Photo: QueensPost
Nov. 9, 2011 Staff Report
Gray Point Thai, a restaurant located at 42-02 Greenpoint Ave., has gone out of business.
The location is not going to remain vacant for long.
Another Thai restaurant is expected to open there in December.

Gray point for me was always hit or miss and as far as take it was a few bucks over priced too. But the place was nice in the inside but now there seems to be even more thai places in the neighborhood so if it’s not good why go there or if it’s not priced for take out why oarder from there. Lucky on that block or any of Greenpoint ave there is no other Thai places unlike opening a grommet produce store acrrose from 2 supper markets and another popular produce shop.
Good luck to them and let hope some more shops bars and restaurants join them in coming to sunnyside
52nd & Skillman is pretty far away when you live around here and want some Pad Thai. I ordered from Gray Point once and it wasn’t bad but they never seemed busy enough to inspire my confidence that their food was fresh. The interior was more like a lounge (yes, with a TV over the bar) but otherwise it would have been too quiet inside- it often looked empty when I walked by. I always thought they meant it to be “Green Point” Thai and there was a misspelling somewhere along the way.
This block on Greenpoint has its challenges, as does the next one over, and any business that opens needs the support of the community. The grocery store on the corner of 43rd seems to lack customers, after opening last year to great fanfare. Nice store but there is already a produce store on the same block and no shortage of decent grocery options within a block or so. I can’t see how they are turning a profit, in spite of all of their efforts. The taco place next store has delicious food, and the 99 cent store isn’t bad, as 99 cent stores go.
There are too many empty store fronts along Greenpoint- we need to actively support these merchants or they will not last. If a new Thai restaurant opens, let’s all remember that they are investing in our community and we need to be responsive. Besides, Thai food is delicious!
i loved gray point! i was on my way to dine there when i realized it was closed for good. very disappointing
There’s a lot of Thai food in the area; a place need to be really special in order to keep up. Thai Malay, I am Thai, Dee, and Nodus were all superior to Greypoint. Not that Greypoint was bad (in fact I really liked their interior) but there was too much competition for themimho
it was there for several years. It wasn’t bad; i often got take out there; quality fluctuated. much more competition now than when it first opened.
Before Grey Point there was another thai place, and now ANOTHER one is on the way?? Hey um, maybe this ain’t a good spot for Thai food. But if the waitresses are hot, I’m there. It’s all about a good looking staff like they have at Xio.
Thai food is great – Thai Malay on 52nd and Skillman is terrific. But how many Thai restaurants do we need?
Also, why *Gray* Point? Does anyone want to think about their food being gray?
They are across the street from a park and a block from the library. They should put in something kid-friendly.
99 cent thai food! wouldn’t be surprised. this corner gets like maybe 15 people an hour walking past. You can’t pay massive rents with no foot traffic. This is what put Sugar & Joe out of business a year ago. There are about 75% vacancies on that strip of Greenpoint – that tells you something
Nice interior, bad food. Ketchup for pad thai sauce.
To the new proprietors: Gray Point was the most conveniently-located, for me, of the neighborhood’s Thai restaurants. However, I ended up never eating there because of the blaring TV in the dining room; if I was getting delivery, their food was markedly inferior to I Am Thai and, now, Nodus, so there was no incentive to order from them.
Take note of the importance of making your space appealing, unique (since there are numerous Thai places in the neighborhood ), and recognizing that the bar has already been set highly regarding quality (not to mention that neighboring Woodside has one of the best Thai restaurants in the city, Sriprapai).
I never at this restaruant, but I is always a shame for a business to go out of buisness. Either we have to many restaurants in our town, or we do not know where they are? Any ideas anyone?
How about we take a survey and see what the problem is?
Plus we just had a taste of sunnyside. I would have thought all restaruants would benefiti from this event. I guess not.
Ha yeah good luck, why do they even bother opening restaurants down there anymore?
Good luck to the owner.