Dec. 12, 2016 By Christian Murray
The long-time owner of Marcel’s Cabinet Shop has sold his Skillman Avenue building and is hanging up his tools for good.
Marcel Didiot, who has built custom-made furniture from his 45-14 Skillman building for past 36 years, is retiring, according to Dorothy Morehead, a Sunnyside real estate broker who sold the building.
Morehead, who has known Didiot since 1989, would not disclose how much the building sold for or who the new property owner is. However, she did say that the buyer plans on finding a commercial tenant for the ground floor space. The residential tenants (there are two apartments) will remain. Didiot does not live in the building.
Didiot is best known for his custom-made kitchen cabinetry and bookshelves. Morehead said that at one time there was a one-year wait time for people who sought his services. Didiot, she said, did work for Paul Simon as well as the owner of Crazy Eddie, Eddie Antar, who was known for selling consumer electronics.
Morehead said that Didiot is in the process of selling his tools and supplies.
Didiot is a long-time Sunnysider who is expected to remain in the neighborhood.

Marcel’s old tools (facebook)
Its kind of strange…
I have walked past Marcel’s Cabinet Store countless times but it also appeared to be closed.
Again, does anyone know who purchased this property? These articles normally explain who is buying or renting properties in the neighborhood. Local people? Foreign investor? Big real estate shark?
Big deal he made a cabinet for the crook that owned crazy eddie electronics, probably never got paid
Marcel has a fire hazard there
Att phil/- first based on your experience. Then i have no experience. Which is it. I have to say your talking out of your …, well you know where i mean. Not taking sides but you really dont know what your talking about.
Can he core an apple
Does he build coffins
Hi- you must be high
He built me a china cabinet in 2003. Absolutely beautiful craftmanship. A real nice guy too.
I know the space isnt big but down there on skillman we could definitely use a cvs or rite aid maybe even a small chase atm location would be great.
Bank of America ATM .. ever try using the one on 46th st ?
Does anyone know who bought it?
Phil your a clown. A Vietnamese restaurant. Stupid fool.
Your right matt,at least you get it
There is a guy on Barnett who does cabinet work, for anyone who wants a new craftsman. An interior decorator might do well, with all the new wealth around here.
That place looked like it was closed for the past ten years. I walked past it more times than I can count at varying times of day and it was always shuttered, closed, and silent. When was the last time something came out of that place?
And for all those wanting food service, look at the location. It is not set up for exhaust vents or any kind of commercial purpose like grease traps etc. It would cost a bucket load to get that place ready for a COO in F&B.
Who is the new owner? Interested in the space.
I love people who say we need a coffee and pastries cafe or a wine place or Vietnamese or indian. How come none of you open up one of these places? Because you wouldnt last 2 weeks with these stupid ideas. Dont you know mom and pop shops are finished around here. The rent would choke the life out of your business. You are the same people who come up with these ideas, and if someone did it, you would be the first ones complaining, oh $8 for a beer, oh coffee $4.50 a cup, oh $7 for a pastry. Not around here, this isnt Manhattan! Got news for you it may as well be. Store owners would have to charge that to survive. Put some thought into your comments. get real with these ideas. Its not realistic.
Everyone wants to come up with the title, but no one wants to write the book.
Get Real- What is wrong with making suggestions to the community? Skillman is a beautiful street and it would be made even better by more commercial venues. I’m not sure what you’re saying? Would you rather a Dunkin’ Donuts go in there? Or would you rather it stay a shut-up and derelict store front? I live in Sunnyside, and would gladly pay $4 and up for a really good cappucino. That doesn’t exist yet in Sunnyside. I’ve never seen a $7 pastry though. Where is that? 8$ for a beer? It better be good, but sure why not? And for you to think that this isn’t Manhattan, you better wake up… have you seen what home prices are going for now in Sunnyside? Take a look.
Going purely from Sunnyside Post write ups, there are easily a dozen successful businesses that have opened in the last 18 months.
I don’t open a Vietnamese restaurant myself because I have no restaurant experience. I’m just a restaurant consumer stating something I like, you churlish dope.
Oh, and the places with longstanding leases hardly charge less than newer ones. E.g., most beers at the old mainstay copper kettle are in the 7-8 range. Go back to ranting underneath the 7 train viaduct.
Did Didiot agree to this being a news story?
what you need to do is keep the name and sign and turn it into a hipster bar with shuffleboard. like they do in willaimsburg
$2 PBRs
that place will never get a liquor license, too close to school and religious establishment sorry no deal
Let’s get a good steakhouse around here!
Trees are holy. Our forefather Moses used a tree to make bitter water sweet and saved the Jewish people. Without him we wouldn’t have B&H, matza ball soup, psychiatry, Hollywood, or finance. Tree murderers are dangerous and need medication or dismemberment.
I will pray for Marcel Idiot and he will be ok but our little Sunnyside will benefit from G-d’s judgement leaving.
Mental illness is serious.
I pray for and love all of you so much. Hallelujah Amen.
So, now put in a good wine shop! Or a little to go coffee shop with pastries!
Those are nice ideas but there’s already one of the former and at least two of the latter within 5 blocks. Suggest something else. Personally, I’d love a Vietnamese restaurant or a good Indian restaurant.
Phil- there’s a really good Indian Restaurant across the street!
That place is not good. Or I should say based on my experience half the menu is OK and half is an embarrassment.
Completely agree. Average at best, and the delivery service is horrendous. There isn’t one decent indian place in all of sunnyside.
Zillow estimate is $928,173 but there is no sales history available
What Zillow zestimate has to do with any sale on this real estate market????
the 2 tenants will experience a huge rent increase when the lease is up…hopefully they have one. or they need to take all the time off from work and sell everything,
been there done that owner got sick kids didn’t want to take over the real estate business, sold building new owner said use the security and be out in 30 days (no lease) i want to put in new appliances and raise the rent 40%…..
That is why you should oen
I heard Donald Trump is looking for a new cabinet.
from the above article
“Morehead, who has known Didiot since 1989, would not disclose how much the building sold for… “
How much did they sell it for?
Probably around 2.5mm if I had to guess with 2 apts and 1 commercial
guess you dont know values that dump is not worth anything more than 1mil
Who said it was worth 2-2.5?
Good for you, Marcel. I’m glad you are staying in the neighborhood.