June 23, 2017 By Christian Murray
The Lowery Bar & Kitchen, which is located on the corner of 43rd Street and 43rd Avenue, was approved for sidewalk seating by Community Board 2 Wednesday.
The bar applied for 18 tables and 36 seats but agreed to reduce the number after hearing concerns from neighbors about noise on the block.
The Lowery, which opened a year ago, is across the street from Bar 43 and next door to the Romanian Garden on 43rd Avenue, which also has outdoor seating. The board was concerned that Lowery’s side walk café would add to the existing noise that residents on 43rd Street have been complaining about.
William McCarthy, who was at Wednesday’s meeting to express his concerns about noise from Bar 43, said he was concerned about another sidewalk café opening on the street. However, he did note that he had not heard any noise from the Lowery since it opened.
Ann Muldoon, a co-owner of Lowery, said that her establishment was more of a restaurant than a bar and didn’t expect noise to be a problem. She said that 70 percent of the establishment’s business comes from food.
Muldoon said she would sit down with McCarthy and work with him if there were any concerns. She said that she would provide him with her cell phone to ensure there is an open dialogue.
The Lowery agreed to get rid of eight seats that would have been the closest to McCarthy’s apartment building, leaving the bar/restaurant with 14 tables and 28 seats. The tables and seats will be located on both 43rd Avenue and 43rd Street.
The bar also agreed to close its sidewalk café at 11pm on weekdays and midnight on weekends.
The final approval has to be made by the Department of Consumer Affairs. However, with the board’s approval that approval is more of a formality.
The brisket burger at the Lowery. $16 dollars but love it.
I know people, for some reason, like it but outdoor seating in this city is gross. First, you get people gawking at your food and you in mid-bite. Second, who wants to eat a sandwich while sucking in the wonderful smell of car exhaust, passing cigarette smoke or the stink of hot garbage. Third, best to believe that someone will hock a loogie while you and yours chows down. Lastly, who wants to sit over their food in the sweltering heat dripping sweat unless you like the added condiment.
That’s $12500 every year
If bar 43 makes too much noise why give flowery double the seating. It all BS. The city gets plenty of money so they dont care about neighborhood noise. My friend owns a bar in astoria and the annual fee the city wanted for a 4′ x 12′ foot section he requested for outdoor use was $12500.00 and that was 6 yrs ago.
Love this place!!! best bar food in the City. Very classy and nice! unlike the one across the Street which is horrible.
Well, this is fun! I love when restaurants add an outdoor cafe! 🙂
Love the Lowery. 5 stars
It’s bullshit the community board shoots down a restaurant paying top dollar in rent and to the city for a chance to make a few sheckles in the summer. The license probably cost over $10,000 a year and that means each seat is worth over $2,500 to pay back to NYC.
Now community board and the whiny old guy next door take food right out of the restaurants mouth.
Total bullshit. No wonder why restaurants are closing all over and for rent signs are up.
FYI. I’m 66, my wife 61. We live and work in NYC after selling our successful Arkansas business. We love NY. We love Sunnyside. We love sitting outdoors!! Look for us at Bar 43, The Alcove, Dog and Duck and others. I’m bald with cool round glasses. My name is Cooper, wife Tina. Say Hi !! Oh, and, we’re not loud!! We respect the neighbors.
White Castle does have tables right in front of the door.
You are entitled to your opinion but we’ll have to agree to disagree. I love you me. Forgive me. Amen.
Shouldn’t we shutter every business so respectable citizens experience zero complications or inconveniences. Who needs a place to eat or places to provide employment when we need absolute silence.
Perhaps he is. Perhaps he is not young and healthy and mad to be out all night making noise. Lots of people work odd hours, perhaps he is one of those. Perhaps he has young children who go to bed at 8pm. Perhaps he is a war vet with PTSD. Perhaps anything. What business is it of yours to criticize someone who likes peace and quiet? Is it anyone’s God given right to disturb a peaceful evening? Diversity means diversity in all ways. Have some consideration for the rest of humanity.
He lives in NYC. This isn’t exactly Lancaster, PA. With the city, comes noise.
Hello, please don’t tap your keyboard so loud when you type these comments. Respect your neighbors
Who is this William McCarthy guy? Constant complaining. Does he never leave his apt? Is he always home monitoring the noise?
He’s a pain in the ass that has nothing better to do but complain about anyone enjoying life except him. He hangs around with Julie the nut job that dresses up her poor dog named after a Star Wars charachter.
Sunnyside is going to be chock full of people eating outdoors. End the tyranny of indoor seating! Harumph.