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Man Mugged in Sunnyside Gardens

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March 10, 2016 Staff Report

Police are searching for the thief who mugged a man in the vicinity of Sunnyside Gardens last month.

On Feb. 26 at 9:05 p.m., an unidentified individual followed a 56-year-old man into a building in the vicinity of 51st Street and 39th Avenue, where the victim lived, according to police.

The individual demanded money while pointing a sharp object at the victim and stole $200 before fleeing.

The victim was not injured during the confrontation.

Police have released video of the individual wanted in connection to this robbery.

Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS. All calls are confidential.

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dear boss (dear boss)

This is why I dislike the idea of putting up signs. catch these schlubs in the act.


This happened at 39-25 51street. It also happened on 52 street in the same building about a month ago. The management company is metro management from Long Island city on 21st street and they couldn’t manage a doll house. They rip off the shareholders outrageous fees for mismanaging the building. They are completely unprofessional and if any building is using them get rid of them as fast as you can and tell your board to investigate every transaction they acquire.
Board members have stressed this to shareholders that they are scammers and need to be under the microscope.

Don Keedik

Yes, Metro Management is definitely shady. Alot of shenanigans and under table deals. Im looking at you, Celtic Park


I live in Sunnyhill and am in no way a fan of Metro Management, but I can’t see how you can blame this on Metro


-My mother lives in Sunnyhill and Metro Management needs to put cameras on the outside of the buildings with a lens range that reaches out and up to the curb not just in the lobby. It’s obvious this guy knew the camera was in the entry way and made sure to avoid being taped. Metro Management needs to have a little more comprehensive approach to security. The neighborhood is very desolate back by Sunnyhill and very quiet and could use better lighting. by not doing better in these areas Metro Management is acting negligently and bares some responsibility.


sean – have you or your mother (or anyone) suggested exterior cameras to the board, or the management? i’m sure they’d be willing to put them up if shareholders are willing to pay for it. and i bet the shareholders would pay after this.

i agree the street cameras are a good idea and i wish a lot more buildings had them. but very few of the buildings in sunnyside or woodside have them. if the idea is suggested and approved by the board and metro STILL refuses, then you can call them negligent. mind you, i’ve never had a good experience with ANY management company, but if these guys were truly bad these cameras would have been broken for years like some buildings in the area. at least they were working.


Yeah, the last management company was so much better. The shareholders loved her so much they gave her tons of cash and bought her multiple properties! The board even got in on the action! Ah, the good old days!

Rocky Balboa

When the perps know there are cameras, they put up the hoodies or hide the faces. With good cameras, however, you can get height and weight.


He seems to be on the phone with someone.
Plus how did he walk in? Was the door left unlocked? He knew there were cameras.

9pm too, this is messed up big time. If more buildings installed cameras you could trace this low life scum or spot a car. There is definitely a car he won’t flee on foot.


if the victim was still in the lobby i’d say this guy probably just followed him in while the door was closing. it does look like he’s on the phone but that could just be a cover. i wish buildings had better quality cameras as well as cameras on the outside


Yes it is, I’ve visited there. Shame this happened, and right in front of a camera too.

Craic Dealer

See, if the 56-year-old victim had, say a nice colt .45 with a sweet laser target and pumped two rounds into this thug’s chest it would be the 59 year old that will be in trouble. The laws are leaving the people defenseless. Unacceptable laws. USA was founded on defending yourself.


Dealer- gun owners are 6 times more likely to die violent death according to AMA and FBI statistics. Fact. Yes its a nice dream to see a punk like this get a nice surprise and get what he deserves. Also according to AMA and FBI statistics a gun in a home is exponentially more likely to be used on a member of the family or in a suicide then as means of self defense. The laws are not leaving people defenseless that statement is absurd. Taking precautions and being aware of your surroundings are best ways to avoid becoming a victim. This is also a fact.

Craic Dealer

Oh David… You’re also forgetting the stats in 1949 where Mao Zedong disarmed his people and killed approximately 20 million political dissidents.

Before that in 1933, Antisemitic Laws were passed to disarm Jews in German. Unsure if you know the stat. that approximate 13 million Jews, Gypsies and Mo’s were slaughtered. Of course, after gun control laws passed.

Here’s an actual link of how more defense mean more peace. “A carry town is a polite town.”


-craic dealer You don’t understand the present world in 2016 in a “Democracy” with a consumer driven market economy you don’t need to use guns to take control. Control is gained by gaining control of the driving forces of the economy and tricking voters into voting against their very own best interest. One way of fooling gullible voters is by constantly changing the topic of discussion. Your silly little history lesson has nothing to do with the crime statistics and safety precautions posted by David. So thanks for trying to hijack the discussion. Something you don’t even appear to be good at.


-dealer Not to lose focus of the discussion about this mugging. You do realize the states with the most liberal gun laws “least gun control” all have the highest crime rates in the nation according to FBI statistics?


Craic Dealer Try to stay on topic. Davids post has nothing to with gun control. It’s using facts and statistical information so people can distinguish between fact, misinformation and myth, to make an informed decision in the process of taking steps to keep from becoming a crime victim. However I do feel obliged to thanking you. Fearful and cowardly instincts by people like you have taken a $50K in Smith and Wesson in (SWHC) at $3.75 a share 13,335 shares and turned it into $375,000.00 in less then 6 years. Keep up the good work…People like you are useful idiots. May God bless you.

Craic Dealer

@David – is that including or excluding Chicago aka Chiraq? Besides, if someone doesn’t want to own a piece why force them? If someone does want to own a piece, why prevent them?

“A carry town is a polite town”


Why is it that the anti-gun-control faction can never see any possible middle ground between a total free-for-all and a total ban? There are a massive number of gradations between those extremes, and most of them are quite reasonable.

Also Dealer, you need to stop using that disgusting nazi comparison. Setting aside the obvious fact that taking guns away from Jews was one tiny cog of everything that built up to the holocaust (not the entire story as Nugent would have you believe), it doesn’t apply to America in any way. If there were people currently shouting that we should take guns away from all Muslims, then you’d have a decent argument. But you don’t, and you need to stop capitalizing on an unrelated tragedy to push your political agenda.


-Craic Dealer These guys are right, you really are an idiot. You sound like a thug right out of Chicago. You sound like you have ghetto mentality. When they interview thugs after shootings that is the very quote they give for packing. I didn’t say anything about gun control. Go back and re-read my posts you illiterate thug quoting jerk.


Craic Dealer Still doing my financial bidding. Thank you!! You’re an awesome useful idiot. Keep up the good work. I want to unload this stock at $30.


Craic Dealer of course national statistics would include Chicago..Are you that stupid?

Craic Dealer

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson

dear boss (dear boss)

Yes it is, Emily. I recognize the black and white checkered tiles on the wall.


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