Photo: QueensPost
Nov. 11, 2012 Staff Report
Construction of a new garden area at All Saints Episcopal Church on 46th Street began last week.
The garden, to be called a “meditation area”, will be open to residents and will be available for small public events. It is expected to be completed by the end of this week.
The church was awarded $20,000 last year to upgrade the garden, which came from the $8 million settlement that Western Queens reached with Con Ed following the 2006 blackout.
Oppressed Masses: Reverend Joseph Jerome encourages us to use the garden and let the dogs run free every time there is a Blessing of the Animals. He may even allow it on other occasions. You should take a cue from Reverend Joseph Jerome (who is an animal lover) and be happy for the local dogs that they will have an official place to stretch their legs. BTW – the majority of the cost of the approved park renovation is NOT going to the S.U.D.S. dog run. Just an FYI. You act like such a curmudgeon!
Your bark is worse than your bite.
Arf, arf.
Aren’t churches expected to adhere to a certain dogma?
I was hoping you would respond RD so I could get a chuckle from your usual dose of dog dementia. Even if the rest of the work in Lodati costs $400,000 (a very high estimate based on the plans), the dog park will run $1 million. This is 50 times the money being spent on the meditation garden at All Saints. Even Mutts knows the amount of taxpayer money being spent on the dog park is ridiculous. Since by your own admission you don’t know how much the dog park will cost, you need to educate yourself before suggesting you can educate others. My earlier point is simply that like has been done at Sunnyside Gardens Park on 39th Ave, All Saints maintain the meditation garden as a dog free zone.
no pic of JVB holding a shiny shovel???
hahaha!! OM is too easily baited. Nice work, Patriot.
The dog park isn’t going to cost $1.4MM. That’s the tab for the WHOLE park OM, please get it right. I think I’ve educated you more than once on this already, maybe you need ‘extra help’? My after school hours are M-Th, 230-330pm.
The dog meditation area is located at Skillman Ave and 43rd St. It will cost $1.4 million taxpayor monies compared with the $20,000 being spent by the Episcopal Church. Hopefully All Saints will maintain the garden as a place where people can get away from the yipping and sniffing of neighborhood dogs.
Can I bring my dog?
@Ruben: Hahahhaah! dude you’re like a hilarious old waspy man. Your rambles should be taken lightly considering all your hateful merciless rage.
It states in the article that this is to be a ” mediation area “. I don’t quite understand. Am i to bring with me someone i have a “beef” with, and attempt to work things out?
oppressed masses,i agree,as the litter in this nabe is one of my few complaints about sunnyside.i’ve long hoped they’d do something with that space,as there are few spaces to sit and enjoy a nice day in the area.
It’s only a matter of time before Volleyball playing latino’s urinate on your tomatoes!
Did the church actually sustain 20K worth of damage during the ’06 blackout?
I hope that the garden will be respected by all members of the community and used in the manner intended by the Church.