TD Bank
Jan. 5, 2016 Staff Report
A man in a wheelchair robbed a Sunnyside bank yesterday after passing a note to a teller that he had a gun and a bomb, according to police.
The suspect rolled into TD Bank, located at 41-01 Queens Boulevard, at about 1:45 pm Monday and slipped the note to a teller demanding cash.
The teller handed over $500 with a dye pack with the cash, according to police.
The suspect, described as a 25-to 35-year old black man, left the bank and rolled down Queens Blvd. He remains at large.
The bank was temporarily closed after the incident.
Here you can find all branches http://www.usbankinfo.com/bank/td-bank/
I know there is a guard there. He couldn’t catch him in a wheelchair!!!! This sounds strange.
Can he pull a wheelie
Maybe, the wheelchair was just a ruse!! He maybe able bodied and simply using the chair as a deception. Can’t believe the moron who suggested getting rid of wheelchair ramps!! I would like to think this individual was joking. Something tells me he’s not.
What a dummy!
Police caught the Robber, Kelvin Dennison, 23, of Astoria =>
ABC TV News said he was arrested. He just got out for same offense. Psych patient.
with a bag full of money “he rolled down queens blvd” – you’re joking right!? Please tell me youre not serious. Was there a big dollar sign printed on the bag? Nobody had any 2x4s handy to lay on the ground box him in??
If only everybody in the bank had guns they could have shot his wheelchair tires out before he rolled way with the loot. What a stoopid bank, this society is gone!
Why do they have to say a black man in a wheel chair? They’re racist.
They described him as black between a certain age well after they stated he was a suspect in a wheelchair.
Because saying he’s a man in a wheelchair is really going to help people find him. You must be a special kind of stupid.
Common sense is not that common these days. Because he was not walking and was not white. That’s why. REALLY?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i say lets get rid of the wheelchair ramps, that’s the problem
You are a very ignorant person…
I hope you are kidding with that comment.
Give the ramps to the skateboarders, we can kill two birds with one stone
Dear Sunnyside skip and jump, I’m a disabled vet. of the USA. Your suggestion to, “get rid of wheelchair ramps” is really discriminatory against those of us who have served our USA. If anything, more consideration should be given to those who are elderly and the disabled to greater access to facilities. Have you imagined what life would be like for you in a wheelchair, or using other helpful walking instruments?
Have you thought what your life would be like with an actual sense of humor and your head OUTSIDE your ?
Obviously he has not. I do not hink he is the sharpest tool in the shed.
Anyone who doesn’t see the original comment as a joke is either stupid, humor deficient, or takes themselves way to seriously.
Honestly, did not sound as a joke, but if it was, that is one sick sense of humor. It did not humor me or anybody else for that matter. So, in the end the joke was NOT FUNNY. To the joker I would say: Don’t quit your day job, because your jokes suck.
A lot of skecty people around here now…this a tight community and there’s been people here that don’t fit here…i don’t know if there’s a shelter around here or what not but this is not good..that’s how good neighborhoods get ruined sorry to say but it’s truth
i don’t think it has to do with homeless people. over the last few years, sunnyside has gotten a lot of good press and this has caused people to want to move here. unfortunately, that also attracts a lot of criminals from other parts of the city.
sunnyside was never a good neighborhood… just because white people started renting apartments in it does not change the original residents. smh
sunnyside is an excellent neighborhood.. There are slobs everywhere.. unfortunately .. Money changes the value of the neighborhood.. not color.
“People that don’t fit here”?? “Tight community”?? Maybe for the gentrifying-newcomers. I’ve lived in Sunnyside for 25 years and ever since they’ve been moving here, they act like they own the place and have been treating me like I’m the outsider. Just because they’re more restaurants, new buildings and more Caucasian people, it doesn’t make a Neighborhood better.
I agree….I grew up in Woodside…I would bike to Sunnyside to visit high school chums…the landscape is changing everywhere. Go on Northern Blvd. starting from Flushing to just before Great Neck….not many stores or restaurants with English signs…is this legal or what?
Same thing happened in Astoria on that day…h ttp://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Man-Wheelchair-Rob-Bank-New-York-Astoria-Queens-Police-310754421.html