Suspect (NYPD)
Feb. 4, 2016 Staff Report
The police are searching for a man who allegedly grabbed a 27-year-old woman’s buttocks on a Manhattan-bound 7 train near the 61st Street/Woodside station Monday.
The incident took place on Feb. 1, at 8:20 am, and the victim was able to take a photo of the alleged perpetrator.
The woman confronted the man about his actions and he fled the train at the 61st Street/Woodside station, police said.
The suspect is described as a male Hispanic, 5’7″, 40 to 45 years old, 150lbs, who was last seen wearing a black jacket, dark blue jeans, yellow work boots and he carried a dark colored book bag.
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.
Man, I take this train once in a while. Let me tell you something, if I ever seen a scum bag like this id fIN throw him down the stairs. I don’t know why nobody helped. Just because a man seems crazy don’t believe the man is actually crazy. Take a deep breath and do something to solve the situation. Follow the suspect quietly and report to police.
Bulimic Panda gropes because he is very small and has no game. True story.
Being small is the entire point of bulimia.
I personally keep my claws to myself but see no harm in those that choose to rub knuckles against a tight ass or tuna sandwich during rush hour.
G-d bless all of us and our little Sunnyside.
Groping a woman on the subway is an act of violence. Men know that in all situations a woman’s body is off limits without explicit permission. Women’s bodies serve them, women use them to accomplish all the work she must do to keep body and soul together. A man’s response to that his just that, his response. he is in control of himself. If he chooses to violate the most basic social contract–the right to be safe in public–he destroys his victim’s sense of safety in the public sphere. Life-long repeated violations of a woman’s bodily integrity causes extreme psychological harm, whether there is a bruise, a cut, or a red mark. A person thinking constantly about personal safety can not effectively negotiate other situations in life.
You adopted perverted propaganda. Groping is natural, harmless, and a man’s God given privilege unless it’s against my wife or girlfriend. God bless and good luck out there.
A slip of a girl Yes “groping” is an act of violence right up there with blowing somebody’s head off, plunging a knife in someones chest or punching somebody’s teeth out. The incidence of groping varies around the world, and some countries have acquired a reputation for it. In some countries, it is common for a woman’s buttocks to be pinched or slapped in a crowded area. In many countries, unwelcome groping or touching of any part of another person’s body is illegal but still not an act of violence, but in almost all countries it is considered unacceptable behaviour. Italy used to have a reputation for men pinching women’s bottoms, and the term groping could perhaps be applied, but it was not a common term at that time (mid-20th century, for example). Japan has a reputation for females being groped on trains and buses to the extent that the authorities have implemented anti-groping campaigns, which has received considerable media attention and been the subject of serious study in recent years. The victim in this case handled the situation correctly, public shaming is an effective method. My great grandmother told me she would poke gropers with a hat pin back around WWII (many would consider this an act of violence and assault with a weapon). Do you really believe that this guy touching this woman’s buttocks has caused “extreme psychological harm”? You sound more warped then the jerk grabbing women on the subway…
Girl…Are you for real? Extreme psychological harm will a rise from an incident of groping. How weak fragile do you think women are? Thinking like yours was the root of the consensus 100 years ago that justified laws preventing women from owning property and to be treated as second class weak and inferior citizens.
Barbara is a wise woman. I fully support you and your husband George Sr and son Sir George III.
Bulimic Panda I’ve seen your comments and not at all flattered by you comment. God bless and amen.
Anybody gropes my Adrian will get a knuckle sandwich!
Remember… Groping is like eating potato chips ..
Actually it’s like eating your mo.
@ Tacos
And now all things will conspire to disrupt & disatisfy your life…
You’ll be praying I come to get you!
Groping is a natural instinct.
So is punching you in the face.
I support innocent groping not violence. Who’s the better man? Messiach will decide. God bless you and your temper problem. Amen.
Stupidity is Bulimic Panda’s natural instinct.
Rocky wow everyone is right about you. Go back to my post it never said anything about groping people on the subway being ok. I said there was a difference between between getting robbed or slashed vs getting groped. Most would agree there is an extreme difference of the level of violence and degree of criminality. Dude learn to read.
Actually, grabbing a woman on the subway is an act of violence.
-Rocky You’re wrong…again.. Interpersonal violence is defined as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against another person or against a group or community that results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.”Mar 5, 2015
-David Did I just see this idiot ignore your entire post about “degree” of criminality and “level” of violence.? But act like he is responding to your post. Hahaha The guy is the very definition of brain dead blowhard. He claims he has a degree but it doesn’t seem to come through in his comments.
Trust Mac, David. He is the best example of a brain dead blowhard known to man. A poster child, even (emphasis on child).
@Mac Who is the guy shadowing you? He even considers himself your counter part..Somebody has a crush on you..
Meanwhile Commissioner Bratton wants us to know how “safe” we are and it is our fault if we become crime victims.
There is a big difference between getting robbed or slashed and somebody getting “goosed”. I didn’t realized a man could be so easily intimidated and that full of fear that he would consider a grope a life threatening event. The victim wasn’t as afraid of Rocky she even confronted the perp. Rocky wants to hide behind the police commissioner. Maybe Rocky should change his Sunnyside post handle to Cowardly Lion.
-David This Rocky is a politicizing fool and not very good at it. Don’t waste your time..
Joe at the Berkeley probably ogles girls in tight sweaters since he has a boring life #blamefoxnewsjoe
You think that feeling a lady up on the subway is ok? Maybe you should change your handle to “#likes togoose the girls”.
Yes it’s perfectly ok. God bless.
This Makes Me So Sick….Men Like Him Need Their Hands Chopped Off.