July 18, 2016 By Christian Murray
Hundreds of men spent the weekend in a long line that snaked its way through a number of Long Island City streets as they sought an application for the prized Local 1 Plumber apprenticeship program.
The men lined 36th and 37th Streets (between Queens Boulevard and 47th Avenue) and one block on Queens Boulevard in order to be among the first to get inside the Plumbers Local 1 training center at 37-11 47th Avenue when it opened at 8 am this morning.
The union began handing out 1,000 applications this morning and those who meet the criteria—such as having a high school diploma or equivalent– will be selected. The apprenticeship, which lasts five years, brings job security since workers end up earning more than $50 per hour.
With only 1,000 applications being handed out in total, the men began lining up for an application on Friday. They brought with them tents, chairs, coolers, clothes and radios. Many came in groups and played cards to pass the time. Others drank beer.
Many men were shirtless due to the extreme heat Sunday. The tents proved useful, providing shade yesterday and protecting them from the rain earlier in the weekend.
Some men were accompanied by their girlfriend or wife. The number of women who were in line seeking an application was difficult to determine, although it was likely limited.
Rex, who lives in Manhattan and was in the line (see video), said that he set up camp on the sidewalk at about 7 pm Friday. He estimated that there were 800 people in the line, with prospective applicants from all over the region—from Brooklyn to Long Island.
He said that it was worth the wait since the program provides job security and a good income. All the men interviewed said that they were there for the same reason.
Plumbers Union from Queens Post on Vimeo.
As someone who is in the plumbers union let me tell you some of the facts of this applications process. We require a minimum of a high school diploma along with math scores above 75% avg. We also have the applicants takeba state aptitude test and motor skill test . After that we have a interview with each canidate , and most importantly we drug test using hair follicles. All of this is paid for by union members we do not charge for the application or testing processes. After going through that the applicant would become an apprentice and would have to complete 5years of plumbing related classes and college courses. At the end of the apprenticeship they would graduate to becoming mechanics and receive a 2year bachelors degree. I thought i would clear up some of the misinformation on the comments
The hair follicle comment just killed me, man. Local one called me for a interview out of the blue the other day. This hair follicle test will probably kill me.
” Others drank beer ” Really, Not sure that would help there application.
Why Johnny do you think they may have spilled some on the applications?
Johnny sounds like a self righteous fox watching low information blowhard.
No, Thats You Idiot.
An you are probably married to a substitute kindergarten teacher who can’t hack the stress. #growuplittlesnowflake
You must hate blondes.
You are a low information blowhard.
It might help quench “there” thirst. It’s Not like “there” swilling tequila.
I saw a few ladys waiting in line aswell.
50 bucks an hour for a high school diploma? they make the requirement at least a 2yr degree. really why would i hire someone who put in the bare minimum of education when i can hire someone who got himself into a college or trade school and did his time to get an education so he can better himself? its not 1960 anymore, who gets by on just a HS degree?
Because stupid and lazy people also need to make a living in a consumer driven market economy not just those who have the luxury of higher education and those who enjoy attending school..
Then complain to your politicians/financial sector a holes that set up the economy as it is and then raped it for personal gain.
Being in the union still requires you to go to school for 5 years.
Because plumbing companies benefit more from people with experience rather than education. They are not applying to be surgeons or research analyst.
You have to have a HS degree just to apply. Obviously you get a lot more training before you’re certified. But you knew that already.
The Union should do a lottery system, similar to Charter School applications. Everyone drops off applications within a period of time and then there is a public random draw in an auditorium, which you do not need to be present for. That is respectful to the applicants, their families and the neighborhood.
Charter schools are con artist. Say they’re educating all students when they actually throw out the under performing students through tactics like a application acceptance process. Then turn around and show the public what looks like better performance statistics. Suckers. Their goal is to break unions and turn our rconomy into a low wage third world economy.
You sound like a typical UFT public school shill. Hope you enjoy your cushy benefits which people like me are paying for.
-kunta I am not a UFT member but I do have respect for the union and many of the unions causes. Thanks for at least admitting the true objective behind charter schools and those who support them. Thanks for the injection of the two dimensional retort and thinking into a topic and discussion with a much more complex subject matter then the two dimensional response you provided.
-tiger don’t waste your time responding to the idiocy of kunta kinte. Gullible pigeons hate when people point out the pigeon has been taken in by a con.
@kk You’ sound like a typical Fox News shill. Tiger posted a fact plain and simple. Charter schools don’t deny using the application process to weed out under performers and “undesirables”. Next time try to dispute somebody using facts instead of unsupported insults. You sound like a low performing low wage low IQ Fox News watching blowhard.
An idiot who posts with the handle kunta kinte is stupid enough to believe cutting a persons salaey from 75K a year to 35K a year is good for an economy as dry cleaners, supermarkets, butchers, auto dealers, restaurants and all the other forms of retailers go out of business from the loss of revenue to teachers thus ultimately starving the rest of the local economy. Fox News, Reaganomics and the rest of The Fox News viewing fools have absolutely no idea how a consumer driven market economy works.
To the cowardly punk hiding behind the tag kunta kinte, you wouldn’t have the guts to post your anti union anti teacher garbage about cops, firemen or sanitation workers because you know your teeth would be knocked out.
Now, now, Angela: Curb your violent tendencies. Cops in my family, your silly goose.
This is truly sad that people have to camp out especially during a heat wave for a job and this has been going on for years. There has to be a better way to handle job applicants than having them camp out. It’s really outrageous.
Sad that this is what people had to do to get a job.
It’s not just any job. It’s a union job that pays $50/hr. For five years.
You can get a job, just not the cushy job that pays more than a college grad gets right out of school, many with student loan debt.
This isn’t sad at all. If it were to get a minimum wage job, then I could agree with your sentiment.
I’ve seen these long lines for union jobs a few times now and it doesn’t seem all that bad. Yes, it’s hot, and camping out on a cement sidewalk isn’t always comfortable, especially if your spot has a southwest exposure. But there are many folks who are in the shade and are seated comfortably, and there appears to be a friendly social atmosphere taking place. If there is a toilet nearby and you have someone to keep you supplied with food and water, it’s probably not so bad. It could certainly be worse.