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Gianaris’ Cat Declawing Bill Passed by Lawmakers Tuesday

Mike Gianaris at a recent press conference calling for a ban of the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits (Senator Mike Gianaris)

June 5, 2019 By Max Murray

State Senator Michael Gianaris announced yesterday the passage of legislation that would ban cat declawing.

The legislation, passed by both the Assembly and Senate Tuesday, would impose a $1,000 fine on any person found guilty of declawing a cat unless the procedure is medically necessary.

“Cat declawing is a brutal procedure similar to severing a human finger at the first knuckle and has lifelong ramifications for cats,” Gianaris said in a statement. “I am proud of the Senate’s emphasis on animal welfare and I am pleased we passed this important proposal.”

The legislation was passed on Animal Advocacy Day, a day when pet owners and advocates go to the capitol and discuss legislation.

Gianaris sponsored the bill in the senate, while Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal, who represents the Upper Westside, was the Assembly sponsor. The legislation awaits the signature of the Governor Cuomo before becoming law.

Cat declawing is the process of removing a cat’s claws through the amputation of the end bones attached to the claw. This procedure severely damages the ligaments, tendons, and nerves of the cat’s paw.

The surgery, according to Gianaris, often results in negative behavioral traits such as aggression, biting/spraying, depression, and refusal to use the litter box.

New York would be the first state to enact legislation banning this kind of procedure.

“They say a society is judged by the way it treats its animals, and we’re trying to make a statement that in New York we care about our four-legged friends and family members,” Gianaris told pet owners at the Capitol yesterday. “We’re not going to stop until they get all the protections they deserve.”

Gianaris and Rosenthal have long fought for animal protections. They introduced a bill in their respective chambers earlier this year to ban the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits. That bill has yet to go to the floor for a vote.

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“…and we’re trying to make a statement that in New York we care about our four-legged friends and family members,” – if this is true, why did the man who stabbed and killed a dog in Sunnyside only get 6 months in prison?

Oh, Lily

Gianaris has no problem killing babies – even on their due date – but cats? Yup, he loes the critters but hates the humans.


Lily- Republican policy is an even bigger baby killer, just check out infant mortality rates in Republican strongholds of Louisiana Tennessee Mississippi and Alabama just to name a few.

Oh, Lily

Wow! Defending infanticide are you? And the worse run states are run by corrupt Dem machines – and the worst cities: look at Detroit, Newark: look at what has happened to California. And New York State? Going down the tubes. Follow the moving vans.

Larry T

Oh Lily- You really need to take a remedial reading class. Mac’s post never supported “infanticide” , he just points out even more of it, however your post obviously is. Oh you’re also horribly misinformed, according to Moody’s the worst run states are Mississippi Alabama and Illinois.


@OL-According to U.S. Census Bureau population estimates, New York City’s population increased from 8,175,133 in April of 2010 to 8,398,748 in July of 2018. This is an increase of about 224,000 residents over the 2010 mark, or 2.7 percent. … The lowest growth occurred in Staten Island (1.6 percent or 7,000 persons).Overall NY State population is 19.5 Million NY is projected to lose an estimated 45,000 people (net) which is less then .25%. The city continues to grow upstate with its harsh winters is losing population. Most leaving are retirees.


Lily you’re wrong on California too. Officials noted last May that California’s population had grown by an average of 333,000 people a year since 2010. … In 2015, California saw a net gain of some 177,000 immigrants moving to the state and 105,000 residents leaving, according to data from the Finance Department. Thank goodness for the anonymity of the internet or you could have really made yourself look uninformed. Aren’t you tired of getting it wrong?

Oh, Lily

You are wrong: according to both Chambers of Commerce NY and Cali are leading in population loss. And people are moving to Red States. Get over your false sense of superiority – the rest of the country takes you for a fool.


With slightly more than 39 million people (according to 2016 estimates), California is the nation’s most populous state—its population is almost one and a half times that of second-place Texas (28 million). … By 2050, California’s population is projected to reach 50 million people.
Public Policy Institute of California › publication ›
You’re a typical Fox conservative: truth facts and history are irrelevant.Just alternate facts!LOL You’re proven wring yet again.

Oh, Lily

Dear genius: (and you probably love Rachel Maddow) – Cali and New York will lose several congressional seats because of population loss. Now have a coke and a smile!

Sean Sunnyside Resident

@oh Lily- You need to take a remedial reading class like Mac suggested in another comment stream, to you. 1-McMahon has outlined the very same numbers of population declines for CA & NY in posts posted right here above us. 2- To quote the article you posted “Illinois saw the second largest population loss. West Virginia, Louisiana, Hawaii, Mississippi, Alaska, Connecticut and Wyoming saw a combined loss of 33,661, according to the report.” West Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Wyoming and Alaska are all red states. 3-To quote your article..again.The loss of population has an impact on New York’s clout in Washington. The state has lost a few congressional seats in recent years and may lose one more in the next round of redistricting”. Where do you get several seats will be lost? You’re a bit of an exaggerator who doesn’t stick to the facts.

Yorgo Marzukis

Ah yes our progressive leader passing nonsense bills. How about keeping slugs in prison? How about harsher penalties?? Yeah wonder why your family has put they’re homes up for sale after your foolishness and stupidity and the down turn of a neighborhood you help to destroy. Go Gianaris and your dumb minions

can the 3 of you just go away

So Giannaris and cortez are trying to claw their way back in to the good graces of queens voters after running amazon out of town. what a pathetic pair. im sure van bramer will be appearing soon with his song and dance.

Chris Byrne

Who is this total loser waiting for to die in Congress? Pathetic panderer whose association with Jimmy Van Job Killer is shameful. Giannaris – when you want to talk facts, hit me up. By the way… I don’t expect to hear from you since I’m not one of your special interests. You and JVB have your little plan. Here’s the challenge to you both — post your schedules and I’ll be more than happy to debate the facts with 2 politicians who are running from the truth. Jimmy and Michael… ready?

El loco

The highlight of Giannaris’ great career! Helps lose 40,000 jobs by discouraging Amazon to come to Queens but gets a cat declawing bill passed. Nice.

El Loco's Brain

Where did you you get 40,000 from? I thought Amadong promised 100,000 high paying jobs to all the NYCHA residents and free housing on the upper east side manhattan.


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