COVID-19 vaccine (Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office)
Nov. 4, 2021 By Allie Griffin
Children aged five to 11 can now receive the COVID-19 vaccine and become a $100-richer at any city-run vaccine site or school pop-up.
Children under 12 years old became eligible for the vaccine after the CDC gave final clearance of the FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday. They were able to get vaccinated at city-run sites Thursday and, in turn, receive a $100 prepaid debit card.
“Good news, kids are eligible for the $100 vaccine incentive,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday.
De Blasio encouraged parents to get their youngsters vaccinated and take advantage of the financial incentive.
“Everyone could use a little more money around the holidays,” he said. “But, most importantly, we want our kids and our families to be safe.”
The city will also offer the vaccine to children at public schools on a rotating basis beginning Monday. The city will host one-day pop-up vaccination drives at each school that serves kids five to 11 from Nov. 8 through Nov. 15. Children can get their $100 debit card at school sites as well.
Parents can find out when their child’s school vaccination day is by visiting schools.nyc.gov/COVID-19.
Parents or guardians are required to accompany their child to school to get the vaccine. The city is also looking at written consent options for school vaccinations and plans to announce more details soon, de Blasio said.
New York City will receive about 330,000 pediatric doses — which are smaller than adult doses — of the Pfizer vaccine in the coming days, Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi said.
Chokshi said the Pfizer vaccine for five- to 11-year-olds is safe and more than 90 percent effective.
“Here’s the bottom line – I strongly encourage parents and caregivers to get your children vaccinated as soon as possible,” he said. “Based on the CDC presentation this week, if we were to vaccinate every New Yorker aged five to 11, we would prevent an estimated 38,000 cases of COVID-19.”
Parents who have questions about the vaccine can speak to a medical official by calling the city’s Test and Trace Corps hotline at 212-COVID-19.
“With the vaccine, we have a chance to make COVID-19 largely a vaccine-preventable disease among kids, similar to chickenpox, rubella, and rotavirus — all diseases for which childhood immunization is now routine,” Chokshi said. “Let’s do the same for COVID-19.”
Parents and guardians can make vaccination appointments for their children by going to nyc.gov/vaccinefinder, or by calling 8-7-7-VAX-4-NYC.
Sounds like a bribe to me
Hood luck when these kids develop serious problems years from now
It’s always coming with you con artists and when it never arrives you just say nothing. The classic rhetoric of a con man, “the payout is coming, trust me”
CNN – Yeah, there are no long term effects of Covid.
Lots of kids already have serious problems, like being infected with a preventable disease. It’s a shame you don’t want to see them go back to school safely.
Next thing you know kids will need measles vaccines to attend school!
Hey, kids, you too can participate in an experimental scientific adventure! And make 100 big ones for doing it! We won’t know the permanent ramifications for about five years, but that’s part of the fun!
Hey kids, you too can take part in an experimental scientific adventure! And make 100 big ones! Don’t worry, we won’t know for five years or so what the permanent ramifications will be! But that’s all part of the fun!
Does anyone else think it’s unethical to pay someone to take a drug?
what could go wrong. but dont listen to me, listen to all the people that got sick and posted on reddit/vaccinelonghaulers. people are desperate for answers.
I work in a doctors office and we gave out thousands of inoculations and had reports of only mild side effects. Listening to your posts I would expect at least a couple of cases of “severe” responses to the vaccines but we’ve had none and the same goes for others I know in the medical field. Your sources sound flawed.
Open your eyes people.
Open your eyes people…Republican fascism is misinforming weak minded gullible imbeciles. There is no money for $2 Trillion infrastructure deal benefiting hundreds of millions. There is plenty of money for $2 Trillion tax cut for corporations and a handful of billionaires. Manufacturing overseas comes with National security concerns like the antibiotic shortage at the beginning of the pandemic. Nobody speaks of. Hundreds of antibiotics were unavailable to Americans because either they were manufactured in China or their components were. There would be no cargo ship back up if we manufactured here. Post pandemic inflation is a world wide phenomenon not a Biden created issue. Historical revisionist like the daughters of the confederacy are trying to rewrite history. Who erects statues to people who waged war on their own country, murdering hundreds of thousands? The civil war was about “states rights” is a piece of fiction called “The lost Cause” which was published after the civil war to justify treasonous behavior and support. The civil war was about states rights to own slaves. Slavery has never been outlawed. Read the Constitution. Open your eyes people.
Republican fascism? That’s hilarious. The most fascistic supporters of the Left are Antifa: who are complete fascists.
Watch just about any mainstream media newscast and it will include an announcement “This segment brought to you by Pfizer.” This has been nothing but a money grab from day one. Pfizer also funds the CDC, who is supposed to evaluate their biologic (it”s not actually a vaccine–look it up). How exactly is that evaluation supposed to work? And why are 75% of CDC employees currently working from home? (Again, look it up.) Hmmm…sounds like their vaccination numbers aren’t up to snuff.
Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or historical terms, above all other sources of loyalty, and to create a mobilized national community. … This is why fascism is a movement of the extreme right.
Merriam – Webster
Definition of antifa
1: a person or group actively opposing fascism
2: an anti-fascist movement
First Known Use of antifa
1946, in the meaning defined at sense 1
History and Etymology for antifa
borrowed from German Antifa, short for antifaschistisch “anti-fascist.”
No greater money grab has been orchestrated than that of the Military Industrial complex (MIC), the relationship between US military and the defense industry that supplies it.
@Dodging Robots- You’re wrong. I looked it up like you said. How does CDC get operating funds? The main source of CDC discretionary funds is budget authority, which are annual appropriations determined by the U.S. Congress.
Yes Matthew your freedom, opinion and rights are more important than your neighbors freedom, opinion and rights.
those kids will need a lot more than $100 to pay off the medical bills from the side effects. i’m in month 3, and $8500 in debt from medical bills because of the 1st pfizer vax. i had to be hospitalized twice.