Jan. 26, 2017 Staff Report
A man was punched and struck over the head with a bottle by two suspects at a Woodside nightclub Saturday, according to police.
The suspects approached the victim inside Laboom, a nightclub located at 56-16 Northern Blvd., at approximately 4:00 am on January 21 and punched him and struck him with a bottle in the back of his head.
The victim, a 23-year-old man, was taken to hospital and received stitches for a laceration on his head.
The suspects have been described as heavy set Hispanics, with one having a beard.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)

Suspects (NYPD)
“They come over because the laws enable them to receive free shyte. “
The guy in the red , his face looks like a catchers mitt. Ugh!
2 really ugly people. They look like the belong in a zoo so i guess i have to agree with smellyside, a cage in a jail is very appropriate.
Fatties will eat a lot of meat at rikers
Fatso and fatso. Hit the guy with a bottle when hes not looking. Real men you are. Shit, wait till you two tubby pork chops taste the food at the island. You will be losing weight soon fatty
Bring back stop and frisk of all questionable looking people. No matter white, latino, black, asian, you can spot the trouble makers just by the looks half the time, and %50 success is better than %0.
Not saying the guy who got bashed is a saint either, garbage will attract flies.
You forgot to mention the homeless shelters, robberies and self defense classes and the list goes on..
@no cameras no JVB Bobby’s list way out numbers yours even with your bogus entries to your list. Homeless shelters in Sunnyside??? How com you neglected to Sunnysiders post which is directly addressed to you? You’re just a chest pounding blowhard who isn’t very good at this game.
Louis..I think it would be to your benefit if you inquired about the ESL classes being offered at LaGuardia C.C..Just one of the many great benefits available here in Queens!
Queens values at work here?..JVB says Trump’s position on immigration displays ” Callousness and Inhumanity”… Sorry JVB but where is your compassion and humanity for the homeless ” immigrants” living under the train across from your office?..They have been there for months and JVB parks his car there…He callously walks by on a daily basis..So much for his ” Queens Values”!…Don’t expect JVB to get involved until the cameras show up!
Thank You JVB. Library funding, new garbage cans, working street lamps, school funding, neighborhood beautification, new benches in the business strips and the list goes on. You really bring home the funding. Thanks again.
-No Cameras What have you done to help these people? You’re always looking for Gov’t to do everything.. Take some initiative and get involved and be proactive. All It involves is picking up a phone. Stop looking for the Govt to do everything for you. People like you want a nanny state. Stop shooting your pathetic mouth off on a blog and get involved. You sound like a big mouth do nothing jerk.
With simultaneous NIMBYism about homeless shelters, right? Don’t be a hypocrite.
They’re violent so they must be the Trump supporters JVB told us might start physically attacking us.
Yea ok violent people are “trump supporters” you do know hispanics voted for hilary right?
They are typical criminals
maybe crossfit will give them a discount if they join as they look like they could lose a few ibs
Finally, a decent photo of suspects. This is even better than the banks’. It shouldn’t be difficult to identify them.
Build that wall
People don’t come over because of the lack of a wall. They come over because the laws enable them to receive free shyte. Plus the prohibition on drugs increases the risks of jail or death thus the price increase of it all is attractive. Legalize drugs! There’s legal drugs that are just as much if not even more dangerous than “street drugs”.
“They come over because the laws enable them to receive free shyte. “
You mean like corporations setting up a HC in Ireland and the Cayman Islands so they can avoid paying billions in taxes? Or maybe you were talking about the trickle down bullshyte padding the wallets of the wealthy? Or maybe the “deals” trump is setting up to give corporations all kinds of subsidies so that they can “make america white again” and keep businesses in the US as a smoke screen for more tax havens and loopholes?
It’s not a matter of free shyte, it’s a matter of who gets it.
La pared no mantendrá a dominicans idiota!
Shut this club down already!!! There are always problems in this place.