June 30, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
A GoFundMe account has been created for the family of Steven Narvaez, the 28-year-old Woodside man who died last Saturday after his Toyota Corolla collided with a Freightliner tractor at the intersection of Skillman Avenue and Queens Blvd at around 6am.
“Today our brother was called home,” reads a message by the account creator. “We need to help his Mother as you know was his Queen make his wish to be buried in his homeland.”
Funds raised will be used to help send Narvaez’s remains to Colombia.
The account was created on June 24, the day of the accident, and has already amassed $2,295 from 36 people. The fundraiser is hoping to reach $10,000.
“RIP Steven, the most out going [sic] person I have ever met,” reads a message posted by a donor.
“Steven, I will miss your infectious smile, every time, I drove by the block and you greeted me,” reads another.
A mass is also planned for Saturday, July 15, at 2:00 p.m., according to a post shared by his sister on social media. It will take place at Saint Sebastian Roman Catholic Church on 58th St. and Roosevelt Avenue.
Narvaez struck the truck within its trailer area, and came to a rest underneath, according to police. He was pronounced deceased at the scene. A 17-year-old female passenger with him also sustained injuries, and was in critical condition when she was transported to Elmhurst Hospital.
No arrests have been made in connection to the incident.
She lived thank God
Does it matter how or why it happened, it did.. a mother lost her son which is one of the worst feelings ANYONE will ever have. We all had our faults, but he was always a sweet kid no matter what, and the people that wana talk shit about someone who died needs to burn in hell.
May karma descend upon all of you with mean spirited comments
To everyone who is saying awful things about a man who cannot defend himself, you know nothing about his family, nothing about him, you don’t know how hard he worked, how he went to culinary school, how he was the bread winner for his family, and family to Steven was his mom, just his mom. He was constantly working to support her and himself. What is wrong with you, jumping to conclusions about a man who cannot defend himself because he died at his owns hands! I truly pray that nothing like this happens to you, where your only family member leaves you because of an untimely death.
A mass is also planned for Saturday, July 15, at 2:00 p.m., according to a post shared by his sister on social media. It will take place at Saint Sebastian Roman Catholic Church on 58th St. and Roosevelt Avenue. — God Help Us I pray there is no trouble on this day —
He was clearly at fault in this. The responsibility for the crash is on him, no one else. Look at the video. Driving too fast, ran a red light, not paying attention, crashed right into the side of that truck. 100% “Zeeky’s” fault. “Know wha’ im sayin’, g?’ How about using the money to help the girl he almost killed?
Actually the girl just died yesterday.
She is alive and was underage
Y’all all some miserable despicable POS. Watch your mouth cause karma has funny ways. Watch life take your only child. Animals.
Hey Me: You are the animal. The community spoke. I hope that you and Barbara get along well.
Clickbait article, and awful comments … as usual.
How about……
Sounds like momma wants a free trip home. Why don’t the use the money he was making selling oxys and heroin to pay for his trip home
You know nothing about his family, nothing about him, you don’t know how hard he worked, how he went to culinary school, how he was the bread winner for his family, and family to Steven was his mom, just his mom. He was constantly working to support her and himself. What is wrong with you, jumping to conclusions about a man who cannot defend himself because he died at his owns hands! I truly pray that nothing like this happens to you, where your only family member leaves you because of an untimely death. Why would you even bring up selling drugs, were you a customer are u a musty who lost their connect and now you’re stressed?? Sounds like it
Get lost.
I have seen this persons driving on his corolla. He used to speed through each block 45 mph speed. Sad to see this
OMG, some mean comments. This person was loved& his friends are reaching out to the community. Funeral expenses ARE expensive .And yes, of course the young lady needs support, too.
The link to the fund me page is no longer working. I quick search of the victims name had no results. I assume it was taken down.
Zeeky Zale may be going home but not on my dime. Why can’t they just buy him a seat on a plane to Bogota? I’m sure no one will notice the smell.
How is anyone going to be arrested? This young man ran a red light and plowed into a vehicle crossing in front of him. He obviously wasn’t paying attention and was driving too fast. It’s a tragically sad story but I can’t see how anyone else is to blame.
Any money raised should go to the young lady who was his passenger. Shipping his body to Colombia so he could be buried in his homeland is expensive and apparently unaffordable. The young lady has the really important expenses and is probably a worthier cause.
Wait, they are having a mass service for the cremation of the body… So how are you raising $10,000.00 to bury a body in Colombia? Unless an airline charges to transport ashes?
So true she has no short term memory and was a minor at 17 with at that hour God knows why. I know her family.
Why on earth would i contribute to this? Other people have to pay for this guy’s funeral? This is an outrageous story! What is it with these people?
You know nothing about his family, nothing about him, you don’t know how hard he worked, how he went to culinary school, how he was the bread winner for his family, and family to Steven was his mom, just his mom. He was constantly working to support her and himself. What is wrong with you, jumping to conclusions about a man who cannot defend himself because he died at his owns hands! I truly pray that nothing like this happens to you, where your only family member leaves you because of an untimely death.