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Man robs five stores at gunpoint in Woodside and Jackson Heights Monday

Deli robbed

Deli robbed

Nov. 2, 2016 Staff Report

Police are searching for a man who allegedly committed five armed robberies in Woodside and Jackson Heights within two hours on Monday.

According to the report, at 4:56 a.m. the suspect approached a 68-year-old employee with a handgun inside a Laundromat at 55-02 Roosevelt Avenue. He demanded money and the employee gave him about $50.

Around 4:57 a.m. the suspect did the same thing at the Woodside 52 Deli Grocery at 41-54 52 Street, approaching the 54-year-old employee with a gun and demanding money. The employee gave him about $60.

About half an hour later at 5:28 a.m. the suspect repeated the pattern at Robin Grocery and News at 63-37 39 Avenue, displaying a gun and demanding money from the 29-year-old employee, this time getting away with about $500.

Suspect (NYPD)

Suspect (NYPD)

The suspect then moved from Woodside to Jackson Heights, robbing DBA Grocery at 80-02 Roosevelt Avenue around 6:05 a.m. He approached the employee with a gun and demanded money, and when the employee refused, the suspect took several packs of gum and left.

The final location the suspect hit was 84 News at 84-30 Roosevelt Avenue around 6:38 a.m. in the same way as the previous robberies. He approached a 50-year-old employee with a gun and demanded money, and the employee handed over about $50.

The suspect is described as Hispanic male with glasses and was last seen wearing blue jeans and a green snorkel jacket.

Police have released a photograph of the suspect and anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).


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I wonder if he ran the marathon yesterday? Anyone who can announce a hold-up on 55st at 4.57am and then at 4.58am hold up a joint three blocks away, would have been in with a chance of breaking the two hour mark.

Hoes always digg for gold

But I bet half of you snitching are his friends, hang out with him or talk to him and I bet anything one of you Anon’s is his bitch that keeps running back to him and uses him, you pill popping bitch .. Always remember karma always bites back harder


Johnny-Where are the cops? Really, do you think there is a cop posted in every deli? Cops do the best they can.


Agreed, But this happened Monday and he has a history, Cant be to hard to find a BOZO like this, Other Commentators on here have given his name and address.

Felix Mc Coy

What the hell is happening to the neighborhood I grew up in ? In the past few months I have read of murders, rapes and robberies. Roosevelt Avenue is a cesspool of seedy bars. Where are the politicians and police.
Finally Doughboy part is trashed by homeless and the monument to members of our Armed Forces killed in Viet Nam is deface. As the demographics of the area has changed the incidents of violent crime has skyrocketed.


So the police comes to the deli around the corner ask to see footage of when the suspect rob the store. My answer “you have the wrong store, its the one around the corner”. No wonder we have all these crimes!


Omg hes the same person that robbed a lady at knifepoint several weeks ago at 52 st queens blvd im gonna get that son of a bitch.


Are you sure? Do you know if he lives north or south of Roosevelt? I live on 57th and often have my eye on the block often so I will keep watch and call 911 immediately. Scary events for the area.


100% I Knew Him Personally, He Lives Right Along The 7 Train Bridge Between 52nd and 61st Stops


Thanks for your help in taking a dangerous creep off the streets. I have an 83 year old mother who lives in that neighborhood.

Bulimic Panda

The Bulimic Panda called him to let him know how much G-d loves him. This weather invites bad behavior. He’s a good boy. Amen.


I Know Him Personally, The Address Is Where Police Can Get Him I Dont Know What They Are Waiting For


R- You sound like a low performing low IQ low wage imbecile. Just the type who would come to the defense of a creep who sticks a gun in people’s faces. I hope Mark shoves that gun in your mothers face you loser. I bet you’d lose those remarks concerning snitching. You’re nothing but a low wage punk.


Man, you are an internet tough guy. I’m really impressed with your use of insults. I mean, you are so creative. I hope you don’t extend your wrath upon me. I mean, isn’t that why you blow excrement out of your pie hole? To get yourself off and try to intimidate people? Oh, and I forgot how goddamn intelligent you are. You must be so smart, you could actually find your way out of a paper bag. That’s really smart!! Keep up the good work!! I’m sure everybody enjoys you bringing the conversation into the shit your dog left on the street.

John John

Mac it looks like you ticked off another low performer, you must have hit a nerve in this idiot. Good work!!

I love ny

Too bad a store owner didnt shot him. It would have been a–


Several packs of gum? Was he afraid his breath smelled when he said stick em up. Wtf is wrong with society


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