would hold you for 3 minutes El Loco in a head lock then feed you to squirrels.
I hadn’t taken my pup to the Sunnyside dog park for about a week, we went on Tuesday morning and she drank from the doggie pool – for the next 36 hours she had the worst intestinal sickness I’ve ever seen, twice not able to make it outside in time, extremely unlike her. I wonder if there was some kind of residue from the dogs’ paws in the pool.
Folks should frequently change the water in the pools, especially in this heat.
..no I would EVER let my pet drink from a public ‘pool’ at a dog park….that would be like a person drinking from a large fountain in a public park or outside a high end building …no way to know if the water is clean..better safe than sorry IMHO
There’s a guy on 43rd street btwn 43rd ave & Skillman (next to the large, new building) with a camera on a wooden pole pointing towards the sidewalk and street…. maybe he has something recorded to help?
the week before my beloved dog died I walked him past this house and noticed a strange bright orange powder placed around the perimeter of the with the (6) cameras held together with duct tape long sticks. wouldn’t be surprised if he has something to do with this mystery. not sure what he needs all those cameras for anyway…house is clearly dilapidated. keep your pets far away from there
I’ve always thought the same thing. Something strange about that house for sure!!!
So did you report this?????
I am sooo sorry for your loss….
All i have are pictures of good looking women who walk by. No animal poisoners. And i wouldn’t give it to you anyway because i hate squirrels and feral cats and Sunnyside United Dog Society.
whoa buddy why so much hate?
Get a life, trolling douche
Elect Trump and build a wall ASAP.
Set up a neighborhood watch and then beat the crap out of whoever is doing this or a camera
So now this is the thing these hipster jerks are doing? Putting out rat poison to kill squirrels and pets and a cat??? It wasn’t enough to ruin our neighborhood by taking everything over? I’m not gonna pretend that squirrels can’t be a menace. Heck, one of them even chewed up the wood on my mother’s deck! And it could even do a back flip!!! LOL You don’t have to believe that, but my mother saw it more than once. So I could see if the squirrels were being a menace is all I’m saying, but this whole story sounds like hipster turkeys to me. Think about it – these killings are a new thing, and what’s the newest thing of our neighborhood??? Hipsters. Maybe they should just go ahead and use the poison on themselves and stop trying to hang out at Salt & Fat and even The Courtyard now!!! I swear, the next time I see one of these clowns I’m gonna walk right over to him or her and say “Hey, pal. Know where I can get some good rat poison?” These dopes need to know that they can’t just take over a neighborhood and start snuffing out the animals of the neighborhood. Clown jerks.
You need to cut down on the alcohol. It’s not good for your physical or mental health.
Yea, this sounds exactly what “hipsters” do. Are you for real?
Can I back over you with my SUV? it might hurt you but make me feel good!
actually we get most of our rat poison from the bike paths along Skillman—city helpfully installed them for us so we can grab some to and from the farmer’s market and then go poison some dogs. but good detective work clunky!
Um… what do YOU think a “hipster” is, out of curiosity?
This is terrible. My dog (roughly 60 pound lab mix) was sick earlier this week with the worst intestinal trouble I’ve seen in a dog. I wonder if this is why, and if his large size compared to the other animals mentioned in the article is the reason he’s still with us?
How could anyone possibly dislike this post?
Hopefully just because they are sad that it happened!
I’m sorry, I pressed dislike 1 time.
There are replies that deserve a dislike.
Isn’t that exactly where the unsolved street murder occurred a few years ago? Human’s, animals…hope there isn’t a psycho amongst us.
I hope whomever is responsible for this dies a long painful death. What a horrible thing to do. Please check your security cameras if you have any to help identify and locate this sicko.
This is terrible. 🙁
Of course, that wouldn’t have saved the squirrels, raccoon or the feral cat. But, Booey, the cocker spaniel, would still be with us.
Is that what happened?! Oh no 🙁
He’s my neighbor and I was too nervous to ask where the dog was.
Pet owners in the area should all keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in their homes and be prepared to feed it to their pets to induce vomiting in the event they eat a dangerous substance
Far more is necessary if an animal ingests poison! They also need to be given large volumes if activated charcoal to absorb toxins that are not vomited up , which can still be enough to kill or cause severe organ damage. Fluids may also be indicated.
Please- a pets poison ingestion situation is NOT the time for home remedies ! There are 24 hour vets in most areas.
hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting and activated charcoal to absorb the toxin is the vet remedy.
obviously, the advice being given shouldn’t be a replacement for going to the Vet.
Are you some type of fiend or something? I’m a paralegal. i know. Feeding someone hydrogen peroxide will make them seriously ill or kill them. Good god!
Hydrogen peroxide is the vet recommended way to induce vomiting. And may I ask what being a paralegal has to do with anything?
Little Joey, once again you don’t know what you are talking about!
Booey the cocker spaniel? In the immortal words of Donald Trump. Oy vey. A world without booey the cocker spaniel is like a world without love.
actually i take that back. i knew Booey. He was a sweet little fellow and the world is a little sadder without him. He was a sweet little fellow who didn’t deserve to die so young.
But Dana the owner of the new cocker does not pay her dog sitters . She is
A con artist .
It’s really simple…..put up signage, so that people know you have put down poison around your property. It’s the law.
But animals can’t read… so this won’t save the squirrels or cats or birds of prey.. or any dog who is loose or can grab faster than owner can react!
Wrong Suzy. My dog can read better than you!
…that’s why dog owners that love their pets pay attention to them while walking them…any domesticated pet on a leash should NOT be eating things off the ground and smart dog owners watch their dog closely to help prevent this behavior ..IMHO
But you cant stop them inhaling…powder dust poison..
This guy must have something to do with it
was there a lot of dog poop that wasnt picked up by the dog owners in that area?