Oct. 26, 2018 By Christian Murray
A store selling racy lingerie and adult toys opened on Queens Boulevard today in the former Radio Shack space.
Lingerie Superstore, located at 45-02 Queens, sell a variety of lingerie in a variety of sizes –as well as items such as edible underwear, penis enlargement cream, dildos and vibrators. There are also many items for bachelorette parties.
The store primarily sells lingerie, with the adult toys are displayed at the back of the store. The adult items are not visible from the street.
The owner of the site was not on the premises and could not be reached for comment.

Never once did I think I would read the words “edible underwear” in the Sunnyside Post. We have offically become hip.
I knew I should have been suspicious that my wife was going to Radio Shack so often lately. She told me those were soldering irons!
Should be of service to pilgrims/parishioners attending sabbath services at the Jehova Witness temple down the block.
Who knew Sunnyside was filled with such prudes? “Think of the children” — Yeah, sex is exactly how the most of those kids were made in the first place. My god, the children might see… lingerie. Hope you don’t take your kids to Macy’s – they’ll see lingerie there too. Don’t want your kids seeing sex toys? Don’t bring them into the store and take them to the dildo section in the back. Otherwise walking by the store won’t expose them to anything all that salacious beyond underwear.
Or take them to a store that says RadioShack but when you go inside is a sex shop.
Thank you….thank you…for your post. I don’t know why everyone is bent out of shape this store is discreet and that’s all that should matter. I love the store
They sell everything you need to make your own Devil’s Triangle
Has anyone NOTICED, I bring out this Discussion ?…LETS ALL CHIME IN……GREAT DISCOURSE?????
Is this store a permanent store or a pop up store in an empty storefront? I have a feeling it is only here for the Christmas selling season. I am not for this shop but I will say this — although it is not the most upscale store, my impression is that it is run along the lines of Babeland – which means it is aimed at women and not men. You can google that. In short, it is my impression that this is a store run by women for women. So although it is kind of weird, it is not the sleazy male oriented sex shop with creepy guys looking for the side prostitution business. 90% of the store is overly sexy lingerie for women. the rest of the store is light hearted sex jokey type stuff, lube and some sex toys. The staff are nice and friendly. They make a point of making sure you know there is no porn in the store – which apparently has some legal advantages. Do I think we need a store like this ? No. Do I think it improves the neighborhood? No. Do I think it is offensive ? not exactly, but I think it is tacky. Do I think it will last ? I doubt it.
Hopefully will last through Valentine’s Day baby.
Do they sell pink hats?
Do they sell red hats?
Before you start removing business owners who will add to your tax base, think a moment about the target of businesses like Romantic Depot…women! These are not peep shows or strip clubs that attract men. These stores’ clientele is 90% women. Yeah guys…your wives and girlfriends. So man up and grow up!
I used to be afraid to step into stores like this, but Romantic Depot has single-handedly saved my marriage. The customer service there is incredible. When they opened in my community in Manhattan they took it upon themselves to be respectful of their neighbors and I am certain they will do the same in Queens. This is not a “shmutz” store of the past. It is 2018 and they serve a need in every community and I wouldn’t be surprised if they opened more stores. People here need to stop by, get to know the employees, and maybe even buy themselves or their spouse a gift! HIGHLY RECOMMEND Romantic Depot!
Fake name.
Some of these comments are pretty funny. Getting your panties in a bunch over some crotch less panties is ridiculous. We had a cash-n-carry pill mill 5 blocks away! Where do you people think you live? We’re surrounded by homeless shelters . The 7 train is turned into a cattle car before 6am. A guy buying some sex toy is your focus?!? “ Loosen up Lindsey Baby”
“Loosen up , Sandy Baby”, typo
Well said, Fan of Dough Boy Park
I don’t really care that it’s a lingerie/sex shop, but it looks so… ghetto? Maybe it’s the Radio Shack sign still up, but with the overall vibe of that block, this new shop looks like something that would be next to a remote gas station.
When I was a kid every mall in America had a Spencer Gifts with an “adult” section. Amazingly, our society did not come to an end.
Trust Hans on this…he checked!
yes it does! its on the 4th floor, next to the bedding section.
CVS absolutely sells vibrators. Yes, out in the open for our children to see, unlike the lingerie store who carefully stocks them in the back. So does Target, Walgreens Amazon and Walmart! Yep The Christian largest retailer in the USA!
Walmart started selling sex toys in their stores this year!
walmart is selling dildos and sex toys
No business opens without doing their homework on the demographics who they think will support their business. There’s no finer way to spend a Sunday in Sunnyside than hitting the adult store after purchasing a little something in the pawn shop. Good times.
The 2 XXL black dildos I bought here fit just perfectly
But you don’t even have a gender, my Charlottesville troll.
This place will last a year at most. Whoever opened this place totally does not understand the neighborhood. All you needed in this location was either a good bagel place or good pizza place. All the stuff they are selling will be available online for cheaper, and people are cheap in Sunnyside.
this stuff may be cheaper online, but you also get the discretion of having something sent to you in a plain cardboard box. i still remember this article by an amazon packer who commented on the large number of dildos they ended up shipping out.
I think anyone who’s bothered by this store NEEDS this store to lighten up a bit ? please ppl its 2018!
….Sex is normally private?
I wonder if Radio Shack left any Batteries behind
Great store. I was able to pick up some wonderful items.
Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children?!
What the hell does “think of the children” mean? I don’t think children are even going to notice the store unless you, the adult, point it out to them. Children think what adults teach them. What are you teaching your children (assuming that you have any).
This is New York City. You want to think of the children, move to Nebraska!!!
This all about JVB’s “Queens Values”
What’s wrong with me being a drag queen? Oh you meant the BORO of Queens!
Want to see sensible comments, please scroll down a few pages to skip past the comments posted by promoters.
There can’t be this many people in support of this establishment. So many people who complained about building a new school in our neighborhood are suddenly quiet? They don’t care that fake penises hang from shelves in our neighborhood now?
Those who claim walmart/cvs etc sells similar products, never seen dildos at CVS or rite aid… Oh and I thought you guys were all against “big chain stores” what happened now suddenly you are using them as examples?
Hello? Its 2018. Look at the below link CVS absolutely sells vibrators, where have you been? Yes out in the open for our children to see unlike =the new lingerie store who stocks them in the back. So does Target, Walgreens Amazon and ****Walmart!!! * Copy and paste the article about Walmart under the link of the CVS screen cap. Walmart started selling sex toys in their stores this year!
walmart selling sex toys at fortune.com
i was pleasantly surprised when visiting this store. I was a bit skeptical but this place is very classy. The selection of lingerie is very nice. The store is well put together. The staff is friendly and pleasant. There’s nothing obscene or creepy about this place. I’m glad this place opened in the neighborhood.
Can this be moved?
Perhaps the BID was unaware of the full nature of the store?
Sunnyside Shines/BID allowed the pawnshop. That too, would have been of less controversy, if on a side street.
But again, this is the village center, near the arch and marking Sunnyside from the elevated. Sunnyside Woodside is still not “sophisticated,” and many move here or stay here because of that.
Doubtless, the owners were willing to pay the high rent asked. But wider real estate values and the perception of Sunnyside as oasis of safety are not assisted by this placement of a partial sexual toy store. It takes years to promote the area and one wrong move to not only offend some of the population, but hurt other businesses.
The Chamber slogan “Small Town in the Big City” might better describes the litmus test of what is helpful for all for a location thousands view daily from the Boulevard.
Village elders before our time worked successfully to move the topless clubs, such as Gallagher’s, off QB and onto side streets. More recently, many successfully discouraged the “G Spot” on 48th Street and Barnett. May seem prudish to some, but over time, such efforts keep the area pleasant and safe. Local leaders did that because of the clubs themselves, but also because after one such store comes in, more sex-related businesses, legal and otherwise, open near such clubs.
After thousands signed our petition regarding the pawnshop, Councilman Van Bramer and Assemblywoman Nolan worked hard and successfully with the owner to reduce the size of the signage and get rid of the planned giant blinking sign, when it was too late to stop the pawn leasing. It does not look so bad, and the owner has been a good neighbor.
If it too late to find another space for this possible “red light district” store, I hope our electeds can step in again here to also assist to minimize the result of this outlet.
Pat, The Sunnyside Shines/BID is supposed to be promoting local business. They are definitely promoting neighborhood “business”, if you know what I mean… mission accomplished!
Oasis of safety? You’ve got to be kidding me. Download the Citizen app and sign up for the updates. You’ll get a real eye opener about the shootings, stabbings, muggings, brawls, robberies and domestic violence going on in this neighborhood.
I saw underage kids around the store am not sure if they were in the store. Not sure if this is what this neighboorhood needs with schools all around this place.
Oh stop spreading bulls**t
What’s the bullshit part ? The part of underage kids inside the sex shop? Or the fact that there are schools near? I’m beggining to think Who’s really spreading the bullshit ?
I saw several teenagers in there last night around 7:45 PM. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. Maybe they were doing some early Christmas shopping for their moms?
You know teenagers go to Spencer’s right … and it’s not a sex shop. Every neighborhood has one and in every neighborhood their kids, parents, schools, bagels shops, liquor shops and pizza shops. Geez
I saw those pictures with the dildos balls and sex objects and who knows what, who else is in there. They should put cameras outside this place.
you worried about this when the same kids go on the internet and watch much worse stuff?
There no big deal with this store, we should be concerned with bigger things in this world.
Agreed we just checked it out. It’s nothing bad, everyone needs to at least check it out before you form an opinion.
Instead of worrying about this store, worry about the fact that Skillman Fresh Bakery has been operating without a license or letter grade from the Health Department and a fake Department of Markets and Agriculture inspection in the window for several years now. Please join me in calling 311. Every other restaurant in the neighborhood gets inspected except them.
Finally a store where my girlfriend and I can come to. I love that they have a store like this now, nearby! I have been at some of their other locations and it’s really a fun shopping experience!
Nope at first i thought it could be part of london luv or boutique but its not I spoke to the manager and its their first location. They seemed very friendly.
Sex is normal ! I’m so glad they opened up a store like this in Queens it will finally bring some excitement back not only for the neighborhood but for couples to spice things up ! Let’s be positive and enjoy this new store !
Hey Michelle B. Let’s get together some time.
Sex scares me
I’m the real Juana Juana and I fear nothing
At least you don’t have to fear the MAGABomber now that he was arrested
He was a democrat you fool
The MAGABomber was a registered Republican. There’s pictures of him wearing his cute little red hat at Trump rallies. He posted in Trump Facebook groups. His van was covered in Trump bumper stickers.
Does it bother you that the only way you can deal with being a Republican is to blatantly lie about it?
Everyone wants to act so prudent, If you don’t like it then don’t go inside. I think it would be fun store for adults and friends of age to go into. If this is in fact an adult shop these places ID people ! Minors won’t be able to go in. Me and my husband are excited to see what this store is about.
Can anyone say ménage a trios?
“Prudish.” Sheesh.
I think this is a great idea; something different that’s just for us adults, now me and my husband can spice up our date nights! Can’t wait to go and shop!
Hell yeah, show me the way to leather heaven bb!!!
Whats the big deal its not a x shop. Its for women.
Let us have our fun too!
A sex toy store great now I can stop ordering the shitty stuff off Amazon. I like it
Ok just got back, from visiting with my wife. The lingerie & toy store was upscale in fact the nicest ive seen in queens and the female staff was very friendly and professional. This store is nothing like 42nd Street in fact I think it will add a little character to our area,
I personally wis, them the best of luck and do not see what the big deal is? Sexy lingerie, penis straws and bullet vibrators are a little different than the stores on 42nd street with the creepy old men masturbating in video peep show booths or am I hallucinating here?
Check it out and see for yourself I give it 5 stars!
David & Carol
Yeah I went in too… I’ve been to upscale sex shops and this is not one of them. Super tacky. Which, I mean I suppose that’s how some people like their sex lol, to each their own! But no, not “upscale”.
David & Carol, your post smells like a promo piece, tone it down a bit, maybe then it will sound somewhat believable.
Lauryl and Hardy
It sounds like you have never been in the store have you?
How long has it been since you were on 42nd Street ??? There are no more peep shows and XXX places. OMG keep up with the times.
You get what you deserve. Our councilman hard at work and looking out for the community. Bet he will lead a protest in front of the store to get his face in the papers and on eyewitness news. Will our proud councilman JVB stand up for decency and families or take a wait and see approach to see how the wind blows and how the community reacts to this new store? Will he make a purchase in support of this business or will he oppose free enterprise? We will see, we will see,…
Are you serious? Protest a lingerie store with bachelorette gifts, massage oils and vibrators Even Walmart, CVS, Target are all selling vibrators! This is not even an adult store. Adult stores in NYC are defined as stores that have adult Dvds and magazines, This store is 100% legal and will either succeed based on consumer demand and whether the market place supports it with
sufficient sales to pay for rent and expenses, otherwise it will have to close. Plain and simple! Protesting a lingerie store sounds so intolerant. OMG 🙁
JVB has nothing to do with this. This is ridiculous even considering to protest a lingerie store in 2018. The store is legal entity and is protected by the 2nd amendment. This business is not an adult store. I read the article and inspected the store on Saturday and it does not appear to have any visual viewing arcades, no x-rated videos, no adult magazines, nor any adult entertainment on the premises. Yes, the store has lingerie, bachelorette gifts and adult novelty products in the back of the store. These items are 100% permitted with no restrictions in NYC. For those who are unaware, adult novelties are not covered under the statute in defining adult businesses in the City of New York’s adult business code. Pornography and nude dancing are only included in the code.
If this business does not thrive it will simply go out of business on its own terms and if it survives it will be because the community will show a need for it.
In closing, for those of you who say that this store is a bad influence on children, I truly think we should understand the true reality is that we all must monitor what our children view on the internet very closely. The internet is much more sexual and violent than a lingerie store on Queens Boulevard.
I am an attorney and I am not for or against the store.
Stop into CVS on queens boulevard, they have a family planning section that is not in the back of the store with vibrators, penis rings and condoms. We now must Protest CVS now!
In all honesty, if I can find cute bras that fit (I’m a difficult size to find)… I’m fine with it. Welcome to the neighborhood!
These people don.t wanna see it..thus all the downvotes. The people downvoting are the ones that had agendas here. They are the ones with the expensive real estate now losing value after they tried so hard to change sunnyside.
With all of the residences being built, there will be more families with children. Neighborhoods need neighborhood shops not a revisiting of 42nd Street, which was also better before it became commercial and sitting areas. Unlike people dressed as cartoon characters, porno shops didn’t harass you. I miss how Queens used to be.
I used to work near Grand Central and remember what West 42nd Street was like in the early 80s west of 6th Ave. before it was Disneyfied. Creepy guys spilled out of the peep shows and xxx movie houses, and yes, they did harass women passing by. Lots of crackheads and pickpockets were on that stretch too. Can’t say I miss that, but one lingerie shop with a discreet sex toy aisle in the back is quite different than the old Times Square area. Like any business, the market will decide if it’s successful or not.
As for “how Queens used to be,” maybe you are missing the boxing arena next door on QB, or the countless bars filled with old drunks during the day. Those were the days?
Oh get off your high horse why don’t you. Obviously you’re not very attractive. I enjoy sex.
Can we take a second to Really Think about the alternative tenant options. 1. None (remains a vacant/ derelict store = Zero benefit for all) 2. a Vape Shop (promoting candy flavored nicotine to kids) 3. another Pharmacy or Pain Management Clinic (flooding our community with more legal opioids) or 4. another Bank (because we all know how well the Chase across the is secured at 2pm …. as its getting robbed … when the kids are getting out school). Congratulations new business owner! You took a chance to get off the couch and invest in yourself and pay taxes, which will help our community, small & large. Best of luck!
Thankful not another 99 cent store.
Wait, you forgot 5. Cell phone store.
Who’s the owner? Allison Mack?
This makes me laugh so much. With how hard people tried to make sunnyside all trendy and the IT place causing old folks to move and rent jacked up. Now its clear, your neighborhood has no personality, its a shallow shell and i cant wait to see all the hipsters leave in a huff and it go back to the quiet place it used to be
Rueben sammich? Where you been? Still cranky. Ain’t no hipsters in this hood but one or two. You move?
Families and kids?????With JVB touting his drag queen day for kids…it had to happen…watch for a bike lane there next
is JVB going to cut the ribbon for this store this is his MO – lol
Our great former mayor Giuliani is a drag queen. Show a little respect!
No such person as Les Grossman.
I’m looking forward to riding my bike on all of the bike paths here to buy a huge honking dildo. I’ll name it Les.
It will for now, but eventually will be replaced with just “Shack”
Hoping they have diversified equipment. I would not want to rock the boat…
I MISS THE OLD SUNNYSIDE! WAIT! This is perfect for dirt bags and degenerates!
No peep booths? Pffft.
With that amount of square footage they could have stuck a few in the back!
All kidding aside I’ll give this place 6 months… maybe less if the conservative mob gathers up the pitchforks and demands that we think of. The children!
I have no idea why the owners thought this was a good spot to set up shop but hey….. let your freak flag fly!!!
They’ll get the Sunnyside local walk-in traffic, plus the subway is a just a block away. Long Island commuters will also pass it on their drive home. Seems like a G-reat spot.
what, you don’t think elderly people get frisky now and then too?
We are not conservative people but this is a disgrace for the neighborhood. With all the families, young kids, students, schools around,elderly people and knowing sunnyside to be a safe neighborhood, that wasn’t the kind of store to open there.
Instead of beautifying the neighborhood, it sends the wrong message.
And how could they keep “radio shack ” still up???
Poor judgement. I do not give them a long time to survive
What we needed it’s a pizza shop, or a shake shack or anything but not that kind of store.
Bm=Another “ tolerant “ liberal NIMBY. Other people’s rights don’t stop when your feelings start to get hurt.
Beautifying the neighborhood? Since when was that ever a requirement for a business, Bm?
Was South Pole a beauty? The 99 cent store? the pawn shop? This store apparently is not a chain store, which is a good thing, but a “disgrace?” Oh please.
Sounds like you want more food stores. Does Wendy’s beautify the neighborhood? White Castle? Micky Ds? May be good for BMs like you, but we already have enough pizza joints and fast food places.
We are wasting our breath and keystrokes here, this thread/comment section has been infected by bots or people hired to post positive comments about this ridiculous store.
People who make so much noise about a school suddenly quiet when it comes to a out-of-place store like this. South Pole closed, this place opened?
no im shocked that people would actually be so offended abiut a lingerie store that has marital aids in the back area..
*there is no pornography.
It’s better we keep a very close eye on our children and their internet usage, where they can access pornography for free through proxies even if you have Net nanny or cyber patrol. I’m just saying, Jeez lighten up.
I also want to point out that Qns boulevard is NOT cheap. In this day and age of online sales (particularly for private items like sex toys) I exceedingly doubt this sort of place is making any sort of profit. PARTICULARLY in Sunnyside. My feeling is $$ laundering.
I am all with you. It’s a disgrace for all the families and kids roaming our streets going to school. Ready to protest!
There’s a time and a place for sex shops, and Sunnyside in 2018… RIGHT on Qns Blvd is not one of them. I’m not a “think of the children!” sort of person, but let’s be honest here. This is NOT appropriate in this neighborhood.
Sexual health and supplies are an important part of any community! What’s the problem with sex?? “Think of the children?” When I think of the children I am glad that there is a store catering to the emotional and physical fulfillment of Sunnyside’s children’s parents…happy parents make better parents.
Happy wife, happy life
I miss Radio Shack
The cream is in the back, right?
Yeah. We just restocked.
From the Radio Shack to the Love Shack baby!
aint nothin but a few fake dicks and chochas
insightful words, Big Daddy
Yeh, now we’re talking!
Please excuse my language, but *What The Hell*?
Did someone really study Sunnyside and decide that there is a big need for a store like this? Seriously. Suddenly nail salons, thrift stores and pawn shops don’t look so bad. How low can we go, people?
We would love to know if the owner owns any store in the neighborhood.
At least they didn’t put a sign or anything, so let’s hope this is a pop-up store and won’t last long. Yes, we are a progressive neighborhood but this is seriously nonsense. We would love to know who approved the permit and does Van Bramer know anything about this?
Who do we send our complaints/disappointment about this?
Stop being such a rude person. This is just someone trying to make money like everyone else in the world. If you have a problem that is fine. But they have done nothing wrong. Its just a sex shop I’m sure you have watched porn some time in your life before.
Sex is low…It’s the basis of existence!
And I wonder if jimmy shops there or those talented Sunnyside moms who drag their kids to demos
JVB lives in your mind rent free
are we still considered “Mayberry near Midtown”?
Honestly Jimmy Van B probably likes this sort of thing, not surprisd he let this one slip by.
Protest everything Trump but when it comes to big platic D – – – – – hanging right where kids walk by, Jimmyz fine with that!! No comment!!
those big “D” are displayed in the back of the store — and yes JVB has lost his queens values – so happy – let people open up what they want he has no control over this
I think there are homophobic implications in your comment. If so please delete. If not please clarify. Thanks.
will somebody think of the children!
…The children to be born 9 months from now because their parents spiced up their sex life.
How did this get by CB2
Why not just be honest about it? This is going to be a sex shop. Great, just great. SMH
Hopefully, maybe me and my sons can head over for some father/son bonding with the laaaaaadies! Chick-a chick-a waaaa-waaa
*proceeds to eat popcorn and read comments*
Best day ever! (chomp)
Are they going to leave the radioShack sign up?
George, I’ve lived here 30+ years, way less than you have, but long enough to see many positive changes. This is no crisis. Lighten up a little pal.