Jan. 12, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
A local politician is working to add immigration status to the list of protected classes under New York’s anti-discrimination rights laws.
State Senator Michael Gianaris has introduced legislation that would make it illegal to discriminate against someone based on their immigration status, and allow victims of hate attacks based on their immigration status to bring civil charges against their attackers.
“Immigrants are under siege like never before and we have an obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of those who came to our country seeking a better life,” Gianaris said.
New York’s Human Rights Law already protects people from discrimination based on age, race, sexual orientation and gender, among others.
“With our president-elect threatening to deport millions of immigrants who came to America to build a better life for themselves and their families, this bill is one way to resist the hate and stand up for a free New York,” said New York Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Donna Lieberman.
The new legislation comes after hate crimes and attacks surged throughout the city following the presidential election in November.
A Muslim Uber driver took a video of a man yelling racist slurs out the window of his car at him in November, adding “Trump is president, a–hole, so you can kiss your f–king visa goodbye, scumbag.”
“Given the current political climate that has been marked by an increase in hate crimes, it is more important than ever that we ensure that New Yorkers, including undocumented New Yorkers, legal permanent residents, visa holders, and others, are equally protected,” said Steven Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition.
Coming from a man who systematically destroyed whats left of nyc. Yeah cancel the rent mike. ARe u canceling the rent on the property that u ??
Mac has a wife? Hahahaha i didnt think anyone would marry a fool like that
What about a bill stopping govt. From using Medicare money and then want to revamp it so they don’t pay it back. Screw the seniors. Can we sue?
Phyllis its wasnt your tax money, your tax money fixed a toilet in ps11 last month. Im sure jvb and m.g. will miss that vote
Gianaris just lost my vote along with Jimmy Van B. Why do they protect illegals with my tax money that pays for their housing, food, medical bills, etc. Are the illegals paying for Gianaris’ and Jimmy’s salaries? I see the elderly in Queens suffering from lack of health care, choosing between food and meds! I see our vets also suffering. I am SICK of being politically correct! This is a disgrace!
Same right wing a-hole is posting here over and over again under different posting handles to give the impression he has a popular and supported position. It’s called popular conservatism. Roger Ailes and the loudest voice in the room.
Get a real job mac
Does your wife tell you what to write or do you come up with this nonsense by yourself ?
Oh poor Hillary !
I can’t believe the mods let you post with a monicker that means jism.
Gianaris protects everyone except American citizens
-Pearl cream How come you never comment about the people and corporations who hire illegal aliens? Typical Republican thinking, wealthy aristocracy above reproach.
White “American” citizens have america to protect them. They are the ruling class, and have been since this country’s founding. They enjoy that “privilege.” They don’t need to be protected, only coddled and manipulated. And manipulated they were.
If there’s no illegal immigrants here, the corporations can’t hire them!
Knacker- How naive you are. corporations just lobby the govt to create and expand work visa programs. Now they’re legit. Have you walked around lower Manhattan lately. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley’s JP Morgan Chase and the rest have employed thousands of Indian Nationals for pennies a day. HadvGovt expand visa program for IT because lobby claimed labor shortage.,I believe the program is 3 million strong now. What about the millions of migrant temporary work visas?
Gianaris is looking to shield ILLEGAL immigrants from the law. He is essentially encouraging and rewarding people who are breaking federal law. This is despicable behavior on his part, he should be tried for aiding and abetting.
sounds just like JVB at their best –
@what part of illegal- what about the people and corporations hiring the illegals? Shouldn’t they be charged?
Protecting people from discrimination is a foundational American tenet. Making this about Democrats or Republicans is reductive and ill-informed.
You people are so blind! A quick search and you’ll see Obama has been deporting illegals for the last 8 years. But liberal media clearly won’t report on that.
Brainwashed sheep!
I think everyone whether rich or poor has the right to live wherever they want without any hassels
Really high end? You gonna foot the bill for the free housing, free medical, wick, SNAP foot stamps, whatever they call it these days. Alot of these so called hate crimes are false.Anyone remember the muslim girl that claimed she was attacked by a group of white men yelling Trump? Yea that blew up in her face. No surprise why the Dems got steamrolled in the election. Like Johnny other said you lost get over it.
Silent majority- EBT, WIC, section 8,food stamps are actually corporate substidies. It’s all part of the socialization of all corporate expense and privatizing the profits. These programs allow corporations to pay below market wages.
Johnny and silent majority are one and the same. Can’t you tell by the stupidity in their posts?
Steamroll? What reality do you live in? Dumpster lost by almost 3 Million popular votes. Maybe you should consider feeling equally as hostile toward corporate entitlement programs, otherwise known as “government handouts.”
You lost
Get over it
I think you don’t see that we are all the same whether rich or poor.
Anything but protect the citizens of this country, typical DEMORATS.
Johnny- move to Arkansas or Texas for a low wage right to work for less job. Put your money where your mouth is. Support your party and it’s low wage agenda. Oh facts show we ( the general public)are safer under the democrats. 9/11 happened under the nose of a Republican administration. Like the people posting here say “stupid,Johnny”.
Mac, Your a complete Clown. I am a Democrat, But it is not my fault that the party has been taken over by a ” bunch off low-life, gutless, pathetic, lazy Anti- American , racist bigoted idiots like you, You clowns are the reason we have lost our leverage as a party, Lost seats all over the Country, You Left – Wing Zealots should waken up and smell the coffee, America is a lot more than a bunch of ” Freaks ” on the east and west coast.
-Johnny Most Democratic seats being taken by the Republicans in the house lower chamber are due to gerrymandering. Fact!!!
June Mac, hahahaha, yeah the”Russians” are coming.
-Johnny You wear your title of stupid as a badge of honor. According to Forbes Magazine (a Reublican contributor) Crains and The Wall Street Journal; you want to become wealthy in the US move to the East and West Coasts. Fact. The states on the East and West Coast subsidize the rest of the states in the country. Fact. “Freaks” Johnny? Like Ted Cruz and family who claim Teds wife spoke in toungue as a sign he should run for president. Like the rest of myth and fairy tale believing zealots. You need to do a little traveling our kool aide drinking gullible fool.
Learn the Language.
@Johnny. I’d like you to define “bigot” and “racist,” and then explain how democrats are “bigots” and “racists.”
I’ll wait. And no, trying redefine multiculturalism and diversity as “bigoty” and “racism” won’t work. Try looking up those four words up in a dictionary. You have a dictionary, right? Make sure to grab one that wasn’t sanctioned by the revisionist GOP and. . . the dumpster.
Mac, nice try, the ” dumpster ” give you away, such a clown.
why would politicians protect citizens of this country? they cant make any money off of that.
oh god, get over it you politicians. your candidate lost. WWAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
mind you the tape where the muslim uber driver took the video was cut and pasted and portions left out — so much for truth here –