Café Marlene, shortly after opening 2010 (Photo: QueensPost)
Feb. 2, 2011 Staff Report
Local scribes are going to be reading their work at Café Marlene next Wednesday, when a Queens-based cultural group launches it “Commas & Coffee” program.
The Q Note is sponsoring the program that will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 7 pm at Café Marlene (41-11 49thStreet) in Sunnyside. According to its billing, “If you’d like to hear local scribes muse on potential love gone awry (the memory-inducing theme is “It Could Have Been”) while tucking into a crepe and frothy cappuccino in the café’s glam cabaret space downstairs, RSVP to info@theqnote.com ”
Meanwhile,Diane Kolack, a Sunnyside resident and a leader of the Queens Harvest Food Coop, has announced the formation of a local book club for those interested in food.
The group, open to all, will meet on the second Sunday afternoon of alternating months beginning Sunday March 13th, in Sunnyside. The group has yet to determine a meeting place.
Each meeting, the club will discuss a book with a food theme for 90 minutes. Book suggestions/choices will be made democratically by anonymous online survey.
Suggested titles for the first meeting include:
- My Life in France, by Julia Child
- Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses, by Isabel Allende
- Growing Up Empty: How Federal Policies Are Starving America’s Children, by Loretta Schwartz-Nobel
Participation is open to anyone who is interested in reading food-themed fiction and non-fiction books and discussing them together.
To RSVP (and vote for this month’s selection) or for more information, contact Diane Kolack, organizer, at dkolack@gmail.com
“Knowing some of the residents of this neighborhood, they will probably be reading from Karl Marx – look at who they vote for!”
Ahhh yes. Let’s shit on our fellow neighbors, and let’s do so by sneaking in some ignorannt comment unrelated to the substance of the post
Good job!
Who was it who coined the phrase “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing?”
Knowing some of the residents of this neighborhood, they will probably be reading from Karl Marx – look at who they vote for!
Do you know about any other book clubs in the area?
The Commas and Coffee event sounds great. For the record, their site (qnote.com) says February 9th, 7 PM, not February 7th, 9 PM, as it says in your post.
Thank you Arthur for pointing this out. The time and date have been corrected. Much appreciated.