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Man in His 70s Grabs Butt of a Male Rider on E Train in Long Island City: NYPD

Suspect (NYPD)

Oct. 28, 2021 By Allie Griffin

Police are looking for a senior who got handsy with a stranger onboard a subway train in Long Island City Tuesday.

The suspect, believed to be in his 70s, allegedly grabbed the butt of a 49-year-old man on board a northbound E train near the Court Square-23rd Station at around 4:45 p.m..

The septuagenarian allegedly grabbed the victim’s butt while walking past him on the train.

The senior then stayed on the train before exiting at the Roosevelt Avenue – Jackson Height station. The victim snapped a photo of the alleged creep with his phone.

Police described the suspect as a partially bald man in his 70s with a light complexion, weighing 200 pounds and standing about 5 feet tall.

He was last seen wearing a black Fila polo shirt, black slacks, black dress shoes, black-framed eyeglasses, a black surgical mask and carrying a black jacket.

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at, or on Twitter @NYPDTips.

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Is it really necessary to write an article like this where you have to keep repeating the perpetrators age in different ways? No one is supporting the alleged perpetrator but there’s no reason to be ageist.


NYC subways are so unsafe. Can not wait until de blasio leaves office. Hopefully eric adams gets rid of all his appointees including the current police Commissioner who is so soft on crime.


Mta needs a campaign to remind people what we should of learned in kindergarten…Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Queer and proud

He couldn’t try to catch someone his own age
Anyway Imagine it’s not true and now your pic is all over the news


I was groped on the way to school on the train by older men when i was younger. Happened three times on the N train going to the ditmars blvd stop. I feared telling anyone. My dad and brothers would of made fun of me for not defending myself. I was in a sate of shock when it happened and mostly shy and passive during my youth. Happened during rush hour on crowded trains with no room to escape. And yes most victims can tell the difference between an accidental touch and a grope (both front and back) followed by a direct stare in the face. Glad victims are speaking up now and for the most part no shame in reporting it and coming out as a victim.


I fail to see why the man’s age must be mentioned first in the headline then three times in the body of the article. He should not be sexually molesting or harassing anyone, but his age is hardly an element of the crime. I don’t know if this indicates ageism, homophobia, or both, but I find it highly distasteful.

Now you know where you patrolmen are wasting their time.

Yes, Not every touch, brush, bump, shove or jostle requires a police response. How timid are some of you people?

Allow me to retort

Would you say the same thing if the victim had been a woman? Apparently, sexual assault is ok with you as long as the perp is gay.

One of the more repulsive double standards I’ve seen in a while.

Madd Donna

Exactly!! And the police are going to waste our tax money searching for this pervert?? Give me a break!! I’ve thought for quite some time how the police target non-dangerous criminals and let the scary ones go. Remember that Eric Garner incident over selling illegal cigarettes??


Would you think differently if the victim was female? Males are also sexually harassed. What if the victim was someone you cared about. Victims of abuse will no longer remain silent!


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