June 26, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
The campaign office of State Sen. Mike Gianaris was targeted with graffiti Wednesday night.
The front of the Powhattan Democratic Club office, located at 41-05 Newtown Rd. in Astoria, was sprayed-painted with the “anarchy” symbol, a spokesperson for the senator has confirmed.
The building was used as Gianaris’ campaign headquarters for his election campaign in Tuesday’s primary. Gianaris won the primary with ease.
The two front doors of the building were spray-painted with a capital letter “A” inside a circle. The pattern symbolizes anarchy.
A third area, to the left of the building, was sprayed-painted with the same symbol and was followed by the letters “O” and “C”. Together, the letters spell out “AOC,” an abbreviation for Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
It is unclear as to who is responsible for the damage or what the messaging meant.
Senator Gianaris condemned the actions of the alleged vandals Thursday.
“We will not allow a small group of hatemongers to divide our community,” Gianaris told NY1 reporter Zach Fink.
“Especially after an election just showed tremendous unity behind the representatives targeted by this hate,” he added.
Campaign office for @SenGianaris targeted with anti-@AOC graffiti.
Gianaris says, “We will not allow a small group of hatemongers to divide our community especially after an election just showed tremendous unity behind the representatives targeted by this hate.” pic.twitter.com/Zmib5vO47l
— Zack Fink (@ZackFinkNews) June 25, 2020
The vandalism was denounced by Queens Council Member Danny Domm.
Dromm said that the actions were “disgraceful.”
“I condemn this in no uncertain terms,” he tweeted Thursday.
A report on the incident was not made with the police, according to an NYPD spokesperson.
the people who did this were protesting the native american name of the political club…we cant be culturally appropriating native american names for political purposes…this is a legitimate form of protest as per our Mayor…they did not even loot the place…welcome to the new peaceful
Once again Fascist Socialists want to blame it on Constitutionalists . Oh the projection!
Fascists are specifically anti-socialist ?
You have NO idea what the things you parrot mean
Hashtagger as Serra – Do you think it’s funny mocking a saint? Or is it you showing contempt for native Americans?
They couldn’t stop him from getting re-elected, but they sure showed him who’s boss with their spray paint.
Hey genius those are antifa symbols
You should be thrilled since you libs seem to like them
The tds is very strong
Sure. A O C is an Antifa symbol.
Why would the real Antifa be mad that Gianaris won? Nice try Trumptard.
Hey Trumptard they tried to pin it on Antifa, but detectives discovered Cheetos fingerprints which means that they were really Trumpsters.
No video surveillance of the suspect(s) on the premise or surrounding area? Makes you wonder if they saw the suspect(s) and figured it was best not to call the police and release it because the suspect does not fit their agenda.
It’s a Trumpster Party in here.
He and Jimmy Van Bramer basically told Minorities and People of Color many living in the projects and surrounding area, you are not smart enough to aspire to those Amazon jobs? It’s all about them and elevating their own profile. How can someone not support jobs for the people living in his own district??? They opprtunists politicians trying to keep you down and out so they can elevate themselves.
If you think those Amazon jobs would have gone exclusively to locals in the area, you’re mistaken. The majority of those thousands of jobs would have gone to people from all over the region/country who’d then have to relocate to the area. This would have oversaturated an already oversaturated area. That’s the reason everyone was against Amazon, not because of some conspiracy.
It’s the return of Autoclicking boy! Too bad thumbs up boy had no effect on any election outcomes.
To Franklin. We will never know, it any of those jobs could go to any of us, your not getting one of those Amazon jobs are you. The progressives being attacked by their own. Even AOC criticizing DiBlasio and dozens parked in front of city hall protesting, Gianaris headquarters tagged, Daniel Dromms beauty sleep interrupted by protesters, got to love it….
No big deal!!..Those people were just expressing their frustrations!
No police report?..I guess the social workers will start investigating crimes!
The Progressives eating themselves again. They’re REgressive to be honest.
looks like a false flag tbh
What are the odds one of the crabby right wingers on here did this?
Says the smoked salmon socialist.
What an elitist!
Thankfully you didn’t vote for the billionaire living in a gold tower with his name on it. BOY would you look stupid then!
Which of those is the worst to you, the smoke, the salmon or the socialist?
Better call Ghostbusters. The police are not wanted anymore. At least by the ruling democrat elite.