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Man Who Stabbed Dog to Death in Woodside And Failed To Appear in Court Busted, Sentenced: DA

Jose Tox was sentenced to 6 months in jail for stabbing a dog to death in front of this 59-10 39th Ave. home in Woodside (Photo: Google)

June 3, 2019 By Christian Murray

A Brooklyn man who stabbed a dog to death in Woodside in 2017 and then failed to appear in court was arrested in April for stealing a bottle of vodka from a Woodside Avenue liquor store.

Jose Tox, 27, who has pleaded guilty to animal cruelty and petit larceny charges, was sentenced last week to six months jail for stabbing and killing a dog on 39th Avenue—a breach of the Agriculture and Markets Law.

He was also sentenced to six months for the liquor-store theft and one day for jumping bail. All three sentences will run concurrently, so Tox will get six months jail in total.

According to the charges, Tox was observed walking in front of 59-10 39th Ave. on Sept. 16, 2017, at around 10:48 p.m. He was seen pacing back and forth in front of a fence, before leaning over and thrusting a small knife into the dog—called Betsy—before fleeing the scene.

The knife left a one-inch deep stab wound beneath Betsy’s jaw that ultimately killed her. Police arrested Tox one block away from the location in possession of a gravity knife.

Tox made two appearances in court after being charged for animal cruelty but failed to appear on his following court dates. A bench warrant was then issued.

One year later, he was observed on April 15, 2019, stealing a bottle of Vodka from the 5 Star Wine & Liquor Store at 59-12 Woodside Ave. He was soon arrested.

Tox, as part of his sentence, is banned from owning or possessing or residing with any animal for five years after his release and is required to register with the New York City Department of Health as an animal abuser.

“The defendant has pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to jail for this cruel act against a defenseless animal,” said acting district attorney John M. Ryan in a statement. “This office will not tolerate these kinds of acts of aggression towards innocent animals. The sentence issued by the Court is more than warranted.”

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Kind of a sign telling you how many crazies are around us. They can’t be dealt with, they can’t be reasoned with, sort of like robots, mindless useless robots. Sometimes you just yell at them, or try to convince them they are idiots, it’s pointless, we need to calm down and let them be, eventually they’ll get what they deserve.

Eileen Bennett

When you have so many low life scrum walking among us you don’t ever leave an animal unattended when they are outside. This lowlife is only getting 6 months?? Does that mean he will be out in 3 months for good behavior?
People please stay with your animals when they are outside their lives might depend on it!


He basically got nothing, as the two sentences are “concurrent.” What a joke! He stabbed a defenseless animal for NO REASON. He’s SICK and needs to be removed from society. Will probably start killing people for no reason–if he hasn’t already.


Should have gotten more time but at least he got time. Some people just get away with it.


yeah, that’ll fix’em. or just make him more violent and attack people instead when he gets out.


There is something seriously deficient with a legal system that doesn’t respect ALL life as sacred. Six months for stabbing a defenseless animal?! And what’s more, BILLIONS of animals are being stabbed, bludgeoned, shot and electrocuted to death for NO REASON, other than people are so resistant to change. If you REALLY love animals, you DON’T EAT OR WEAR THEM!!


it sure is! this porter house steak i’m eating now tastes so much better while reading your post.


How could the system even allow for a person to own or be around an animal after such disgraceful act?! He and anybody who harms an animal should received years and years of punishment.

Richard Wyzykowski

6 months for killing someone’s dog , are they kidding ? Anyone that can kill a dog is not far from killing a person !

Pa Ingalls

I’ve seen different. The ASPCA sees abuse and neglect they remove the animals that day. Children get to stay with their abusive and neglectful parents for literal years while CPS “works” with the family. I think it should be same day removal for both. But that’s just me.


What an extremely lenient sentence for a serial criminal! What is going on with our justice system? Just a one-day sentence for skipping bail?! I shudder that this criminal will reoffend again when he’s back on the streets, and he will continue to be treated with kid gloves.


WTH? He stabs and kills a dog, robs a liquor store, and doesn’t bother to show up in court. This is a violent crime. Anybody with any knowledge of criminal behavior will tell you, he is a threat to society. All animal abusers are. He should have gotten years, not months.

Pa Ingalls

TBH he should never see the light of day again. He is obviously crazy (most who refuse to heed to court summons’ for example, are). He should be removed from society.

Pa Ingalls

Why is it that these morons are coming TO Woodside or Sunnyside from somewhere else?

Lourdes Gonzalez

I agree with you he doesn’t deserve to be out in six months. This person has mental issues and should not be walking the streets of New York City.


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