50-05 Queens Blvd (Photo: SunnysidePost)
April 15, 2014 Staff Report
A Woodside rental building, touted as affordable luxury, is full after being on the market just six weeks, according to the Daily News.
The 9-story building, called Icon52, is comprised of 66 units, with prices significantly higher that the rent most other Woodsiders pay.
Studios at the 52-05 Queens Blvd building start at $1,500 per month, with two-bedrooms reaching $2,600.
@ssphm “Swarmed with hipsters” – I wish!!! My love life has gone totally down the drain since I moved here. I made out with a single parent in Molly Bloom’s last month and now I have to take her 16 yr old to lacrosse practice every Tuesday. #buzzkill
@ ssphm
Hey genius, guess what’s the biggest sources off funding for schools? That’s right, property taxes! Guess how much of that you contribute with your dirt cheap rent? That’s right, zero! Guess how much you put back into the neighborhood? That’s right, not much judging by your views on small business owners pricing for profits. Love the folks who talk about supporting a neighborhood while moaning about paying an extra quarter for a taco.
The police and programs will come. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
@ ssphm
Hey genus, guess what’s the biggest sources off funding for schools? That’s right, property taxes! Guess how much of that you contribute with your dirt cheap rent? That’s right, zero! Guess how much you put back into the neighborhood? That’s right, not much judging by your views on small business owners pricing for profits.
Don’t let the door hit you in the way out.
South- you are nuts if you don’t think (or see) Sunnyside has been swarmed by hipsters. You are blind as a bat.
Anonymous- Hey Goober, I’ve lived here in Sunnyside so long my rent is dirt cheap. So this isn’t about me not being able to afford pizza, It’s the principle of things. This neighborhood hasn’t moved things in the RIGHT direction. Do you think because you get some new trendy coffee shop Sunnyside is moving in the right direction? I’ve been here to see all of the changes, Schools here still struggle with space, police are rarely seen, hardly any after school programs, just things getting more expensive because idiots think spending more money means the neighborhood is getting better.
so GTFO? sure…I’m on it dude, i’ll leave this new Sunnyside to you folks moving in thinking its a great location next to the city. enjoy those stuffed 7 train/ bus rides into it. I’ll be in a place where I can look out of my window and not see directly into my neighbors apartment.
@David I Unfettered capitalism is morally corrupt. And you seem to be, too.
Very, very few people are able to move to a completely strange city without a contact or a sense of how to live there and make it on their own. Even those in the prime of life with the best resources and support find it difficult to make the transition. You are daydreaming.
In effect, you don’t care. Profits come first. People be damned. Without saying it in so many words you have just told me to cut my throat and get it over with.
What a bastard.
“What would you have us do when the landlords launch their attacks to make us move?”
I sympathize with your medical condition but not your entitled attitude… When you own a property, you get to ask whatever price you want for rent. Any rational person is going to ask for the highest rate the market can bear. Landlords have their own families to support, you know? I wonder if you owned a property how you would feel when one of your tenants told you it’s his RIGHT to live there at whatever price he deems reasonable. Sorry, that is just not how things work. I am progressive, I believe everyone should be entitled to a basic income or at least food and shelter… but that doesn’t mean you pick the neighborhood and the place. I think you would be better served by moving to a more affordable area (even out of NYC) if you are not working, and you will be happier and not be feeling the constant stress of making the rent. Best of luck to you.
Something tells me that 99% of these posters actually come from one person just changing their name.
Or there really are just nasty people on this site.
when’s the whole foods going up??!!
total dump , wouldnt put a dog in that place , the plumber one day is the electrician the next . good luck , would love to know how many brown envelopes were passed to the DOB inspectors on this one . hopefully all those who rented took out major renters insurance ..
Wow. Is everyobody in this neighborhood so angry and bitter. It’s scary! Burn off some of that anger at my cleanup event on May 10. Sign up at sunnysideisblooming@gmail.com. I welcome everyone. Hipsters, yuppies, rich people, poor people, people who can’t afford their apartments. Everyone. Just come. It will relieve the stress.
@Angray What I mean is if you can afford the rent why choose to live on QB in an ugly part of town? I’m not implying they are wealthy. I’m implying they have poor taste.
Oh my, with “that kind of money” I could just retire to some tropical island and live the fabulous life. One can only dream…
@ Ray High rents are good for no one but property owners. I’m highly educated and skilled in two professions, yet health issues prevent me from earning a good living. The only support network I have is here.
I know other adults in similar situations. What would you have us do when the landlords launch their attacks to make us move?
@ New Sunnyside What a shallow, cruel person you seem to be. Are you really as soulless as your words make you sound? A neighborhood full of people like you would be a cold, cold place indeed.
My question to those who rented those apartments: If you have that kind of money why did you choose to live there? Read all the comments for why I wouldn’t. Are amenities that important?
It is not getting better. Note recent murders. That new “building” is a dump. I hope the renters enjoy the racket from the number 7 train. The Mets Houses were a haven for drug dealers. I don’t know about now. Sorry, folks: the empty stores make out neighborhood very undesirable.
I think that if people can afford to pay the rent, then they are free to do what they want. I am tired of hearing all these people who are life long sunnysiders complain!!! I have lived in sunnyside (46 street for 28 years) and just moved out, not because I hated the neighborhood, but because I found a nice one family house to buy. The neighborhood is getting better if rent goes up, more educated people are moving in!! ( I love it since I own 4 properties in sunnyside)
New sunnyside works for the owners of Scam52 building.
This is off topic but just wanted to share info about the “fake project looking”
buildings on 48th Street mentioned in @New sunnysider’s post. The complex of buildings on the south side of Queens Boulevard between 47th and 48th Streets were built by Metropolitan Insurance Company in the early 1920s. Originally called the Metropolitan Houses, they were constructed to provide affordable housing for the company’s employees at the time of a severe housing shortage in Manhattan following WWI. They are very well-built with center courtyards which were once lovely. In photos which will soon be available on the Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce’s website, Metropolitan Houses stand almost alone in a landscape of farms and marshes. The elevated train was newly completed in Queens, opening up Queens for housing development. Now called the Cosmopolitan Houses, they are no longer well-maintained and it shows.
@New sunnyside: You’re out of your d@mn mind.
I am so happy to see new and better quality people moving into the neighborhood, I have lived here for 3 years and when I first moved here this neighborhood was really ghetto now it is just ghetto, I think it is kind of a joke with these “landmark” houses that look like tenaments and the south side with their fake project looking building on 48th street. In time the rents would go up more and more because sunnyside is still one of the cheapest neighborhoods to live in NYC. Can’t wait to see more young professionals like my self around here
@Anonymous Your cruelty won’t get you far in life, no matter how much money you make.
Ignore Sunnysideposthatesme he’s a loser who blames others for his short comings, like it’s our fault he never moved on up and still lives in the past, hanging on to his rent stab apt and angry at everyone spending their money as they please. Your own problem son. I bet you for really angry at yuppies when a slice of pizza crossed the dollar mark.
Sorry neighborhoods move forward, even Sunnyside. Get on the train or gtfo.
@South: Exactly right. Sunnyside is as hip as Filene’s Basement.
woodsidez movin on up!! to that deee-lux apt in the sky-hi-hi
Woodside, like Williamsburg but with a big freakin graveyard in the center of it
” This is why we call you hipsters, because you stupidly flock to whats trending. You idiots think Sunnyside/woodside is trending now.”
There are hardly any “hipsters” in Sunnyside – and none of which came here following some twitter post of #hipneighborhood. You make it sound like your street is covered in kale chip crumbs and cheap whiskey. Let’s be honest, everyone who posts on here lives on a similar looking block that is covered in dog shit and trash.
If you want to learn what a hipster is, walk down Bedford Ave. in Williamsburg or go to Coachella. Until then, feel free to call them “yuppies” or “people I pass judgement on without having met them”
I would love to pay $1500 to hear the hum of the subway night and day…..and see the gray of the tombstones out my window !! NOT !!
A dump. Even a drunk wouldn’t live there. Cheapest possible materials and construction were used.
After 5.5 years in service (which is not very long), the base pay for NYPD is about $80k, not including benefits and overtime. You can look this up; its public information.
Wonder if there will be retail space on the ground floor level…hoping it’s a Victoria’s Secrets shop – be good for the nabe in many ways 😉
If they’re doing so well I guess the owners won’t need to post anymore lame stories/ads about the building on this site.
I’m skeptical.
Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should spend the money. This is why we call you hipsters, because you stupidly flock to whats trending. You idiots think Sunnyside/woodside is trending now.
As I walked along Queens Boulevard today noticed at least 5 stores closed , 1 every other block, right on the boulevard which is supposed to be prime real estate. Chips is closed! I couldn’t believe it, after all the years its been open. You guys think this neighborhood is improving but more stores are closing than opening.
not to mention even the food is getting more expensive now, I already mentioned the ridiculous price increase of the taco truck by 50 cents per taco, now the sodas that used to be 1 dollar are going up to 1.25. Lunch specials used to be around 7 bucks now they are 10-12 .
and its by idiots who buy crappy apartments like the ones who just spent 1500 for a shitty studio.
@Native NYer
rare to find a teach or cop that makes 80K that’s why many of them have no choice but to moonlight with a second job in order to make ends meet
@ least your neighbors across the street will be quiet.
@Roman: 2,600 for a two bedroom is readily affordable to a teacher making 80k married to a cop making 80k.
66 units rents out in 6 weeks to……Satan
That’s a pretty impressive rent out. That being said $1500 is pretty standard for what you can get for a “non-luxury” studio in Sunnyside, so its not like they were breaking Woodside records. But again, location location – and I am not a fan of this location. Even with amenities.
roman – A teacher or a cop with approx 5 year’s experience can afford this; salary with that type of experience is around $60k (rent guideline is 40 times the monthly rent should be your yearly income). But assume a teacher and a cop are married with the same experience, then a 2bd at $2600 is well below their budget.
What a dump
I looked are all the rooms and the construction is new and cheap looking. The roof is kind of ghetto with the vents right in your face. They’re these 5 feet vent looking things right in the way. Really weird. Moreover, the view from the rooms on the west side of the building was obstructed by the other building (the ones with balcony).
This building is tremendously overrated. I’d love to hear how it is in one-two years.
Who appproved the plans of this building? What got torn down
sure it did
PS – You can tell the warmer weather is coming when the time stamp on posts on these pages is an hour behind.
I love the early 50s Soviet style look and feel of this building. It certainly deserves the appellation “Icon”. By the way, the other local structure recently characterized as “iconic” on these pages brings back memories of bombed out Berlin shortly after WWII.
still cant figure out what kind of jobs pay that kind of money to afford to live there?
Beautiful cemetery views. The noise of the 7 train and Queens Blvd. AND small window views of the city. WHAT A STEAL!