Photo: QueensPost
July 17, 2013 Staff Report
A new hair and nail salon is expected to open at the end of this week.
KMIA Salon, located at 45-14 Queens Blvd, will take the space that was previously occupied by Hair We Are.
The site was occupied by a variety store four years ago.

Closed in 2009
This will get your panties in a bunch. I see painting going on where Tapenade use to be…. Similar colors to this salon.
As long as they didn’t try to flirt with you, Peggy, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Does anyone know what is going on at Lynch’s Funeral home?
Recently called about a few questions and did not know who answered the phone, when I asked who it was they did not identify themselves. Also recently at a funeral I saw from their, they were not using the Hearse that had the sign of Lynch’s Funeral home in it. It was another name!!
Can anyone shed some light on this question??
People flirt, no kidding. People also get sued for sexual harassment. Men who flirt with married women get punched in the nose by husbands occasionally too. Try flirting with a woman wearing a Muslim headscarf and see what happens.
If you’re going to flirt, make sure the person you’re flirting with doesn’t mind and isn’t married. Not everybody considers your hedonistic, libertine ways to be acceptable. If you want respect, show it to others.
@ South Side Johnny – This is NYC get over it!
O’shea prefers things drab and sad it seems, lol
I like bright “South Beach colors”. They are cheerful and there is not too much to be cheerful about these days.
For the record my friend got a great haircut from the tranny. Sorry to refer to her that way but I don’t know her name.
Really folks, get over it. People flirt. Single people. Married people flirt. Transgendered people flirt. There’s a reason it’s defined as harmless. Complaining about harmless flirtation just sounds like a bunch of middle-schoolers. Next, we’ll hear about someone gave someone else a dirty look.
I am so happy that other place was shut down, it was FILTHY!!! Wish the new owners the best of luck, I was walking by and they noticed I was looking in and they took the time to stop what they were doing to introduce their self and show me around. Looks like much attention was paid to every small detail.
Hair we go again!
Imagine if all the LGBT people got annoyed for having straight people hit on us before they knew our orientation. Flirting is flirting. If you have an issue with someone flirting that’s not the same sexuality that’s just weird. I agree that flirting can cross a line but if it’s a harmles flirt and not harassment, then it shouldn’t matter the sexuality. As a gay guy I wouldn’t be bothered if a lesbian flirted with me or a straight woman or man… not interested but not offended.
Uhm, maybe she was just annoyed that someone was flirting with her husband. Put away the hate card please. People need to behave appropriately at work and transvestites are no exception as you seem to think. And perhaps transvestites, transgendered or whatever category one falls into, they might show some courtesy and decency by finding out if someone of the same sex is actually also gay before hitting on them. That’s just plain rude and inconsiderate. Expect a bit of hostility when you behave like that.
Everything is cute to krissy, including the ugly art installation proposed at 40th street.
@Heartbroken – where did race come into this? Something wrong with African Americans.
Pretty sure it’s always rude to flirt with a married person, especially right in front of their spouse!
(Exception given for swingers’ clubs . . . hopefully that doesn’t apply here.)
I had to go to Lucky Cheng’s a few years ago for an office party- women seem to feel as if it’s a great place for an after-work party. The R-rated “flirting” was intense. We’re a pretty liberal group and no one was bothered but it was close to being “over-the-top.” The food was okay.
I go to the guy’s over on the other side and get a regular haircut but anyone can cut my hair as long as they do a good job and don’t charge an arm & a leg. When I first read the post above, I thought you meant “trainees,” people who were learning!
If they are transvestites or transgenders, fine, but they need to be professional. Flirting with customers or a husband waiting for his wife is going to drive people away very quickly. Everybody needs to rein in their sexual issues in a work place. Maybe in Vegas or South Beach, but here in Sunnyside? No.
@Cristina I wonder if you would be so openly dismayed at having to deal directly with say, African-Americans, as you clearly are with transgenders? And you complain about them as if all sorts of people don’t flirt with everyone else. Your divisive attitude is not appreciated.
I’m with Octavius. It’s not my personal preference of color but it certainly brightens the place up and looks cute!
@Preschool Teacher: They kept flirting with my husband while he was waiting for me to get my hair done. Nasty. They need to save that for Lucky Chengs!
so when does the bad awning and cheap looking signage go up?
Anyone remember when Elephant Records used to be located there?!! Best record store ever!
And what’s wrong with trannies cutting hair? Gay guys cutting hair! What a shock! 🙂
Heaven forbid we should have some bright colors to lighten up the landscape. We have enough dull, metallic gray, concrete and asphalt to look at.
What’s wrong with some of you?
@South Side Johnny
Anything for an increase in police presence.
Do they serve donuts while you’re getting your hair done? That might bring’em in!
I liked the other salon. What happened?
hopefully cheaper than Demi.
Demi is so far the best in sunnyside but a little overpriced.
That’s a good one O’Shea I love it.
They have new marketing techniques and 3 zohans working the floor. They should stay open.
Cool. Is this one gonna have trannies cutting your hair like at Demi? I wish I was kidding.
Score another one for the Sunnyside preservationists! Wouldn’t want development/yuppies/hipsters coming in and just running the neighborhood vibe.
Oh good, Queens Blvd. is desperately lacking in hair and nail salons.
You would think that since one just closed there, the new tenant might take that as a sign not to open the exact same business in the exact same spot, but nope. Who wants to place a bet on how long this new one will last?
That was my first reaction–South Beach!
not to be a negative nelly but the design of the storefront is really tacky….looks like it belongs in Florida. the design police give it a two thumbs down.
can’t we have something more elegant???
Angela, there are 15,000 women who reside in Sunnyside. That’s a lot of hair!
Breaking news! Seroiusly, the retail brick & mortar shopping experience is broken. Malls, supermarkets, and online shopping have broken these little shops into submission. They can only sell service.
how many more hair salons are we going to have and how are they paying all of this rent