Photo: QueensPost
Sept. 5, 2014 By Michael Florio
A masked man entered the Greenpoint Pharmacy on Tuesday with a gun and demanded prescription pain killers, according to police.
The man, wearing a black ski mask, walked into the 40-26 Greenpoint Avenue pharmacy at about 1:30 pm, pointed a firearm at a worker and demanded Vicodin and Percocet– which are known to give users a high.
The suspect was provided with two bottles of Oxycodone, before fleeing. No one was hurt.
The suspect is believed to be a white male, about 6 feet tall and 230 pounds.
I love how you guys use the word junky so easily like they are not a person with a story. I became a “junky” after my husband shot himself in the head right in front of my face. I did not need to rob a pharmacy, doctors gave me all the drugs I wanted because I was close to suicide. You do not realize what you are doing, and you people who have no experience with addiction think this is funny. Guess what you never know when one day your life does a 360 on you. I hope people are as kind as you all hoping he over doses, because I am sure he does not have a family. Nice. No skeletons in the closet anybody? He needs help, regardless ethnicity, religion, or color of his skin. Im sure as a child he did not say I want to be an addict when I grow up. So ignorant…
“Black ski mask” – how original!
re A Bundy’s comment, $20 to $30 worth of drugs? Mistaken- each pill fetches $20, more or less dependant on dosage up to $30/pill to the skells, and each bottle has at least 30 pills up to 90. U do the math. pill junkie+handgun+expensive habit=very dangerous for all, pharmacy workers & customers & neighbors they rob. hope he’s caught
shouldve demanded a few brita filters also, those things are getting expensive!!!
so he robbed the store out of $20-30 worth of meds? what a dumb mofo. seriously, really REALLY dumb.
I pity the fool who uses drugs!
Clunky noone cares after the weekend…noone in sunnyside is looking for him
Welcome to Sunnyside, where junkies rob pharmacies and where there are bums on almost every single corner. Let’s get community service like our own batsign. Whenever something like this happens, a bell or light or some kind of sign goes up and we all keep an eye out for the criminals since precinct can’t really do anything about these “isolated” crimes.
he was probably addicted to those drugs i bet. may have even been on drugs when did the robbery, too. but i bet he’s regretting it now that he’s had time to sober up, though. hell, every person in sunnyside is gonna be looking for this clown! good luck pal! see you at the jail!
A few years ago several people were gunned down – in the head – in a pharmacy in Long Island by an oxy freak and his accomplice wife. They were caught and serving prison time now. It is very dangerous to work in a pharmacy these days and I think at least one person there should be (legally) armed.
Luckily they took his measurements before he fled
Glad no one was hurt.
Damn right near the school and children