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Man shot in Woodside after refusing to hand over his belongings

police-tape-lights-generic1May 9, 2016 By Michael Florio

A 55-year-old man was shot during a botched robbery attempt in Woodside in the early hours Sunday morning.

Two men approached the victim on 61st Street near Broadway at 4:42 am and demanded his property.

The victim, who was walking along 61st Street with his girlfriend, refused to hand over his belongings, according to police.

One of suspects then pulled out a gun and shot the victim three times, twice in his left thigh and once in his buttocks, according to police.

The two suspects, both describe as Hispanic, fled the scene.

The victim was transported to Elmhurst Hospital for treatment of his injuries, which are not considered life threatening. The man’s girlfriend was not injured in the incident.

An investigation is ongoing.

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Whether people say ‘stop and frisk’ is still around or it’s not, it should DEFINITELY be around and nobody should get off in court for the police officer having no reason to do so and illegal items found on that individual. If I’m stopped and frisked, so be it. I have no laws to break. I have no violent weapons on me. I don’t have no drugs on me. If the police waste five minutes of my time, then it is what it is. We all get stopped and frisked at the airport to ensure safety. Same concept. I have no problem with that. I’m not carrying anything illegal on me to a plane. Minorities are stopped and frisked the most. Racism? Look up the crime rates that are done by minorities in the NYC area. Compare them to white people. I’m sure a lot of minorities in the crime-filled communities would rather have crime go down and root for stop and frisks. If they stop and frisk individuals the police know in the community that have rap sheets, then tell them to stop going to jail. People should stop blaming others for being racist and start being real. Numbers don’t lie. Safety comes first. I also believe non-violent crimes should not be punished so harshly with their sentences. That’s a major problem in NYC. Lengthy prison sentences filling up jail cells for non-violent crimes. The city needs to change those rules.

Chilling Out in Sunnyside

In the rest of New York State, private firearms ownership is considered a right, not a privilege. In Westchester and all the other Counties, even on Long Island there are thousands of people legally holding “Concealed Carry Permits”, we do not see an epidemic of “Shoot-Outs” due to Law Abiding Citizens carrying firearms. The NYPD has made it difficult for City Residents to enjoy the right to defend one’s self, by their overly litigious and time consuming requirements for granting “Concealed Carry Permits”.
It isn’t Law Abiding Citizens that cause the problems, but rather “Criminals”, so if we know we can be preyed upon by Criminals, do we not demand the laws be changed to allow NYC Residents, the same “Rights to Self Defense” that other NY State Residents enjoy?

Lock email up

61 and Broadway at 4:45 am?? Sounds like they were stumbling home from some bar. Take a taxi next time at least youll get home safe.

Pack up the truck

Is SUPER WHITTY SMITTY a guy or a girl? It’s hard to tell, at first look ,the picture looks like a hot chick, then if you look close….it might be a man. Comments sound like a female but you never know..s.w.s. show us a body pic please, id like to check you out. No disrespect, just curious to see what’s up with you. Thx

Sunnyside resident

Jesus u are all a bunch of idiots! Shut up, someone got shot… And you jerks are talking shit! This is why this country is so messed up and Donald trump will be the next joke for a president. Shut up and get a life all of u. Especially u crack dealer u talk way too much on every post. Everyone else is tired of reading your bullshit! Even your name suggests your a dumbass!

Craic Dealer

Lol that’s Martial Law. You need to realize that just because you wont be out that means people should be forced to do what you’re doing because you somehow know whats best.


David, if BFN raised a point other than his usual diatribe I would have responded to it. He did not. Muggers usually go for the softest target with the best return. Fearsome gangbangers not withstanding. I responded to a specific post that alleged that had the mugger known that the victim was armed he would have shot him not in the legs but in the head. I also said Craic Dealer is not naive, I stand by that (I think he is bat shit crazy but entertaining in his way).


-anon Please provide the source of your soft target theory..I am retired from the job 12 years and know opportunity is the driving factor in the commission of a crime. A poorly lit street, an intoxicated target (makes for easy get away and poor witness), brash and flashy display of property like jewelry or money. How many armed NFL and NBA stars with armed body guards have been robbed and even shot in the past 5 years alone? You and Craic dealer both speak very “naively” the posters are correct. You have obviously never served or been in an actual shoot out, this is obvious by the content of both of your posts. I realize the story of topic is a single street robbery and does not arise to the definition a “shoot out”. If you honestly believe a gun in your possession and in the possession of more citizens is going to reduce crime or magically prevent you from being victimized you’re horribly mistaken and terribly uninformed. The most “violent” places in this country are the most heavily armed. Life is not a video game son.


“Poorly lit street and intoxicated target” Sounds like a soft target to me. Flashy dis[pay of property sounds like best return on risk. So I guess I’ll use you as a source.


-Anon You truly are myth and fairy tale believing imbecile. The crime is committed by somebody who seizes the “opportunity”. Its a simple fact. You seemed to have missed the quote ” How many armed NFL and NBA stars with armed body guards have been robbed and even shot in the past 5 years alone? ” These are far from even your definition of a “soft target”. David is right you’re very selective on what you want to see and hear. You’re so delusional you honestly believe you’re clever. You’re an absolute fool. I guess you couldn’t dig up that soft target source after all. You continuously make a fool of yourself thank your invisible “god” for the “anonymity of the internet.


-anon You seem to have some things confused. Your excerpt of my quote ““Poorly lit street and intoxicated target”. 1- A poorly lit street is the “scene” the victim is the target. 2- Yes an “intoxicated target” is still a target. Whether the target is armed or unarmed. You almost had it half right buddy.

John John

@anon The gullible are considered soft targets. You seem ripe for the plucking. You sure are one gullible pigeon. Who needs a gun with gullible idiots like you around. Angela was too easy on you.

Craic Dealer

Lol the most violent places have gun restrictions. The most peaceful places have conceal carry laws. Let me know if you need the numbers/examples of crime dropping when cc laws were enacted.

Sunnyside Resident

-craic dealer so when Australia passed it’s gun control laws in 1996 it help reduce the number of people in personal distress..
According to your silly post. The numbers of mass shootings did go down from an annual event to an event that happens every 5 years. I believe the objective is to reduce unnessary bloodshed and the costly expense of caring for the maimed. Yes the mentally ill do cause these tragedies but limiting access to weapons like guns reduces the number of dead and maimed as proven by the numbers experienced by the Australians with their passage of gun control.


-Craic Dealer The worst crime in the nation according to FBI statistics are Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina and Tennessee. LOL You’re not one for facts. Below is a list of all 50 states in the The United States listed in the Peace Index (USPI). USPI is a measurement of American States by their peacefulness. Created by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the creators of the Global Peace Index. There are five peace indicators that make up the USPI. The scores for number of homicides per 100,000 people, number of violent crimes per 100,000 people, jailed population per 100,000 people, police officers per 100,000 people, and ease of access to small arms are weighted and combined to form a state’s score. Maine scored as the most peaceful state both years. Best performing at top and worst as you get to the bottom of the list.
 New Hampshire
  North Dakota
 Rhode Island
 West Virginia
 South Dakota
 New Jersey
 North Carolina
 New York
 New Mexico
 South Carolina
Note all of the heavily armed opened and concealed carry at the bottom. Thanks for your weak attempt at propaganda. I know they’re just facts.

Craic Dealer

That’s laughable weak evidence considering USPI is just general peace and not at all specifically addressing arms in terms of crime plus you try conclude with, “See these states are on the bottom so gun are bad hmmmmmkay?” It’s fluff because the top states, VT, ME and NH are nearly all unrestricted (you can tote whatever however, heavily armed). So your evidence is not guns at all just overall crime.
So take a look at these resources as they detail one study in Melbourne, Aus detailing how buyback programs don’t work, another by Harvard showing that more guns do indeed lower crime and third, historic gun laws across the US. You peace fluff has zero correlation with what this discussion is about.

Craic Dealer

Hhaahaa and what’s even better is that I forced myself to read more about USPI and it says Maine has been the most peaceful state for the 2 years this report was publish, ’11 and ’12 and they’re “heavily armed”.

Also USPI says that the USA had increased its peacefulness since 1991… is that because the laws regarding someone to defend themselves have loosened? There’s no number directing it so who knows but probably.


-Craic dealer A simple comparison the ratios of two independent samples is the standard in statistical comparison. Funny how the worst performing on the USPI sample actually mirrors the worst performing in the FBI sample. Education is probably the root cause because these very same states are also the very worst performers in every survey and study known to man in education, wages, healthcare, infant mortality, general personal health, violence and crime. As Mike said “If you honestly believe a gun in your possession and in the possession of more citizens is going to reduce crime or magically prevent you from being victimized you’re horribly mistaken and terribly uninformed.” Nice try although…


_Craic Dealer The 1996-97 National Firearms Agreement (NFA) in Australia introduced strict gun laws, primarily as a reaction to the mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996. Its focus was to reduce “mass shootings” and prevent the death and maiming from these events. This legislation was effective in reaching this objective. Before the passage of NFA Australia averaged just over one mass shooting event a year from 1990 thru 1996. The shootings at Surry Hill, Strathfield Massacre, Central Coast Massacre, HillCrest Massacre and Cangai Seige, just to name a few all took place during this period, killing about 60 people and maiming about 34. Not to mention the wounded who were not maimed. After its passage up to now there have been only 4 such events in the pass twenty years killing 13 and maiming 8. This averages out to 1 event every 5 years. Nobody ever said anything about this legislation eliminating crime. Why you would even site (in providing a link) a study examining an effective gun control policy and legislation passage makes absolutely no sense. It does nothing for you anti gun control agenda, it actually does the opposite.

Sunnyside Resident

@blame The person posting under the name craic dealer constantly posts rambling nonsense. He shot down his very own argument by providing the link to Wikipedia list the states in relationship to gun control and conceal carry legislation as well. It’s shows exactly what David posted regarding FBI statistics and the survey detrming a peace “ranking”. The states with liberal gun laws and conceal carry laws on the Wikipedia link provided by craic dealer are the very same states with the worst crime according to FBI statistics. Don’t let his guy defend you in a court of law.

Craic Dealer

You must look into the root of mass shootings. It’s typically one person who’s life is out of control (suicidal depression) so they want to have some sort of control and power so they’ll take their life along with other people who were sadly at the wrong place at the wrong time. These lone wolves find easy targets like gun banned areas. There are plenty of examples where lone wolves are STOPPED from mass shootings. Link:
Its a mental health issue.

Craic Dealer

@Sunnyside Resident: Haha Unsure what link you’re looking at but there’s no correlation to the deep south laws compared to gun laws as the northeast have the same laws.
The only correlation is wealth. Most states in the deep south are the most impoverished. The USPI is made up by economists.


_craic dealer You’re posts are taken right out of the the Republican play book chapter on mass shootings. “Lets pray for the victims and their families and lets get to the root of reasons behind mass shootings”. Lets ignore the National Firearms Agreement (NFA) in Australia, which you introduced into the comment stream. The discussion is and should be about reducing the number of the of injured, maimed and murdered in these incidents like Australia did with passage of this legislation. The “getting to root” of these incidents would require setting up a mental health system which Republicans would fight tooth and nail, they don’t even want to set up an adequate health care system in this country. Thanks for the weak attempt at a con job. Oh and congratulations on undermining your own position on the topic.Hahaha

Sunnyside Resident

-Craic Dealer Go back and re-read my posts, they said nothing about the North Eastern US, it refers to all 50 states in the union and Australia. Australia was introduced by you. The only demonstrating “laughable and weak” evidence to this stream has been you.


Do not fear citizens of woodside , thus let the voting of donald trump go to office we will have the military doing police work smh


@Johnny You’re a sucker who buys Fox News and Republican propaganda Republican Policy keeps people poor The Pew Economic Mobility Project, a non-profit, non-partisan research organization, released a report on May 5,2012, on upward mobility. The 9 Worst States:Alabama, Florida, Kentucky,Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina,Oklahoma,South Carolina,Texas. US census data reveals the 10 poorest states : Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Montana, Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina and Louisiana. They all have common denominators. According to Republican rhetoric these states should be the best performing. Every state in these surveys are Republican strong holds for very long periods of time. This is the Republican record. Also According to Forbes Magazine a Republican Contributor Maryland , Connecticut, New Jersey. New Hampshire, Alaska, Massachusetts, Virginia ,Hawaii, Delaware and California10 Richest states by Median Household Income. Republicans don’t seem to fair up here either.The worst crime in the nation according to FBI statistics are all Republican states of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and South Carolina. The policy of low wages in a country with a progressive income tax system is a recipe for disaster. You will notice the same Republican strong holds have the worst health, lowest wages, worst in education according to Craines, WSJ, Forbes and US Census. Republican policies appear to be working to you?

Rocky Balboa

Keep regurgitating your Mother Jones talking points! Must make you feel good.


-Rocky Facts and statistics are not talking points you imbecile. They’re facts plain and simple. Saying facts truth and history are “talking points” is actually a Fox News talking point. We know you’re a Fox News watching Republican, what you feel and believe trumps truth fact and history.


@Johnny That’s right lets vote in Republicans and let them turn the entire state into Right to work for less low wage “slaves” like they did in Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.

By making unions weaker, these laws lower wages and living standards for all workers in the state. In fact, workers in states with these laws earn an average of $5,971 less a year than workers in other states. Because of the higher wages, working families in states without these laws also benefit from healthier tax bases that improve their quality of life.
States with Right to Work Laws Have:1
Lower Wages and Incomes
• The average worker in states with right to work laws makes $5,971 (12.2 percent) less annually than workers in states without right to when all other factors are removed than workers in other states.2
• Median household income in states with these laws is $6,568 (11.8 percent) less than in other states ($49,220 vs. $55,788).3
• In states with right to work laws, 25.9 percent of jobs are in low-wage occupations, compared with 18.0 percent of jobs in other states.4
Lower Rates of Health Insurance Coverage


Rocky you are one under educated stupid person. Go get an education and stop shaming your family. Pointing out how legislation can influence a person or an entire segment of societies wages and standard of living is called speaking the facts and explainig the reason legislation is passed. Next post, do us all a favor and come back with a post that contains some verifiable facts or just move on. This will also spare you any more humiliation. Dude take some pride in yourself. Just because you’re hidding behind an anonymous comment stream handle doesn’t mean we don’t know who you are.


-blame Why so are Rocky? Rocky is one of those who needs to have a 2 dimensional take on all issues, complicated and simple., The subject of the economy is all about and only a single companies bottom line. Preferably a Fox sponsor. The boy has been properly conditioned. LOL.



ducks quack

“The two suspects, both describe as Hispanic” wow what a shock…yea- like they were going to be blond blue eye Caucasians

easy going

maybe you are one of those idiots that dye your hair blond and wear fake contacts?

Politically Incorrect

108 is too busy sending their men and women to parks to catch those deadly marijuana injectors. Too busy praising their plain clothes officers for finding marijuana viles on skaters and teenagers alike. They have no time to stop and or prevent homicides or attempted murders.

Del Toro

How long did it take police to respond and arrive at the scene to collect evidence?




Because Micheal has lived in every other precinct and can tell you their supervision and leadership (which is synonymous, btw). ::eye roll:: love your peanut gallery exaggeration, meanwhile for the tax you pay your shootings in the 108 PCT are probably lower than other precincts, ya Gobshite.


Nothing good happens at that hour of the morning. Need to watch your surroundings if you out at that time.

Craic Dealer

This is not 1941 Nazi Germany with their stop and frisk and “papers please”. This old man is purely a victim of the law that take away someone’s right to defend themselves. If he would have had something to level the playing field these two suspects would not of even thought to take advantage of someone.

“To disarm the people…is the most effectual way to enslave them.”
– George Mason,


Oh yeah smart …..then they will start shooting it out on the street….

Craic Dealer

LOL everyone is so deeply afraid of the Liberty to defend yourself. There’s going to be a crazy shoot out! It would be actually quite the opposite but the media will never tell you that.

An increase in self defense would decrease violence because the only reason people attack is because most people follow the tyrannical laws and are left to be victims.

To take away someone’s right to defend themselves because its dangerous is like taking away someone’s Freedom of Speech because they have nothing to say or what they say is too dangerous.


-craic dealer if I was robbing somebody and thought they had a gun, I would have shot him 3 times in the head instead of the buttocks. . You’re a naive fool.

Craic Dealer

So then whats stopping you from doing this? Your morality and dignity for life or a stupid law? Are you the type that thanks sweet Jesus for these laws otherwise you’d shoot someone “3 times in the head”? I highly doubt this is you because in the end you’re not a thief looking to pistol whip someone you’d just be a murder. Anyways, these thugs could have easily killed this 55 y.o. dude but they didn’t. Most thugs do this for intimidation.
If people want to own a proper self defense tool why not let them? It’s not like these people are forcing self defense tools on others. So then why go grabby hands? If you go grabbing, they’ll probably provide the bullets first anyways lol.


-craic dealer As I said before you’re a useful idiot. Your simplicity and love of catch phrases, buzz words and other variations on the simplest and least sophisticated forms of brainwashing were and still are useful components and the driving force behind my $300K killing on SWC Smith and Wesson securities. Keep up the good work you useful idiot.

Craic Dealer

You know you’ve won when people resort to calling you names.


If you thought they had a gun you would have picked a different victim. Somebody here is naive, but it is not Craic Dealer.


-anon A person who believes in myths, fairy tales and invisible gods has no business calling anyone naive.


@Anon We see you posted another piece of fiction or misinformation. Gang bangers and other thugs rob other armed people constantly. That moving onto another victim is a myth. These creeps see something they want they go for it. Willie Sutton once said he robbed banks because that’s where the money was. The same logic applies in street crime as well my gullible adversary.


Craic Dealer and anon, You’re very selective on the posts you respond to. I’m considered a staunch supporter of not infringing on ones right to bear arms. So spare me your standard go to BS. Why have you not answered #BFN’s point about gang bangers, thugs and other undesirables getting killed while they’re carrying? Its a very good point. Tens of thousands of people are killed every year in America with a gun in their possession at the time of their murder. You two sound like gullible children who think a gun is a magical cure all. Grow up.

Craic Dealer

The reason why there are gangs to begin with is because the Prohibition never ended. Maybe for alcohol but not for anything else. The war on drugs, is the main driver for black market drugs thus gangs and violence (to protect profits). That Pharm industry is no better if anything worse than some of these street entrepreneurs.
Who needs a law to prevent someone from doing heroine but you’re free to get a doctor’s script for oxy? AAAaaahh man don’t legalize heroine otherwise I would totally use it and so would David!
So eliminate the war on drugs, legalize Liberty and you’ll illuminate these gangs and black markets that will always appear when things are made illegal. Things will be made illegal but they’re still doable. War on drugs is a waste.
If USA is a nation where you can read what you want to fill your ideas, worship what you want to fill your hearts but the gov’t stops at what you put in your body. That’s not universal Liberty.
::mic drop::

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