Photo: QueensPost
May 31, 2013 By Christian Murray
Thalia Theater Company, the only Hispanic theater in Queens, will kick off its 19th outdoor summer series on Sunday at Thomson Hill Park/Noonan Playground on 43rd Street and Greenpoint Avenue.
The theater company presents two performances in the park each year, which take place on the first two Sundays of every June.
The first event takes place at 1 pm on June 2, with the second event June 9 at the same time.
@123sunny – glad you enjoyed the shows. Thanks to everyone who turned out!
So great – last weekend and this!! Wonderful asset to the community!
It’s our pride and pleasure to offer these free performances. We’ve been doing them since 1995! Thanks to all who come and enjoy.
@ Anonymous – Irish music being played with a tin whistle or a bodhran is not ethnic enough? Well then what ethnicity qualifies as being ‘ethnic enough’?
these shows are cool, and yeah im a white guy, i like then they do the wedding dance and they tie something like a scarf with their feet as they’re dancing. The young and old come out to hear a wide variety of latin music. This isn’t the annoying repetitive never ending music that keeps you up at night from that party a few blocks away. This is live flamenco, opera, traditional… real music!!!
We are lucky to have Thalia in our neighborhood. Thank you for giving us these shows every year Thalia!!
Mexican River Dance
I’ve attended these shows in the past. They’re not loud at all.
Anyone complaining about the noise is just looking for something petty to bitch about. Besides, each show only lasts an hour.
‘Anonymous’, ethnic music of all kinds is welcome on the North side. I plan to check this out. Diversity is what makes us great.
At 3am, blaring from a club/car of any kind, shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone.
That’s not ethnic enough
I’m fairly certain I’ve heard Irish music on Skillman on several occasions.
Good thing this is taking place on the south side and not on Skillman.
We know that ethnic music isn’t tolerated north of QB.
The performances are wonderful, I just wish they’d stop putting that ugly yellow tape across the stage. It ruins the visual.
i hope this is not too loud and will not start until the afternoon hours!