46th Street and Queens Boulevard
July 26, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
A man stole a trumpet from a victim in broad daylight on 46th Street and Queens Boulevard, police say.
A 33-year-old man was playing his trumpet at 2:35 p.m. on July 14 at the northeast corner of Queens Boulevard and 46th Street when an unidentified man came from behind and snatched it.
The suspect then fled from the scene in an unknown direction.
The NYPD is looking for the whereabouts of the unidentified male, and have released an eyewitness sketch. He is described to be in his twenties, black, approximately 6’5”, and 190 pounds.
Anyone with information in regards to this missing is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.

Police sketch of unidentified individual.
Maybe it’s in the pawn shop on the corner.
Why do you wish he was white? This I have to hear.
Man, I really wished that was a white guy that did it. But then again if it were, it probably wouldn’t have made news anywhere.
You racist
20% my bad.
Guiliani got rid of the squeegie people but this mayor can’t get rid of the trumpet playing panhandlers? Also I noticed squeegie people ,beggars, and water selling people on queens blvd. This is what Im going to pay a million dollars for a house for in Sunnyside? I don’t get it, the other article says housing is going up 120%, ,why? To live with this?
He should have hit him over the head with the trumpet first the stole it. BTW, on canal street there’s a pawn shop with a $2000 trumpet for sale for $500. EFF ann
Cholly buy it for Mr. Magloo.
Perhaps the perp was just feeling horny.
it was i, bix.
i travelled back in time from a better place in time.
to re-invent my look as scottie pippin and harry potter mixed.
to steal the trumpet of a man blowing what he thinks is good music.
i must not have this nonsense blowing in the air on the street i lived and died
the trumpet is where it belongs, don’t bother searching
it is the height of arrogance to bring a trumpet out in public and “perform”. what these quote unquote musicians don’t get is they are actually practicing and everyone around them has to endure the pain. its unbelievably rude and selfish. many thanks to the person who took the trumpet…he performed a community service for us all!
Corporal agarn f troop
Doc- scottie p has a hot wife whos been in the paper for cheating on him with some rap guy.
Eff him and his $2000 trumpet. Hes annoying, go get a gig in the proper venue if you want to earn a living. Stop the panhandling!
See what diversity brings let those people go to the rich neighborhoods see it if they like it the next thing will be drive by shootings
I’m with Emily. Eat the rich!
That will teach him not to play his trumpet in public.
The theft occurred in the plaza under the 7 train (where people are sitting)
in broad daylight.
Property worth $2,000 was taken. The musician’s trumpet was snatched.
I fail to see the humor in this.
Give the 108 time, this was no grand larceny let alone robbery. Chalk it up as lost property, nothing to see here move along, crime is down. Viva the Sandinista!
that guys one of the most symmetrical people ive ever seen!
Yay for the trumpet stealer!! Thank you!
Why do “musicians” insist on “sharing their craft” with us? Newsflash: YOU ARE NOT TALENTED. GIVE IT UP! YOU ARE ACTUALLY REALLY RUDE AND SELFISH! Blow that out of your horn jerk!
better not say anything JVB will be mad — this is CULTURE – lol
Sounds like the perp did us a favor by taking this guys trumpet away. His sound is annoying.
Well that blows
Lmfao ?
“it is unclear if the instrument the victim was playing is the stolen trumpet”
is anyone else baffled by this line??
Some bad writing.
I’m more baffled at your inability to read clearly. Do what your teachers and parent(s) told you to do in 1st grade and re-read that article.
Did Scottie Pippen have kids?
This place is getting ridiculous! But not as bad as JH.
Besides, who made that sketch
Whats it doing aye bobby boy?
Cucumber eyes
He looks like urkel so funny
Where’s Waldo?
no, but a bullet definitely will. i fully support open carry. thugs have no power when everyone can protect themselves.
No one asked whether or not you support open carry, but now I’m concerned as to how quickly you jumped to violence as a solution.
The point is, I think we should shoot people that steal trumpets. It’s that serious!
arthur, why’d you steal that trumpet? having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card.
6’5″???? 190, shouldn’t be hard to find. The trumpet guy is annoying anyway. Look for a basketball playing trumpet guy.
Hahaha Muriel stole my trumpet.