June 17, 2015 By Christian Murray
A man broke into Lenny’s Pizzeria in the early hours Sunday and took off with $500, police said.
The police said that the suspect kicked in the front glass door at the 44-08 Greenpoint Ave. pizzeria at 2:30 am Sunday and removed $500 from the cash register.
The police have clear video of the man kicking in the door and stuffing his pockets with cash.
The suspect was last seen wearing a striped polo shirt, baseball cap and white sneakers.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
The guy got caught i remember posters being posted up with his bame and all
ayayay! iz pablo honey! joo gib da mohney back!
maybe if there were enough well paying jobs …..
Get an education. Get a real job.
Why would you leave cash in a register overnight? That was dumb. Hide the money in the freezer or somewhere that’s not obvious.
odds are he took the
cash back to el barrio
What “el barrio” is that?
he wanted a pizza that dough.
Must be a former employee who knew the cash would be there.
Didn’t a guy with a striped shirt go into an apartment through a fire escape and steal a watch and $200 on the same side of the blvd?
Maybe, but I don’t think people think to put on a “I’m going to rob people” uniform when they commit crimes… Probably just coincidence.
Why would any store leave cash in the register over night, and this guy looked like he knew this store did that. I really don’t understand, it costs $200 for a nice safe that’s not easy to break or haul. At least lock the register, for gods sake.
Wow Lenny’s had $500 cash, on hand?!? Must’ve been weeks since they went to the bank.