April 18, 2019 By Christian Murray
A worker was shot inside a Sunnyside drug store at around 2 p.m. today during a botched robbery.
Police said the shooting took place at 48-11 Skillman Ave., inside Sunnyside Pharmacy, and that they are currently searching for the perpetrator.
The victim was shot by a 22 caliber pistol, police said, and is likely to survive. The victim, who has been identified as a 27-year-old Asian man, was transported to Elmhurst hospital.
Dan Glasser, the owner of Stray Vintage, an antique store located next door to the pharmacy, said the man was shot in the arm.
“I was in the back of my store and I heard yelling. Then I heard the sound of a firecracker. Then I heard more yelling–and another firecracker,” Glasser said.
Glasser said that he went over to the store and saw the victim with a bloody arm.
Cops continue to search the area for the suspect, with the suspect believed to have gone up Skillman toward 49th Street. The suspect is described as being an Hispanic man in his 30s.
Nearby schools P.S. 11 and P.S. 150 were on lock down but have since reopened. There is currently a large police presence in the area.

(Correction: The initial story said it was the owner of the store who was shot, based on witness accounts. The police were unable to confirm this)
Perpetrator was arrested but never did time for this. Still free. Clear message here.
I want Jimmy Van Bramer to tell us how safe the neighborhood is and if it isn’t it is all Trump’s fault. Maybe he can lead another march over the bridge.
been in sunnyside six years and maybe it’s just me but the streets seem a lot less safer and a heck of a lot dirtier
Completely agree. Lived there for years but finally moved out last year. It was enough for me.
We can thank DiBlasio for bringing our City back to the 1970s crime wave! Our poor neighborhood has seen such an increase in crime. This is the second time PS150 has been locked down within three weeks! Criminals now know there are no penalties. You can jump turnstiles and not be arrested, carry small amounts of marijuana, etc. And this man is considering running for President in 2020? Delusional!
While I don’t think president has anything to do with Sunnyside there is definitely some serious problems with what’s going on around here. Is it he homeless shelters is it gangs is it just overall type of people? It’s horrible that 150 had to be locked down and kids have to go through that stress. All because of this one idiot who thinks he can get away with this. Get him 108!
The community is going to shit. Thank you for all the great neighbors who care more about the colors of historic windows or socialistic tones and verbiage posted on there windows. May crime find you and eventually make you awake into a true reality of the world your pushing.
Thank the BID for making “Sunnyside is the new Woodside”. Not your neighbors. The neighborhood has gone severly downhill since that marketing ploy.
You are absolutely right. Let’s start preserving life instead of architecture that needs to be upgraded in our own person way instead of dictated by DICtatoriañ preservationists. Preserve our right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
We need new leadership. First Amazon is gone, now more crime. We needed Amazon maybe they can make some change here. Amazon would not let it’s backyard turn to this.
108 Precinct should patrol the Sunnyside area more often. Sunnyside is not safe anymore as before. Every single afternoon/night, cars and motorcycles are racing on Skillman Ave, right across kids park, and seems like nobody cares. ….till one child will end up dead under a car.
The police can’t be everywhere all the time. It’s physically and monetarily impossible. The founders of the country knew this. It’s up to the People/communities to defend themselves. This is the case for Liberty and Personal Responsibility.
Look at how some areas of Howard beach have zero crime. Those residence are active in protecting their neighborhood. The NYPD don’t even go there.
Sunnyside on the other hand… What residences will stand up and defend the town? It sends a message to criminals. Rob this neighbourhood and possibly get caught or Rob this neighbourhood and a resident will defend themselves to the max. When seconds count and the police are minutes and miles away. Rely on yourselves and neighbors.
To be honest, the precinct is just too far away.
thats why you always have to protect yourself. make sure you are armed. nobody else will protect you from these thugs. nobody.
I actually have noticed more patrol cars in the area recently. Maybe they are listening to somebody.
Why mention the victims race? The perp, yes, but why the victim. Hope he recovers.
This is why business owners should be able to defend themselves with a side arm. A carry town is a polite town. Especially when seconds count and yet the police are still minutes away.
How safe is it really, if everyone’s got a gun? Think about it.
A carry town is a polite town. Self preservation will make it a safe town. There’s nothing to think about when truth is involved. You’re more worried about what OTHER people are going to do… but that thoughts is truly not about other people its really a thought about yourself. Trust yourself.
States with weak gun laws and higher gun ownership lead nation in gun deaths
The highest crime in America is in the states with the most citizens packing..Just check out the FBI stats.
No one is safe if everyone has a gun. Think about that!
in Killary’s NYC, it’s illegal to defend yourself in a Democrat controlled NYC. Criminals are an important demographic for Democrat vote support and are aggressively protected. Stand Your Ground legal protection for victims does not exists in NY.
Bundy- We could tell you never served. You sound as if you know absolutely nothing about the subjects of firearms ans security, except what you’ve seen in movies and video games.
You seem lonely and it’s obvious you’re just a hard person to be around because of your outdated thinking.
I think A.Bundy’s handle should be A.Bunker instead.
The precinct twitter post says he was seen fleeing west bound. Wouldn’t that be toward 47th St.?
47th is east of 48th
The street numbers going up are heading further east. Avenue numbers going up are heading South.
Still wrong. 47 is North of 48 off of skillman.
Nice to to have a description of the victim, but would’t it be beneficial to have a description of the shooter? Wonder why it wasn’t given?
Probably – correction* most definitely a drug addict looking for controlled substances such as oxy Xanax and other painkillers maybe it has something to do with the fact that the old owner an old russian jewish man Dave used to sell pills under the table for cash with no prescription to a certain few people from what i heard..
What’s going on with all this crime!? Will it bring property value down?
It will bring the Trumptards here to blame it on homeless and Amazon
Our leaders have sold out our community.. Its very clear now crime is taking over Sunnyside. Those who deny this fact are the same people who deny reality and there leader and religion. The 108 cant even believe the 2000% increase in robberies ,shootings, rapes and petty theft.
What do you think is going to happen when you allow illegal convict immigrants here?!?
@scary thought- Yes, all this crime will bring your property value down. If you’d like I’ll do you a favor and take your nearly worthless and getting even more worthless property off your hands. Tell me using this comment stream, the best way to get in touch with you. Don’t drag your feet time is crucial.
It has been declining for several years now. Just look at all the commercial property closed, and boarded up for many years. No one is exactly jumping on the opportunity to start up a business in this area. Businesses closed range from Skillman through to Greenpoint Avenue.
108th Precinct has a blurry store camera pic up of the guy. Jacket and baseball cap not that distinctive, but check out the shoes.
Where is the photo?
Channel 7 had the story on tonight’s 6PM news with same in-store camera pic. Reporter said the store owner was not the victim.
he is a light hispanic man that is what the news is saying.
That’s surprising..I thought for sure he would be a Swede.
Or Norweigan, those people are destroying our neighborhood because people refuse to be honest about the situaction.
What are the odds!
Astoria Patch reported that police said the suspect headed south on Skillman (not north up Skillman), and was wearing a green jacket and blue jeans. Wonder if this is related to the two who were caught robbing pharmacies in Queens last November?
Funny. This dude is in complete black. Great kindergarten work, guys!
We need cameras on our streets! Our neighborhood is not as safe as we think it is.
Everyone needs to hold JVB accountable for the cameras. This is his responsibility to see the increase in crime and start getting it done. Stop asking people how to spend a million dollars when shit like this happens on his block.
He spends more time getting on the useless instead of the useful.
Probably one of the many junkies in the neighborhood trying to get pills.
I bet it was the opioid crisis.
I’m guessing it had something to do with the opioid epidemic.
Reports say it might be a BB gun
Has anyone noticed the exponential increase in the amount of rats in Sunnyside?..I am a long time resident and see them in the morning and evening while taking a walk..What has brought this about?
Your comment has nothing to do with this article. Why post it?
The sewer replacement project uprooted them. The EPA put out big box traps, this seems to have reduced their numbers onb47h & 46th streets at 43rd Avenue.
I have noticed this as well, we never had rats in my building until this past thanksgiving where we noticed an infestation
Its Spring. Plus cats don’t kill rats… the rats are too big. Smaller mid-size dogs kill rats.
Arvin, Maybe it’s the $2,500 reward from Crime stoppers picking up all the garbage on our streets.
A crazy woman leaves out plates filled with wet cat food, all over the neighborhood, several times a week. She is feeding rats, not cats.
This is the place that refuses to sell… what… Oxycontin? Fentanyl? Something like that, right?
Yes. There is a note on the door about it.
I want to hear the usual suspects tell us how “crime has gone down”. Yeah, right: I know that the police are being told to let lots of people go and the D.A.’s are reducing felons to misdemeanors. By all means, let’s vote for a District Attorney who wants to open up the jails! So, let’s vote for whomever Jimmy Van Bramer supports and we will all be safe and sound!
Probably disputing over the bike lanes implemented by JVB. Stupid bike lanes thank god JVB is done representing the constituents of Sunnyside
I can’t believe there’s an actual human who would make the above comment in light of this neighborhood crisis. Prayers to the poor store owner.
Inappropriate, snarky comment, Anonymous. This is a serious situation.
How insensitive.
A man was shot and you’re still angry about parking?
A man is shot and you’re frothing at the mouth over bike lanes. SMH
He got shot in the arm and is going to survive .. without the police report, we can speculate all we want .. joke will be on you if it really was over bike lanes
The follow-up story said he demanded money and didn’t get it. Maybe other cameras in the area will catch his escape route, or if he used a bike or not.
I like the bike lanes, some of us don’t have cars so it’s convenient to have another mode of transportation specially since the 7 is rarely functional.
Why Are We Discussing Street Design.
Ummm. Knock knock on wood but the seven has been amazing lately.
wow, really? how tone deaf are you? clearly had nothing to do with the bike lanes nor anything to do with the representation of our current Councilman. Desperate person likely looking for drugs. Go hard on the lanes somewhere appropriate.