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Irish Music Festival Takes Place Tomorrow–Following Parade

NEW Poster - Irish Music Festival 2015_JPEG

Feb. 28, 2015 By Christian Murray

The St Pat’s for All Parade takes place on Skillman Avenue tomorrow and upon its conclusion many marchers and spectators are likely to head over to Queens Blvd. to participate in the third annual Sunnyside Irish Music Festival.

The festival, which officially starts at 3:00pm, is likely to draw hundreds of party goers to 11 neighborhood bar/restaurants, all located on or near Queens Blvd between 40th and 48th Streets.

In a coordinated effort, each venue will have live Irish music.

Fiddlers, accordion players, pipers, Irish dancers and guitarists will be performing throughout the neighborhood. Some pubs will have four-piece bands and others will have solo acts.

Each bar will have drink specials. Some bars will also offer authentic Irish food.

For a full list of bars/venues see below:

Postcard_Back - Irish Music Festival 2015 JPEG


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You’re the one who doesn’t know what freedom of speech is all about. The same law that protects you for spouting simple minded assessments and exaggerated whines also allows us to call you a twatknuckle.

El loco

Lot of people coming from other countries who don’t understand that in America we have freedom of speech. I appreciate the fact that you guys who’ve just come here love America and don’t like it when anyone criticizes it but that’s what freedom of speech is all about. I personally like Irish music but if you don’t fine. Just relax.

El loco

Maybe where you come from there is no free speech. Where i was born there is. I lived here probably before you were born and i want to see a better transportation system in NYC. At one time crime in NYC was terrible and people like you said leave if you don’t like it. People unlike you did something about it and now we have a better city. So why don’t you leave and “let the door hit on the ass on the way out.”

El loco

Hope Jimmy, Cathy, Joe and Bill D. enjoy their photo ops at the Parade for All tomorrow. It was absolute hell getting in and out of Sunnyside on Saturday. Just hell. We have a third world transportation system. NYC is the most overrated city on earth.

Craic Dealer

This is a friendly reminder that the MTA is run by Communist Govenor, Andrew Cuomo.


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