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Gun-Toting Man Attempts to Rob Sunnyside Cellphone Store Wednesday

Police arrested a gun-toting man who attempted to rob a cellphone store in Sunnyside Wednesday (Photo: Citizen)

March 31, 2022 By Christian Murray

Police made a quick arrest of a gun-toting man who attempted to rob a cellphone store in Sunnyside Wednesday.

William Navarro, 23, of Corona, allegedly went into Green Tara Wireless, located at 45-51 47 St., and attempted to leave the store with a stolen phone.

A store worker tried to stop him as he was exiting the store and Navarro, who had a gun, struck the victim in the head with an object causing a laceration.

It is unclear whether the gun was used to strike the worker in the head.

Navarro was arrested at the scene and charged with robbery, possession of a weapon, assault, menacing and harassment.

The captain of the 108 Precinct commended her officers for the arrest.

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Alvaro Lopez

Lmao! Right? This was a citizens arrest, NYPD can learn a few things about apprehending a criminal.

Brenda From The Block

Don’t mess with anyone trying to rob you. Give up the loot! It’s not worth getting hurt and or dead.

This location is
HOODSIDE not Sunnyside.


Great news, I’ve always said everyone should be carrying guns! They shouldn’t use them in bad ways though. I don’t how having a huge number of guns in a crowded city could cause gun violence

hopey changey thing aint working

ok social liberals, enroll this thug in your proposed mental health program and see how it goes. normal people want him where he belongs and that’s in jail. roll on midterm elections and vote those crazy liberals out of office before the city become unlivable

Gullible Republicans Believe In Myth’s Fairytales and Conspiracy Theories

Dopey- Alaska has a crime rate higher than New York. Pallin was a failure of a Governor. Pallin lost yet another law suit but yet you quote her. You need to raise your standards.

Gullible Republicans Believe In Myths Fairytales and Conspiracy Theories

And lose my favorite form of entertainment? No way! I love watching trumptards getting upset over nothing!


people need to start putting fear in these democrat politicians or nothing will change. by any means. we dont work for them. the work for us. there has to be serious consequences for their actions.

All 27

Republicans didnt write the constitution they just uphold it.
Now do your Democrat thing and let him out of jail the next day to catch that game a rob again.

Gullible Republicans Believe In Myths Fairytales and Conspiracy Theories

@All- You mean distort.” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Funny the constitution says nothing about needing ID to vote.


Ah, yes, upholding the constitution by supporting a coup d’etat like January 6 and the big lie.


Good work 108. Thank you!! Who in Corona is renting to these criminals? Landlords need to held accountable to whom they are renting to.


Wow. After what landlords went through with all the deadbeats trying to cancel rent, you blame landlords?!?? If senor Navarro is illegal who are you going to blame ?


No, I’m saying bad landlords don’t know their tenants or just don’t care have been known to bring down entire neighborhoods. Fact! An old fact at that! Somebody is putting this criminal up and know he’s up to no good. You must be new to the city.You know when a hood is living in your property. My family owns several rental properties in the area since before WWII and we screen and monitor for our neighbors safety.


Good on you and your family for doing that. But my post was more so satirical. As my retort to Fox News fan boy, landlords renting without a background check is too common. But to put blame on landlords? This is the problem with society today – the blame game. Mommy and daddy didn’t hug me enough, school was racist, I can’t get a job because I have no education and have no skill set…. Blah blah blah. Blame the individual! Keep them incarcerated! The perp who shot the poor woman who has a family was given 15 years?!?! The guy who wiped feces on the woman was released just to commit another violent crime?!?!

Gullible Republicans Believe In Myths Fairytales and Conspiracy Theories

@Smh-If Navarro is here illegally how was he able beat a credit and background check landlords are supposed to perform? If anyone is working and living here illegally the people hiring and renting to them are in violation of the law too. I feel as do most Americans landlords housing them and businesses hiring them should be criminally charged.

I'am a property manager

A landlord is not required by law to run a credit check or any kind of check if they dont want to.
They are not allowed to discriminate against someones legal status but if part of their screening process is running a credit check then they can refuse leasing to that person if that person cant fulfill that legal request. I like how you want to lock up a landlord because they have a criminal tenant but the actual criminal will walk free with your party. If we start locking up landlords because they have some bad people living in their buildings I think we’re gonna need to expand rikers. stop being silly

Property Manager needs to take a remedial reading class

@Properly Manager- Which comment are you responding to? Nobody here said anything about “locking up” landlords. Being held accountable does not always involve incarceration. The only post calling for landlord accountability is Mac and he expressed gratitude to the arrest of the perps. Your us and them mentality coupled with your inability to read a simple comment makes you nothing but an uniformed bandwagon jumping banner waving Republican drum banger.


You really think landlords care about citizenship and criminal history? Are you from Queens? They have people who live 10-15 people in a one bedroom. Stopping illegals from entering this country starts at the border. And wow you actually agree with some sort of penalty for illegal aliens, well this who harbor and employ them. But if you keep welcoming them in, expect to have more than a few bad apples to show up.

Gullible Republicans Believe Myths Fairytales and Conspiracy Theories

@Smh- You’re horribly misinformed. The overwhelming majority of illegal aliens just overstay their visas. Fact. A fence does nothing when there are already thousand of miles of tunnels under the existing portions of the wall. Hahahaha The man with a criminal history of being a con artist and a person who has been convicted cons and of using illegal alien labor has conned you. As the rest of the world has shown the best way to start with tackling the illegal alien problem is by holding the people who are enticing them to come here. It’s also the most economical way. You do know having more then 10-15 people living in a one bedroom is against the law.


Lmao!!!! Your devotion to trump is more extreme than his most ardent supporters. Your argument much like the report you reference is once again full of holes. Easy to track people with expired visas, but how do they track illegals crossing the border? The census? How can they track all these border jumpers when those employed use stolen social security numbers? And I do agree with you about deterring the people who hire them, but your orange idol that you love to reference all the time did more than any other president and went after companies that hired them, but your fellow liberals found that to be racist. And Diamond Joe has banned workforce raids under the leadership of Mayorka. That’s right. Look it up.


SMH, Wow, because someone might have had a tough time they get a pass? Isn’t that what people say about criminals who had a rough up bringing? You’re the flip side of everything you post against. An elitist.


Pretty sure it’s right there on the rental form: “Do you have a gun and will you use it while committing criminal activity?”

Some pray at the alter of idiocy

@mac- You’re so right. Renting to thugs is as bad as renting to crack heads and prostitutes.

Now let's hope they don't let him loose

I’m glad they caught the guy but I would not recommend that anyone in a similar situation attempt to stop an armed robber. Whatever is in the register isn’t worth taking a bullet. This time it ended well but could easily have been a bloodbath.


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