Suspect (NYPD)
Jan. 30, 2014 By Christian Murray
The police are searching for a man who allegedly broke into two Woodside churches and stole items such as iPads and computers.
The first incident allegedly occurred on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 12:30 am, when the suspect forced his way into the 7th Day Adventist Community Church—located at 41-26 58 Street–through a rear door and then removed two desktop computers, a laptop and two dozen Visa gift cards.
Then, during the early hours of Friday, January 24, 2014, the suspect allegedly forced open a rear door at Sure Foundation Lutheran Church—located at 64-20 Roosevelt Avenue– and removed an Apple Ipad, Ipod, and cash and checks.
No one was injured as a result of these incidents.
The police described the suspect as an adult Hispanic male, 30’s, with a medium build. In the first incident, he was wearing a red baseball hat, a red waist-length jacket, blue jeans and sneakers.
Anyone with information in regards to these incidents is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
I never knew this website until recently and ive been living in Sunnyside for 10 years not knowing the details to things happening around me. When i saw this post i was shocked because i think this is the man who tries to rob my church in 45th street (korean presbyterian church) by walking in our front door not knowing that there was a man in the buliding. Not to be mean or racist but the man inside the church told him “there are no black people attending this church so can you get out” because the suspect made an excuse saying that he was looking for his brother. Im hoping that this person is arrested or is away from Sunnyside… churches are the biggest target for robbery;; God surely did not create man to be like this.
The fake Greek Bishop from the church took the 1.4 mil and ran for the hills. Where did his pal the child molester priest go?
Check out the Chinese restaurant – they may look like they have cameras but THEY DO NOT WORK!!!
Stores do have cameras around 52 street. Cops have actually asked the stores to point the cameras at the 52 street station to see if they can catch anything
Any arrests yet?
With this photo is 108th can’t catch him they should leave town
Dear Rikki,
Are you serious? Blacks are starting to move into Sunnyside? This is disconcerting to say the least…
Warm regards,
Hey Paul, dumbass…Rikki isn’t me. You hear about Squirts the bum or the stupid way Sunnyside spends its money or even the occasional crack about Dogs..and THATS me. ok?
you just have to deal with the fact that there’s people out there worse than me.
Racism didn’t arise out if thin air…
i got a bigger question, how come this church is stocked like an apple store? Steve Jobs hookin up local parishes from above??
obviously rubin is back again, under another name…. again
I dont see anything racist….Everyone know there are Blacks and then the N’s and the N’s are 99% of the problem…
better headline:
“TowelMan cleans out Church!”
racist terms are permissible on this website? Seriously?
Crime is going to spike under Crap Blasio, just wait and see.
Hes not a hispanic look at the nose a light skinned Nig*****eerrrr
They are starting to come in this area and crime with it.
The Greek church shut down? I am surprised. I thought that the priest had bought the building.
Are there no black Mexicans?
Isn’t there an app for making a confession via iPad?
Speaking of churches, the Greek church on 48th ave and 44th has shut down. I believe some Korean denomination will be taking over the premises.
Obviously sunnyside is being targeted by certain people who find it an easy prey. I would hope that one of these bastards get into the wrong house and get shot in the nuts so they can be the easy prey down in rikers.
Also, why are there ipads and computers left unattended in a church? How does this guy know where to find those devices? Is there some sort of information network where these animals share data and then send another animal like this guy out to do the pickup?
With a clear picture like this, if NYPD does not catch this guy SHAME ON THEM.
La Bella Vita Pizzeria on Skillman is closed. It was sh hit ty pizza anyway.
Dog lover hates religion we get it
The churches all get free parking zones on the street too.
Well the thief certainly knows where to find the money. Our neighborhood is full of churches that pay no tax and yet receive every service from the city on our dime. All denominations, no discrimination, just look at the cars in the parking lots of our “religious institutions” If we tax churches and dogs we’ll be rich and prosperous.
The perpetrator is black. He doesn’t look remotely Mexican.
That guy is definitely Mexican.
Watch out if you go into any of the restaurants or stores on Roosevelt near the 52nd Street subway station – some of them do not have security cameras and they have crazies hanging out looking for people to rob.