Suspect (NYPD)
Nov. 13, 2014 Staff Report
A 40-year old woman was followed into her Sunnyside apartment building last month before a man pulled out a knife and demanded her cell phone, police said.
The perpetrator followed the woman into the lobby of her 42nd Street apartment building (near Skillman Ave.) just before midnight on Saturday Oct.25. He then pulled out a knife and demanded her phone. The victim complied. The man then fled.
The police released a photo and video footage of the suspect today.
The suspect is described as a male black, approximately 30 years of age, who had dreadlocks containing yellow beads on the night of the attack. He was also wearing a long black trench coat.
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
Potheads are very rarely responsible for criminal activity. And at 1700 a month for 1 bedroom I’ll blaze all I want thank you very much. Its legal in multiple states. Find another scapegoat besides black people and pot. What is this 1920? Next you’ll have a problem with the Jazz music all the colored folk seem to smoke reefer and dance to!
Left Sunnyside earlier this month partly due to the consistent rise in crime that I have seen. Possibly the best decision of my life. I’m sorry to say this but the only think I will miss about that neighborhood is the food.
Brutus, have you been the victim of a crime in sunnyside? or just a coward that went running off with your tail between your legs. your new neighborhood must not be something to brag about if you cant get compatible food
Yes sunnyside has a drug problem. It’s not pot. While there are tons of potheads in sunnyside there always has been. Pot head statistical aren’t violent criminals. But sunnyside has a coke problem and crack and more.
With 168 nationalities in sunnyside is the discussion here really what race doesn’t belong?
I’ve seen irish, spanish, and blacks in the neighborhood do drugs and sell drugs. Everyone is a victim of a crime like this. Get off your racist rant and actually do something more productive than spouting garbage.
This is the exact block where Lou Rispoli was attacked a little over two years ago. His murder has remained unsolved. http://www.metro.us/local/one-year-later-homicide-of-gay-activist-lou-rispoli-still-unsolved/tmWmjp—6auUWvlw4MbfE/
We have drug problem
Cheap deterrent? Landlords need to install better cameras. Facial recognition software these days can do wonders in matching images with repeat offenders. Thieves will quickly second guess their actions when they see one. And don’t just install one. They are cheap nowadays, so install enough to cover all angles. Install them at eye level as the overhead cams don’t provide the facial detail necessary in identifying someone. The 108 Precinct should be contacting every landlord with a “how to” pamphlet on security cams. Leave it to the people to do.
3 weeks later? bet the police chief was cleaning off his desk and found it under a stack of papers.
I’m wondering if this is related to the Chase bank incident with the elderly man. These perpetrators are punks!
And guns are NOT the answer. MANY studies have shown guns do not make people safe, but rather increase the likelihood of escalating violence.
is this the same guy whose picture is posted on Butcher Block’s doors?
my friend was followed 8 years ago in similar manner but noticed and screamed, made a big scene and he ran off. Cops told her that the guy probably thought she was cute.
These criminals must learn to fear Sunnyside. We should be armed. NYC’s gun laws only disarm law-abiding citizens.
I hope the police dusted the glass door for fingerprints, there’s a chance the prep Is In the system.
How quick are we all to judge and to say I would have done this, this is what you have to do, oh those hipsters, blah, blah, blah, blah… I know the woman that was robbed. She was not physically hurt, but she was hurt… How easy it is to say that is not a big deal… I hope for the day we start caring about others for real, and to stop thinking that we have all the answers. Be human, you people.
@elf since you stated you know her tell her to next time be aware of her surrounding. That guy was literally right behind her and she did not even once turn around to see who was behind her. He obviously followed her from the train, bar etc. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t live on the block and just decided to mug someone.
I have to disagree with you on this. While what you say is true that people should be aware of their surroundings, but you can’t be on alert 100% of the time and this was not the lady’s fault. You should not have to look over your shoulder every time and suspect that the person behind you is going to rob you.
So now sunnyside wants to do racial profiling? Whos to say a white man with a nice leather jacket wont shoot you in the face then rob you
Sure, criminals come in all colors, shapes and sizes, even genders. However, it is an undeniable fact that younger men of color commit far more street crimes than any other group. It just makes sense to play the percentages, which is racial profiling by another name.
Please note that the overwhelming percentage of victims are also Black or Hispanic. Not to make light of this situation, but people need to be aware of their surroundings irregardless of the race or gender. While the city is much safer than it was in the past, it is still NYC.
Until that happens, we’ll have go to with statistics, also you are now doing profiling yourself by indicating “white man with nice leather jackets”… since when did we start caring about what people wear, and not HOW they act in combination with their outfit. That’s what matters. This is why I listed all those things and I didn’t simply say “Stay away from men with durags”. I have friends who wear durags and they are not dangerous at all, but if they look like thugs and act like thugs, hanging at the corner of the building for couple of hours a day, staring at people or watching vehicles drive by, smoking and sh*t talking, then they could be wearing the nicest jackets or ghettoest durags, they are the thugs that we don’t want in our neighborhood.
To all Sunnyside post readers, if you see ANYONE who does not fit the most people you see in Sunnyside, be aware and suspicious. Watch what they are wearing, how they walk, where they look and overall behavior. If you think something is off, then it’s probably a suspicious person. I hope this lady starts making sure she closes the door behind her when she gets into her apartment, always watch your surroundings before getting your keys out, if you feel you are being followed just cross the street and start walking back, or dial 911. It is better to be safe than sorry. Just dial 911 and tell them you are being followed and that you are aware of knife point robberies in the neighborhood.
Also, where are the cameras on north side of sunnyside? Forget northside, why aren’t there more cameras near blvd?
3 weeks later? He probably went back to his home after he scored his drugs and did not show up again, you think they rob then come back and walk around? 108 is slow as hell, and they don’t care because it’s a petty crime. If they catch this guy what will they gain from it? The guy is a crackhead, it’s another lose to feed in the prison, nobody is hurt, someone is out of their $600 phone, big deal, NYPD can write 3 tickets and make more money.
gravity obviously does not affect this superhuman! They got html code for rotating images, by the way
Get this wanker locked up. Good for nothing hoodrat
This is terrible. Where is the police in this?! More crime. Where’s our neighbourhood watch?
And while we have great community members from all ways of life and ethnic backgrounds. Why are the perpretrators in the Chase ATM theft and this incident all of the same background?! Stop & Frisk in Sunnyside please!
“Great community members” HAH! I laugh at that. All they do is get together and talk about bullsh*t like “my garden has lillies now, what do you have on your garden” or “did you hear so and so died, let’s post some flyers all over neighborhood so maybe people will visit” while people taking the train wouldn’t even look at it. You know, those people think “Sunnyside” has a community, no it doesn’t it’s just couple of neighbors getting together thinking they own sunnyside, it’s not a neighborhood of 1,000 people? Check the statistics, there are at least 30,000 people in sunnyside alone, and this is only those who responded accurately or responded at all, I bet there is another 5000 illegals in the neighborhood.
Also I would like to take this opportunity to remind people that the REASON for these crimes is due to the drug problem Sunnyside currently has. A citizen has been telling you for MONTHS that there has been a drug problem and you people don’t talk about it. I’ve never smelled more weed than I have in the passed year in Sunnyside. These petty crimes reek of desperation, I mean these guys aren’t doing heists they’re robbing people like strung out crack heads. Why? Because the stuff is currently being sold IN sunnyside. So for all the politicians reading this forum, open your damn eyes and start throwing in some under cover DT’s in this neighborhood…When you do your big bust be sure to thank me in your big speech.
You think POT is the reason for this? Seriuosly? And you think Sunnyside of all neighborhoods has a marijuana “problem”? And you actually think people commit cimes to feed their “pot” habits? You really need to get out more.
These guys are absolutely NOT from the neighborhood, agreed. But they are coming here because of the lack of police presence and the fact that they can’t be recognized here. That’s all.
No that’s NOT all, I used pot as an example of increased activity stupid. The criminals are here because the dealers are here. this is a fact. choose not to listen , increased police pressence ain’t gonna do shit.
Interesting you mentioned the drug problem! I noticed that as well! I’ve been living here for over 10 years and I also noticed an increase on drug use. I’ve seen groups of people getting high at LL park at 11am!!
We also have some “new” neighbors sharing an apartment in our building completely that are “out of it” at all hours on a daily basis. I know the place has become a drug den and I have no idea how to go about it….
…neighbors that are completely “out of it” at all hours…
why don’t you complain to the landlord or the police?
ok there ronald reagan. Weed doesnt make people commit robbery to get more weed. lol if anything it simples calms them down.. prevents them to commit robbery and anything else in that matter. BUt they will kill a whole bucket of ice cream lol. your prolly still living in the late 1970s. lol
The only problem we have is Q60 stops
I’m gonna say (as I always do) what nobody else is saying. If you see questionable looking black guys lingering around sunnyside chances are they are up to no good . They are not from Sunnyside. You KNOW they can’t afford the rent. This isn’t racist to say, it’s logic. It’s common sense based on statistical facts. The guys caught on cam doing stuff around Sunnyside are Black guys you know aren’t from Sunnyside.
I know its a slippery slope going with this thinking but this is how you do it. Get to Freaking know your neighbors. You hipsters move into the building and keep to yourselves not even saying hello or good morning. I know everyone who is in my building so that if I see some guys who I’ve never seen before I’m going to hang back and call the cops.
wow – you’re super racist. How about being weary of questionable looking people in general – regardless of their race?
Some are more questionable than others. this is a fact.
Here are some stats to back you up:
i know a couple of “blacks” that live in sunnyside. and they are constantly getting harassed. Thanks to racist people like you. and the real crime is new tenants pushing old tenants out their neighborhood.
How are the new tenants pushing out the old tenants???
“You KNOW they can’t afford the rent. This isn’t racist to say”
Educated people know what ‘racism’ means.
Oh joy. Right on my block.
Why are the police just letting people know now !?
Why have they released this only 3 weeks later??