NYPD (Suspect)
July 21, 2017 Staff Report
The police are trying to locate a man who reached inside a woman’s car in Woodside and took off with her purse on Tuesday.
The suspect allegedly grabbed the purse from the front passenger seat of the woman’s car at around 2:15 pm after reaching in through an open window while the vehicle was parked in the vicinity of 60th Street and 44th Avenue, police said.
The suspect fled on foot and the victim followed. The unidentified man dropped the purse in front of 59-11 Queens Boulevard, where the victim recovered it. No property was removed.
A surveillance photo and video were captured in the vicinity of 59-11 Queens Boulevard.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
He looks like a guy who lives on 46st by the bqe.
Anonymous- Your mother may not be an idiot but she sure raised one
This idiot on the picture is smiling like he won the lotto. Capture him!
Good go and stay there
Me and GOERGE are going to be be hosting a BUS TRIP to the TRUMP casino next weekend…We are stopping by mour house in NEW JERSEY (that we rent). Come one come all! VERY POSITIVE.
EFF George Kelley.
Victor you should get re-acquainted with your folks and go back there
Wait a minute, anon. She deserved It? I hope it doesn’t happen to your mother
If it happened to my mother, I’d scold her for doing something so careless and tell her not to do it again. Give her some money and report the crime! But, my mother isn’t an idiot and knows to lock doors and windows when she leaves her house. Anyone who grew up poor knows this rule. If you don’t then leave your windows open and door unlocked. See what happens! Don’t they teach common sense in school anymore?
The south side is garbage.
Haters gonna hate
South side is garbage??? Wow!!! You have no idea what you are talking about.
Sunnyside…Especially Lowery Liqour side is the True sunnyside …..We donot put up with THIS CRAP..SO SKILLMAN CAN KEEP THE HIPSTERS..ST RAPHAELS SIDE IS THE SAFE SIDE..WOODSIDE CAN KEEP THE IRISH..CRAP
I’m with George. Even though he lives in Hackensack, New Jersey. He has a good point about donuts.
This is NYC. She deserved it for breaking rule #1 on street parking: roll up your damn windows!
there are so many transients now with all the homeless shelters:( too bad he didn’t fall and bust him face!
Can I just say it used to be better in the good old days when a scoundrel would snatch a lady purse and wax his moustache and wish a good day to you sir? Bring back the old fashion hucksters.
SunnysidePost is loaded with crime stories. I understand that a lot of these incidents are really happening in neighboring Woodside but still there is nothing separating Sunnyside from Woodisde but a cross walk and zip code. I am glad i do not live here.
For a second I thought I was reading about Bogota, Colombia. That stuff happens there all the time. You have to keep the windows rolled out during stop at traffic light or they will reach into your car and steal your watch. I have family from there and have visited Bogota so I’m not biased.
Stop using my screen name you uncreative imbecile.
Its south . he’s upset someone outed him
Police should enhance the film.
Sunnyside needs Law & Order
to film a new episode here.
So we can complain about real pain: parking.
He can be found in the trailer trash.
This man looks like a bad character in a creampie video I paid $ for. Insane Mexican cloud posse. That is all. Amen. G-d bless. Typing is difficult when in intoxicated. Amen. G-d bless.
hey South,you call out someone for what you describe as a sexist or homophobic,then next sentence you mock Suunnyside people for their comments,who the Real Hater…hater/hater/hater…bet your living with Mommy/Daddy..hater/hater/hater
I’m actually a loathsome transplant hipster. *wave*
The comments here are often particularly offensive, and if highlighting the racist/homophobic content of another person’s post makes me a hater, then consider me a hater.
Furthermore, Sunnyside Post commenters aren’t legally protected minority groups. That said, if you feel like Sunnyside Post commenters are the victims of unfounded hatred, and you are the victim of any form of discrimination because you post on this website, I suggest you bring it up to your local council members and lobbyists.
JVB will be on your side dont worry about it – lol
Many of these commenters feel powerful making their hateful remarks with anonymity. Calling them out for being vile human beings threatens that.
probably some self absorbed kardashian type taking selfies in her boyfriends car while oblivious to the world. The guy runs smiling and drops it a few feet away with nothing removed just to teach her a lesson.
People like him should be beat
She was probably double parked. She deserved it.
Holy crap I love this guy! Great pic
This jerk can definitely be found living in someone’s basement.
Or homeless shelter.
People need to understand that nearby homeless shelters (which usually only allow for short or mid-length stays) attract criminal behavior. It is my understanding that while homeless shelter residents themselves may not be responsible for upticks in criminal behavior, there presence constitutes a large pool of potential victims that may attract crime from the outside.
Crime is at an all time low.
my bad
Underrated comment.
He didn’t end up keeping it. No harm, no foul.
If anyone see this guy who runs like a woman please turn him in. He might break a heel, or a nail. Puff
I can’t tell if this post was more sexist or more homophobic. Either way, very “on brand” for Sunnyside Post comments! Kudos!
Anyway – hope they catch him – we don’t need any more criminals in our neighborhood.