Father Brian Dowd (Photo by Manny Gomez)
Oct. 10, 2012 By Bill Parry
The Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce is awarding this year’s Luke Adams Sunnysider of the Year award to Father Brian Dowd, Pastor of Queen of Angels Catholic Church.
The Chamber selects one person each year for the award—which is named after Luke Adams, in recognition of Adams’ life-long dedication to Sunnyside.
To win the award, the recipient must illustrate exceptional community service without regard to politics, fundraising or faith.
“Father Dowd brings people of all faiths to his church,” said Luke Adams. “When others just see a parish he sees a whole community.”
Adams said he was impressed by Father Dowd’s embrace of the neighborhood art scene. “He opened the doors of his Church to the Sunnysideartists.org Art Fair, [where]over a thousand people came this past year,” Adams said.
Dowd has been a priest for 21 years and has been the pastor at Queen of Angels (44-04 Skillman Ave.) for the last 3 1/2 years.
“It’s a great honor to be recognized by the community,” Father Dowd said. “It’s something I greatly appreciate.”
“We’ve developed programs for senior citizens as well as the youth,” Father Dowd said. “You can see the increases in parishioners every Sunday.”
The ceremony will be held at 6:00pm, Oct. 29, at Dazies Restaurant, at 39-41 Queens Blvd.
Tickets to the event are $50 and are available by calling Frances Schmidt at (718) 786-0322 and Luke Adams at (718) 784-8437
Nice to see the community recognizing a true leader and a devoted worker of The Lord’s vision! As always with Brian, I’m sure there is more to come.
This is America: Pro Choice is my choice.
Any Catholic who votes for the abortion/infanticide-loving obama should be excommunicated. I haven’t heard many of Father Dowd’s homilies but I hope and pray that he is opposed to the wanton slaughter of the unborn.
Fr. Brian is getting the Sunnysider Award because he’s the man. A man of great honor, dedication, and love for any who is in need. He has managed to bring so many people together – there is still more to him that have yet to see. God bless Fr. Brian, for inspiring so many people to serve the poor and the needy!
O’shea, I don’t blame the site owner for deleting your comment, it was totally inappropriate. You have a right to express your opinion but nobody is obliged to provide you with a forum for it.
Thank you SSP for censoring my comments.
Mother theresa is still a killer also
@It’s all true
0bama’s record on abortion would make King Herod blush. He’s not only ok with killing the unborn in the womb, it’s ok to let them die of even when they survive an abortion. His voting record supports infanticide.
A good guy and very pro life. A big supporter of crisis pregnancy centers.
Father Dowd is probably one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.
Congratulations to Father Dowd. He’s a real blessing for the neighborhood.
Not true at all. He’s his own messiah.
If Barack Hussein Obama wins another term he’ll kill all religion
God Bless Fr. Dowd.
Thanks for providing a home-base to Unity Stage Company, Father Dowd — and for being so kind and welcoming to our programs. It means so much to the children and their families.
Thank you for coming to our little town and helping us out, Father.
Congratulations to Fr. Dowd! A well-deserved honor!
[Rev.] Irving Douglas Estella
Former Pastor of Sunnyside Reformed Church
Congrats to Father Dowd! Great work, great man!
Congratulations Father Brian! Always a pleasure to see you at Mass and other events!
Well done Father Dowd.