March 2, 2017 By Christian Murray
The police arrested three men who allegedly assaulted and robbed a man in Woodside in the early hours this morning.
The 32-year-old victim was walking in the vicinity of 39th Avenue and 60th Street at about 1:30 am when three men approached him behind, threw him to the ground and punched and kicked him in the body, according to police.
The alleged perpetrators then took off with the man’s cell phone and wallet.
The victim called the police and the suspects were apprehended at 2:44 am. The police found one of the suspects with the victim’s cellphone and another with his credit card.
The three perpetrators are from the Bronx and are 17, 18 and 20-years in age. They were arrested on charges of second degree robbery and assault, according to police.
Att: sunnyside love me long time– you should write fiction, good imagination, but a bs story, first , no street guy is gonna tell a stranger that, second, the story of the bars dont cut it either, not that great, third- thugs dont rent places where the rob due to the fact that if they are real thugs they would stand out in this neighborhood like a mob guy on a farm in the mid west. its not exactly a tough place around here, the thugs get the tips from losers around here that go to corona to score the drugs, or buy women .
This area is an easy get away for criminals. They know that there are plenty of people walking around after hours and that way they can blend in with the crowd. Be cautious people!
Wha???? Put the beer down
And how’d is he call NYPD when there nothing around hat he can call from? No saying it hsppened but … how?
I, as many others may not spell correctly, but whats being said is true. The one criticism about the police is incorrect, the police do the best that they can to keep the community safe,if it wasnt for them it would be way worse of a problem, so thanks nypd . All ill can say concerning myself is, yes, i have contributed to the area, i have attended meetings, i do try to do my part in the neighborhood, and most of all ,i can look in the mirror with my head high . You are walking around with blinders on if you cant see why this is happening around here , and whos causing the problem, that my friend, you not seeing this, or not wanting to see it , that , is as you said, very sad.
Elsa…it’s really pretentious to use so many ellipses when writing…they are unnecessary and reek of condescension…
You’re right Elsa, we already have criminals here. We don’t need to import more. Look at Long Island and their MS-13 problem. We only hear about the tip of the ice berg of the problem out there. In a neighborhood where the minority of the population commits the majority of the crime, its not racsist to point out the facts. Keep your head buried, how’s that sand tasting?
In that neighborhood when I was living there someone broke into our apartment like that other fellow.after I stab them in the face to keep him away from my family they try to charge me also. All people no matter who they are should have the right to protect themselves if we were all armed this wouldn’t happen
Yes, we all should be armed. The drunk, the psychotic, schizophrenic, mentally diminishd, people with dementia, Alzheimer patients, the drug addicted. Yes everyone should be armed and this wouldn’t happen. Thank you for the injection of Trump and Fox stupid into the comment stream.
This is sad… As a queens native I have had my share of living in different cities… What I find more horrific is how even within our own state we find prejudice… Someone wrote about having “illegals” the person couldn’t even spell or sound write through written and autocorrected words. Does that person think he or his natives where always legal here? Some of the best cities or towns have illegals as well as legals… It has nothing to do with what is happening. Crimes exist everywhere! All five boroughs, all states, all countries… Why would anyone wish crime to happen to others… Why would anyone ask criminals to commit the deed in their own town? Honestly that was REALLY dumb to even think… NYPD? You want to crack on the women and men in blue that have chosen to defend all civilians and protect our neighborhoods? What about taking a look in the mirror and ask yourself what have you done for your neighborhood? Have you participated in community meetings? Have you requested and put in a true effort towards improving your surroundings? It’s easy to point a finger but this all starts with you. If you don’t realize that then as I started my rant I will finalize by saying this is very sad.
You think that the struggles faced by illegal immigrants would be over once they arrived in the land of the free, right? I certainly do not. And so do not many Illegal immigrants I have encountered. I learned that your way of thinking can cause more harm to people and families who are undocumented in this country. Illegal immigrants are faced with many barriers once they arrive to a place like NYC. For example, they are easy victims for discrimination and exploitation in the workplace. They fall victim to exploitation when it comes to housing. They have an especially difficult time accessing services, largely because they are afraid of being deported. Consequently, people will avoid seeing the doctor or reaching out for services like legal guidance when they’re badly needed. Those are just a few examples that I have come across when I have spoken to undocumented immigrants. To think that we should not follow our immigration laws just because there are so many of them is not the right thing to do. Many feel like outsiders, or worse- they feel invisible. We should create a path for those in this country for more than a certain number of years (without criminal records) to gain citizenship or we should send them back to their country and have them enter legally.
Problem is only 2 patrol cars from 108th precint cover from the East river through Woodside. Makes these areas attractive to violent street criminals.
The Bronx still fight back they don’t like it when you fight back. About a year ago something similar happened to me I made sure I broke something on him and dragged into the 114 Precinct the joke as they tried to charge me!!
They should post the identity of criminals with photos so that the Woodside people will be warned.
Good job nypd
This area is not good. Worse at 130am, illegals all over, and the legal people here are bad also. This neighborhood is quit at night, early morning, your on you own over here, desolate. Then Go up to roosevelt and walk to gleasons, look at that mess on the way , then Go down to broadway at 64st ,37th ave , over there by the buildings, look what a mess is there, that park too, 69st, drunk so called laborers., this is disgusting, all the way up to roosevelt, on up to 69st and woodside ave park. Its a bad place. When is going to get cleaned up its going on for 20 yrs now
Ew, the racism on these threads is disgusting.
This is the second time in the area, almost the same area , we have to past the voice to our community
go to your counsel person Jimmy Van Bramer and see what he says – good luck
Bx full of shitbags
Can any of the journalists from the SSP find out the ethnicity of the robbers? I would be very interested to know the answer to that question.
Save you the research, they are black teens from bronx unless otherwise proven, hence the lack of description of thugs.
You can guarantee the poster wanted to see hispanic perps. That way they can say : See!! I told you so!!! Build the wall!! Immigrant crime is infinitesimal compared to white folk. But facts aren’t important.
They come here cause its easier for them.
What are they doing here in queens? Stay in the bronx !!
Build a wall.
Probably visiting friends in one of the neighborhood homeless shelters as they make their way back to the Bronx..No doubt these young perpetrators were Anglo Saxon Trump supporters..Thank goodness for JVB’s self defense classes..
Haha nice
Aren’t there people in the BX to rob?
Criminals from other boroughs see Sunnyside as a more worthwhile area to commit crimes because of how much good press the neighborhood gets.
this happened in WOODSIDE not SUNNYSIDE if you read the article –
You are absolutely right Also Anonymous. I was in and now closed pub on The Boulevard when the whole “Sunnyside is the New Williamsburg” B.S. started. I was talking to this twenty something year old sitting next to me. He grew up in Corona and like to party in Sunnyside because the bars were better. He told me this story about these two absolute thugs he went to high school with. They has just rented an apartment near The Gardens with the explicit reason to rip off the neighborhood. It’s what comes with gentrification. Increased street and property crimes, empty storefronts and overpriced apartments. This used to be a safe and affordable neighborhood. But at least the developers, building owners and politicians get paid.
There are so many confusing parts to this little story of yours. For starters, I could think of a MILLION other neighborhoods I’d consider before Sunnyside if I were in the business of renting an apartment (lol) and slinking out at night to rip people off in the same neighborhood where I lived. And when was Sunnyside EVER compared to Williamsburg? Apples to oranges.
Jonathan, when the B.I.D. rebranding of the neighborhood started multiple stories appeared in the real estate sections of New York papers literally stating “Sunnyside is the New Williamsburg”. All of a sudden storefronts start going vacant, properties were exchanging hand and real estate speculation took over. It literally changed the neighborhood within six months.
Jonathan- When I was a kid growing up on 47th street back in the 70’s a group rented an apartment for the sole purpose of robbing neighboring apartments while the occupants were at work. A number of them were busted by the cops red handed with stolen property coming over the roof. The old ladies in the building saw 2 of them up in the building and knew they had no business up there and phoned the police. The group had been under suspicion by neighbors for weeks because of their nearly vacant apartment, nothing but a few folding chairs and an antenna TV. People back then saw something and weren’t afraid to say something.
If they can afford an apt close to the gardens they must already have better jobs than I do, which makes me wonder what the point of all that supposed robbing would be.
Nothing says high class like living next to the LIRR tracks
They commute daily to Queens to rob people.
They were probably on some kind of drug running trip and happened to see a target of opportunity.
No there aren’t. Broke people out there