May 22, 2017 Staff Report
A popular Filipino restaurant located in Woodside has been temporarily shut down by the Health Department.
Kabayan, located at 69-12 Roosevelt Avenue, was shut down Thursday for racking up a whopping 117 violation points during a standard health inspection. As of Monday, the restaurant was still closed.
According to the Department of Health website, there were several critical and non-critical violations that led to the closure of the restaurant.
The critical violations included storing hot food below the required temperature and cold food above the required temperature. In other critical violations, the department noted that the restaurant lacked facilities available for staff to wash, rinse and sanitize utensils, and that the restaurant didn’t have a washing facility near the food preparation area and toilet room.
The Health Department gives out violation points based on the size and scale of each violation. Letter grades are then assigned to restaurants based on the points system. Any restaurant that receives between zero and 13 points receives an A grade, any receiving between 14 and 27 points gets a B grade, and any with 28 or more points gets a C grade.
If certain violations are considered especially problematic, the Health Department can shut down the restaurant.
I’m very sorry ,pig sty I’m very tired, I work 14 hrs a day, 2 jobs. Restaurant till 10pm, then taxi driver.
The same people have another location on Queens Blvd and it was closed last year because of violations, so it’s obvious they did not learn from that, so I guess they don’t give a shit . Hopefully they get boycotted so someone that cares can take there place, who needs greedy dirty people
This really put a lot of people that patronized this place at huge risk of their filthy practice —- this should be addressed and should not be allowed anymore to open till these violations will be rectified —- we are just a poor victim of un sanitized restaurant which we call ourselves our extended kitchen — this is so brazenly sad —– and irresponsible for the owners of this place —
This is in Sunnyside?
No, this Kabayan is in Woodside. There is another Kabayan on Queens Blvd., in Sunnside, right beside Tito Rad’s.
Fake El loco. He can’t think of an original name. This restaurant is nauseating. Close it for good and fake El loco get a life or better yet a wife!
I love this place. 4 stars
Ha dats good! What’s up with these stores. The one off the corner of roosevelt ave, on 70st(No name),i worked there, it had thousands of waterbugs in basement, this one is pretty dirty too. Jen yes its me ,mr fatso
That’s filthy. Or is it “philthy?” What’s the deal with that? Why do they switch it up? THAT should be the story here.