Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (L) and State Sen. Jessica Ramos
July 25, 2022 By Christian Murray
State Sen. Jessica Ramos took a shot at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday in a flurry of tweets accusing the congresswoman of being absent from the district.
The tweets were sparked by a medical student who took to Twitter to criticize the congresswoman for not meeting with health policy experts to discuss socialized medicine. The student said that an AOC staffer said: “We’re not doing healthcare right now.”
The congresswoman apologized in her response and said: “I’m really sorry to hear that this happened. It’s not representative of me nor my values” and said her DM’s were open.
But the obscure exchange prompted Ramos to weigh in.
“Maybe if you spent more time in your office and with your team you’d know what goes on. Just saying it would be nice if you breathed our air,” Ramos tweeted at AOC.
Maybe if you spent more time in your office and with your team you’d know what goes on. Just saying it would be nice if you breathed our air. So, as an employer, what happens with the staffer who said this?
— Jessica Ramos (@jessicaramos) July 24, 2022
Ramos, whose western Queens district overlaps with AOC’s, doubled down as many AOC followers questioned her accusation.
“Our district offices are on the same floor in the same building. She’s barely ever present in the community. It’s an indisputable fact.”
She then accused AOC of not meeting with local officials and said that she gave up texting her.
The accusations were similar in nature to what AOC targeted Joseph Crowley with when she defeated him in the 2018 primary.
But two local officials in Astoria both came to AOC’s defense and tweeted that AOC is accessible and helpful.
Assemblymember Zohran Mamdani disputed Ramos’ allegations.
“As a local elected official in @AOC’s district, this just isn’t true. I have met with her multiple times, she was a critical part of our @NYTWA victory, and she has been a partner at every level of politics. Astoria is all the better for having her represent us.”
As a local elected official in @AOC’s district, this just isn’t true.
I have met with her multiple times, she was a critical part of our @NYTWA victory, and she has been a partner at every level of politics.
Astoria is all the better for having her represent us. pic.twitter.com/xLXAU4APft
— Zohran Kwame Mamdani (@ZohranKMamdani) July 24, 2022
Meanwhile, Councilmember Tiffany Cabán also viewed AOC as responsive and accessible.
“I gotta be fair here. Real talk this hasn’t been my experience at all. From being able to communicate & work with my Congressperson directly to our teams working closely on policy, organizing and a lot more, me and my neighbors have benefited a lot from the mutual collaboration.”
I gotta be fair here. Real talk this hasn’t been my experience at all. From being able to communicate & work with my Congressperson directly to our teams working closely on policy, organizing and a lot more, me and my neighbors have benefited a lot from the mutual collaboration.
— Tiffany Cabán (@tiffany_caban) July 24, 2022
On twitter, Jessica Ramos has 38.8K Followers. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has 13.2M Followers. Social media is changing the way constituents interact with politicians and AOC is the politician the people in her district and beyond want to listen too. My adult children adore AOC and all that she stands for. They still follow her from Florida after they left nyc.
It’s embarrassing that AOC represents western queens
In politics, the outsiders eventually become the regulars or just another machine. AOC is leading the new Queens Machine. What’s old is new again.
AOC is young, smart, and passionate about taking on a system that she sees as unfair. She is a ferocious champion for causes about the environment, anti-Muslim sentiment, crony capitalism, racial injustice and the LGBTQ community!!
Why does QP keep allowing these right wing crockpots a voice on here? I am so proud of my Latina sisters. Role models for woman and young girls especially blk and brwn.
So she’s a celebrity, and is in the wrong business.
Trump hosted the celebrity apprentice show and he got to be president of the usa.
Jessica T.- you’re a fool. You’re Latin sisters are ineffective.
Jealous? Wish you can date them…lol
I suspect they think you’re a crockpot leftist. I don’t like the right wing trolls but it shows how intolerant people are to those they disagree with. I want them to post. If they make no sense, then they will get embarrassed by others.
Ramos has the great insight on AOC. Silent majority should listen and act to save the city from these extremists (talking about both of them).
Perhaps Jessica should smoke some weed and relax a little. Do not spread lies. Her supporters disagree.
She just mad cuz AOC did not have time to attend the Colombian parade in Queens. So ridiculous.
Funny. No one ever emailed me or got back to me either when I called Jessica’s office to complain about bail reform and the rise in random attacks and crime.
We need unified progressive leadership. AOC interacts with the community including her district via social media. Jessica Ramos should know this by now. She speaks directly to the working class something many local politicians lack.
Im not in AOCs district however many love her in Astoria. Many homes still have her campaign posters still up. Even from her first campaign. My realtor friend tells me that many of het supporters flock to her district to live or visit. She is well liked and respected their especially amongst Astorias big progressive and queer residential and business community. Next election voters will speak for themselves by voting.
AOC is only liked by all the newbies from Iowa and other parts of the U.S. AOC does not represent real New Yorkers who call Astoria home for many years. Don’t tell us to move.
Get over it. Demographics change all the time. Mamdani Caban and AOC all were elected by Astoria. This is who the majority want as leaders. I know plenty of older Astorians that voted and support them.
Allison, you get over it. I’m 62 born, raised and still live in Astoria. Older Astorians don’t gain anything from the left leaning lunacy of AOC. We are not progressives, her polices do not work for the average middle class home owners in Astoria. Yes demographics do change, but this is not a change for the better. Most new young hip people who moved to Astoria from other parts of the U.S. will not stay here and raise families like native Astorians did.
AOC won two elections for Congress. For Assembly Zoharan Mamdani beat Assembly Member Aravella Simotas. For city council Tffany Caban won over Evie Hantzopoulos. The above says a lot about Astoria. Astoria is the epicenter of the progressive movement.
Ramos is absolutely correct on this one, and I applaud her for recognizing what I’ve been saying all along: AOC is MIA in her district.
Ramos trying to make more of name for herself.
Wonder what Juan Ardila thinks? Is he Team AOC or Team Ramos?
Probably a hard decision for him. Which one of them hates Asians and Jews more?
Enough of posting your deplorable views under my long-time SSP name!
Hey imposter GW, get another name. Gardens Watcher is already taken.
Just dislike your comment. That’s what i do when i sleep text and regret it the next day.
Omg the Queen herself gets criticized. Is there dissent in Profressiveland?
I have yet to see her in my part of district
She is a performer
Who cares. Jessica did not make national headlines like AOC does.
Jessica made it nationally on Fox News.
Street fights always happen in Corona among latinas.
Of course Mamdani and Caban would come to her defense. They’re AOC simps.
Mamdani and Caban are pro criminal socialist miscreants who hate us
I want whatever they are smoking.
There would be no Mamdani and Caban without AOC endorsing them. AOC is the voice of WQs.
Few care what Jessics R. thinks. Perhaps AOC is busy representing the working class and defending woman’s rights. Jessica runs on the same platform as AOC. AOC was busy getting arrested for defending abortion rights and could not text you back.
Ciara, AOC is busy taking selfies. I hear she has a movie deal in the works. She’s a celebrity not a politician. Name one piece of legislation that she introduced to congress that any member even bothered to read.
She is a famous politician. AOC became a household name after she was elected and stood up to the elites like Trump in Washington. She is a voice for many of us working class folks that have been silenced for far too long.
Does AOC know where Sunnyside is? Can she find it on a map? I guess after December it all won’t matter anyway.
dont worry, she’s been taking top priority in fleecing this city out of taxpayer money before she’s outed.
AOC endorsed Julie Won. Julie Won is the first Korean-American Councilmember in NYC history. So proud of Sunnyside.
The same complaints AOC used against the swamp rat she replaced.
AOC Please Run For President In 2024!!
She’s got my vote!
Nice try again, imposter GW, but you need to catch up. Thankfully AOC has lost the Gardens due to redistricting and is not on my ballot anymore. The primary is between Nydia Velázquez vs. Paperboy Prince (seriously).
she’s in for a HUGE embarrassment. i cant wait! time to buy some popcorn for the event!
Good way to change focus from all the bad publicity AOC got this week. You all are so gullible if you think this above is not staged.
AOC just got engaged to Riley Roberts. She’s busy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/19/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-engaged-partner-riley-roberts
Another cat fight! Woo hoo!
It’s like J-Lo versus Shakira.
Get your popcorn ready!
Boomers and racists go home. Play chess or checkers. You have said enough! We all know you wish you could date them.
lol! love it when the left attack the left for not being left enough. Eat yourselves you clowns.
See also: Right-wingers attacking Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mike Pence, Brad Raffensburger, etc, etc, ad nausea.
Oh plse Ramos. You are not going to score points with Moderate Dems.