46-19 48th Ave.
June 30, 2014 By Christian Murray
A Latin bar/restaurant is expected to open on 48th Avenue, between 46th and 47th Streets.
The establishment, to be called Amanecer Caliente, will be taking over the space that was previously occupied by a pizzeria.
The owner of Amanecer, who spoke to Community Board 2 about his liquor license application earlier this month, said that he plans to operate the business as a restaurant by day and a bar by night.
The owner told the board that he would like to open at 7 am for breakfast each day and remain open until 2 am Monday through Wednesday—and until 4 am from Thursday through Sunday.
However, Patrick O’Brien, chairman of Community Board 2’s City Services and Public Safety Committee, told the owner that the committee prefers new establishments to start off with more limited hours. He said that if all goes well, the hours can be expanded at a later date.
The owner emphasized that the establishment would be small and that it would not generate much in the way of noise.
He said that there would be 10 tables, which would cater to 36 patrons, as well as 6 stools at the bar. He said that there would be security guards working on Friday and Saturday nights (from 10 pm through 4 am). The owner also said that there would not be any amplified music or dancing.
“Food is the breakeven point…and beer, wine and liquor is what generates profit,” the owner said. “We ask for there to be some consideration about generating a profit,” he said, in a plea for the board not to cut back his hours of operation.
However, while the board had no issue about recommending the license, it did want to clip back the hours.
O’Brien said to his fellow board members: “It is a bit volatile area over there and there are apartment buildings right there… between 46th and 47th Streets.”
Board member Norberto Saldana, who lives near the proposed establishment, agreed with O’Brien’s assessment, and said that it can get very rowdy in that section of the neighborhood at night.
The board approved the license but limited the hours to 11 pm Sunday through Thursday and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. The vote was unanimous.
lmao there are plenty white people on the south side of the boulevard. They’re usually a lot more racist because of it hahaha.
You hit it right on the head….”the right kind of people” get all the permits they want. 😉
No more bars please!!!
The Jar Bar across the street and a block away is very good under the new management. Went there yesterday to watch the US play Belgium. They had beer specials and complimentary burgers, hot dogs and snacks. Very well done.
Bring on da booze! booze booze booze booze booze booze booze booze booze
@Ant & A. Hart – Well said! I’ve lived in the south side for over 40 years and I’m proud to be living here!
@wow get your facts correct right before posting your idiotic comments please.
Did the CB know that all the Boulevard Bars and Skillman Ave bars would one day sponsor ‘charity’ pub crawls where people can get wasted cheaply, all for a can of food? Maybe there’s more to the story but this article sure seems to infer there are two paths to bar ownership in this neighborhood.
What’s with this south side garbage? Call it what it is and stop the blanketed race-baiting…its where all the “brown” people live. I thought we were a whole community, a neighborhood as one SUNNYSIDE! Some of you are ridiculous.
Crazy. We don’t need more bars. If I said I didn’t want Latinos in the neighborhood … the way Hipster Thug says he doesn’t want non-hispanics, I would called a racist. So much for double standards on this site. Great administrative work by the person running this site. Also…Jiminy Cricket, if you don’t like the South Side, don’t come here. I’ve lived here for 35 years, no problems. I hear it’s so safe on the North Side that even some local politicians homes have been broken into. Where the hell do YOU think you live Park Ave….. another pompous idiot.
It’s excellent the owner wants to create peace while running the place. But when did Community Board 2 get involved? I’m sure there’s a reason for it.
Great. All you need now is for those Dominican drug dealers always for the life of me just standing on the corner of 46th and 48th ave. Those are the types of people that need to be given the boot out. All they will do is feed the BS drugs to the future patrons of that establishment.
I guess gentrification didn’t reach that part of Woodside yet. I’d rather it be a cafe with a couple hipsters in beards serving me my coffee.
Only thing opening up in Sunnyside are bars/restaurants . I was walking around Park Slope the other day and was amazed at how more functional it was for …you know…living! anything you could need they had and these stores stay there for years and years.
Just walk around Sunnyside…you will see empty lot after empty lot on every block. Then there’s the south side that’s always been a dump. Always…this is why I won’t be letting my kid go to IS 125…because that school contains children of people who live in the dump.
Sunnyside has no real character…and this was bearable when rents were affordable and neighbors weren’t douchebag hipsters who have moved in thinking they are better than the people who have lived here for years.
More bars…sad.
Eh, idk. I walked by on a Monday & there were people inside drinking & singing with the gates down. You could hear all the noise through the gates! This is also where people who go to those bars on 46 Street finish off the night. I think there was also a girl fight a couple of weeks ago if I’m not wrong there. There’s a bar on the corner of 47 st & 48 avenue already. There’s enough drunkards hanging out at the deli on 46 Street. NO MORE DRUNK PEOPLE! Why doesn’t the CB do something about the lingering drunk people at the playground? why can’t the Southside be as pleasant at night as it.is in the day?
Why aren’t liquor laws the same for all establishments? A system where the CB can pick and chose what businesses can basically thrive or not seems ripe for abuse.
Will non-Latinos be admitted. Just asking. Because I don’t want them. Yes, the secret is out I am Latino!
Volatile and rowdy. I told ya the south side sucked. Crime, drugs and prostitution. Closed park & closed library, empty store fronts. Hate the south side!
On what basis did the Board decide on last call at 11 PM during the week and midnight on the weekends? Is there a rule or regulation that prescribes these hours for new establishments or is that a made up standard formulated on anecdotal information? Was there data from the PD to show incidents or calls for service related to the volitility of the area or rowdiness in that section of Sunnyside or is this information more of the “I heard it through the grapevine” story telling that seems to govern much of CB 2 decision making? The success or failure of a small, new restaurant in the critical first year of business appears to depend on the whim of CB 2 members.
Doesn’t sound like he’s planning to run a nightclub. Unbelievable.