July 27, 2014 By Christian Murray
A man entered Chase Bank at 47-11 Queens Blvd on Tuesday and demanded cash, police said.
The Chase branch was robbed Friday with the perpetrator fleeing with nearly $6,000 in cash, the police said.
The suspect entered the 47-11 Queens Blvd. location at 5:19 p.m. and passed a note to a teller demanding money, which warned that he would kill someone if his demands were not met. He did not have a weapon, police said.
The suspect fled the bank on foot in an unknown direction with $5,920 in cash.
The police described the perpetrator as a male Hispanic between the ages of 25 and 38. He was wearing a blue Yankees baseball cap, dark sunglasses, a short sleeve button-down plaid shirt, dark jeans and grey Jordan sneakers.
The police did not have a photo of the suspect at the time of publication.
me thinks we need to have a word in jimmy van bramers ear about the spike in crime..Jimmy please smile you might get another photo shoot out of this
6K, that piss to Jamie F’in Dimond, evrybidy eatin dog food need to rob a Chase and then gomto Wall St and get medieval, bansksters be the criminal, poor teller be making 9 an hour, just hand over the green and dont be no heroin
Where does one begin on this chase bank? You would think that with all the chase branches out there they would protect their investments. They have armed guards pick up and drop off money daily but are too f…..NG cheap to hire an in house full time guard. They pay to have 5 guys walk around in cheap suits on a full time basis but have 1-2 tellers on at the busiest time. Have you ever seen a manager there go help a teller when it gets busy?
The dark skinned guy that’s the manager is the biggest phony I’ve ever seen. He walks around like he owns the bank but doesn’t do anything.
What a joke.
Chase should be renamed chump.
That’s Crazy.. They should hire veteran Armed Guard at every branch.. I am sure this Criminals will think twice before makin any decision to rob a bank.. This place is gettin crazier than before..
Any arrests yet? Naaaah. What about the T-Mobile store that was robbed months ago? Any arrests ? Naaaaaah
About ten years ago, the other Chase branch was robbed. The teller gave the robber a packet of money with an explosive dye inside. It exploded just outside the bank and he almost ran into the Captain and Community Affairs Officer of the 108th who were walking nearby. They nabbed and arrested him.
No cameras? How on earth is that possible? Any red light cameras nearby? Can we get some follow up on this?
I’m going to write to Chase directly. This suggests you have to be extra wary at the ATM.
*yawn* another latino male 25-38…. gentrification will solve this, give it two years and watch the crime stats drop.
Willie the actor sutton robbed the equivalent to today’s currency, over $600,000 in 1950. The bank is just asking to get robbed. It’s not the “ghetto” people and the apts they placed here. Ignant a-hole.
I like the Chase on the south side of the boulevard, where you can cut through to Greenpoint Avenue. Very friendly staff at both of these branches, although I rarely need a teller.
Sunnyside is getting mad f$$ed up, yo!! Damn.
Good! F#@$ Chase bank!
Agreed with Sagar. Bank robberies aren’t necessarily a function of the demographics of the neighborhood. I lived in Manhattan for 10 years and while I was there there was a steady flow of news coverage about how various branches were robbed repeatedly even in the higher income/ higher status areas like the Upper East Side and Midtown.
It was a movie scene guys ….get over it
This chase branch has constantly been robbed since the sixities.
It has nothing to do with the neighborhood or the people that live here.
I wonder how much Jordon sneakers cost? Oh well..
Other witnesses say the suspect resembled a young Al Pacino and also had an accomplice who looked a lot like the actor John Cazale.
How is it still possible to get away with robbing a bank in 2014?
I still can’t get over that you can still get away with robbing a bank in 2014!
“The police did not have a photo of the suspect at the time of publication.”
Frigging bank was robbed 4 days ago, no photo yet? Great job Chase and even better job 108.
Also, don’t these banks have silent alarms anymore? I would love to hear from Chase management how long it took the cops to get there. It does not take 2 seconds to hand out $6000 in cash. First T-Mobile store, then TD Bank, now Chase.
Based on the description, half of sunnyside is now a suspect.
Why just a verbal description, weren’t there working cameras?
all i need to withdraw any amount of money is a handwritten note? sweet!
It was not Willie Sutton this time.
I bet he’s 39
Thank god, it will keep down the lines!
Gotta love them Jordon sneakers.
But seriously, this sucks. How did they not see which direction he went in at least? Wow
The presence of “Shelters for the homeless” or “low income ghetto people” does not automatically mean that they are responsible, directly or indirectly, for this bank robbery. To say as such is taking a too simplistic view. I’ve been living in this neighborhood for 21 years and Sunnyside continues to be one of the few neighborhoods where one can walk around in at 2am and still feel pretty much safe. Bank robberies are extremely difficult to predict, and as such, it would be unrealistic to expect officers to stop them. However, increasing patrol cars could, and will, serve as an effective deterrent.
I like going to this Chase branch, but weren’t they robbed earlier this year? I’m not going there anymore. I’ll go to the one next to Key Food.
It’s the shelters for homeless or low income ghetto people apartment they have placed around here this needs to be addressed
Is the neighborhood getting more dangerous, or is it the police precinct that is choosing to be more transparent? Either way this is not good news.