Photo: QueensPost
Dec. 17, 2013 By Christian Murray
The long-awaited frozen yogurt store at 45-12 Greenpoint Avenue is expected to open next month.
The store, called 4 Squared Flavors, has had a ‘coming soon’ sign draping over its awning for the past six months.
This time, according to co-owner Khalil Nayl, the ‘coming soon’ sign is for real.
“The construction work is mostly done,” Nayl said. “All we have to do is put in some flooring, install the countertops and put up the signage.”
Nayl said that construction has been slow and that he has been trying to get the contractors to pick up the pace. “They are perfectionists,” he said, “so they have been taking their time to get everything done right.”
The store is 2,700 sqf. and will come with a lounge area where customers will be able to sit on couches or at tables. There will be a special area where iPads will be provided, so people can surf the web while they eat their yogurt.
The store walls have already been painted with colors such as pink and green and there have been LED lights, which can change colors, installed throughout.
Nayl said that he will be offering 16 flavors of frozen yogurt. He said that is where the name 4 Squared comes from.
Nayl said that he and his co-owner, David Arifee, plan to open stores in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Once the pair has three stores, they will try to franchise their business.
However, Nayl said, “My focus right now is on opening this one.”
I hope the yogurt is thick, white, and creamy. mmmmmmmmmmmm!
How tacky will the signage be??
I’ve met Khalil on Sunnyside Shines volunteer projects and he’s a nice guy who cares about the community. Best of luck to him and his business partner. Greenpoint Ave is not depressing and has potential to improve. Let’s drop the north vs south hatefest for once folks and just wish them well.
I’m not the “Roxy” who posted “Won’t last a year” on 12/19/13 at 7:55 pm. Are there now two of us posting here? I believe that I’ve been using “Roxy” longer and have exclusivity.
Won’t last a year.
Roxy, you are always so negative. What would you suggest? We need your wisdom.
I hope it’s not some white substance bubbling from the ground
Another retail suicide! And in the same block as McDonalds, which sells a variety of frozen desserts, if not yogurt itself.
Also, you should do hot yogurt for the winter time, and frozen yogurt for the summer.
Good luck Khalil and David!
Good luck gentlemen.
Mr Nayl, i got a lot of respect for you stepping in and saying what you did. i will be there w my kids! Good luck. yeah, Greenpoint ave has always been tough for business but your place looks very cool – wifi + ipads at the table sound cool
The winter time selling frozen yogurt – yeah i understand the comments here. theres a cool documentary on netflix about how ben and jerrys faced the same challenges up in freezing vermont when they started. But they came up with cool events and gatherings to keep people interested and coming back and it kind of defined their brand
Best of luck Khalil. My family and I will definitely be there to try your frozen yogurt.
Pi$$ poor investment.
Could have rolled blunts with those bens.
Next auction item…
Yogurtberry isn’t good. I agree with the comment that said it was watery and tasteless. Their yogurt doesn’t even taste like a dairy product. If the new yogurt shop has good quality yogurt and a comfortable atmosphere, I will go there.
Best of luck to you! Our community needs all the help it can get! The kids will be in there no matter what the temperature outside.
The south side, especially Greenpoint Avenue, is depressing. I go there for Hallmark or Bliss Street Station restaurant only.
Sunnyside Native
I disagree. Yes, fancier stores tend to do better on the north side, but for this type of business where the product isn’t expensive, there’s a lot more foot traffic on Greenpoint Ave. Lots of kids in the area too. And not far from the park.
One of the very few times that I agree with Ruben aka SSPHM14 about the ‘plants’, from Jerry to Flavoristic. It’s obvious it’s the same person…
Khalil – I wish you luck, but as one of the few people on this forum who grew up in Sunnyside and can attest to the turnover in stores, you should have picked a location on the north side of the boulevard…
Good afternoon everyone. I am the president of the company and my name is Khalil Nayl. I am glad this post came up to see the response of the people in our community. Some post were motivating and happy to see; Thank you for that. However, I saw a few concerns from some people. I would like to address them. Our company mission was to come into this “business improvement district” and support SunnySide Shines on improving our district. Our goal was to bring something “spectacular” to the neighborhood where people don’t just enjoy their yogurt, but can come in and enjoy their cozy environment. That is why we have invested a lot into our lounge area that not only provides free WiFi, but also the iPads that will be installed on our tables to make it more convenient. We came into this neighborhood hoping the community will support us so we can give back the support. We have been volunteering with SunnySide Shines to bring more excitement into our community. However, we have to stick together and help each other to attract bigger companies to stop by and invest with us. Furthermore, our company will be using the best brand on the market for yogurt and not powdered yogurt –>(SunnySider).
We had one of the best designers to make sure every corner of the space was designed so people can come in and say “WoW”. In the picture you cannot really see how the store looks. We are hoping every SunnySider comes in and try us out at least one time. We are confident you will be back again. Our goal was to build a castle in our loved neighborhood. Even though it will be done in the winter, we will be early for the summer. I told the writer that we are hoping for this space to be open in a month. However, there is no control over the contractors and how slow or fast they move. We have tried many different designs and took it down to make it perfect. We should all stick together to bring bigger companies into our district.
I have attached my email if anyone has any concerns. Feel free to contact me and i will try my best to get answers for you. If you have any other concerns or advice please let us know.
Thank You Kindly
Thank God, “The community board has no control over the private sector,” otherwise we’d be living under sharia law in some hellhole. It makes me laugh out loud when people discuss the idea of controlling what businesses open in a neighborhood! Aside from strip clubs and bars, you can open whatever you want wherever you can in this country as long as you can pay the rent.
Supply and demand. If the products no good, or there’s no demand, it’ll close. If not, it’ll thrive. Best of luck to all the small business people in our neighborhood.
RI The community board has no control over the private sector, except for reviewing liquor license applications and giving its recommendations to the State Liquor Authority. People can buy and sell or start businesses as they wish. It’s up to the entrepreneur to determine if there is a opportunity for a business. Unfortunately, some guess wrong and lose money. I wish Four Squared every success. They have obviously invested a lot of money in our community.
These guys don’t exactly look like ice cream enthusiasts. Looks like they’re gonna opt for the cheapest powdered “yogurt” mix.
The Spanish kids on the south side gonna love this place!
We already have a yogurt store. What is needed in this area is not being considered by our community board.
good timing!! i just got some new mittens big puffy sub zero jacket – see you in Jan my friends!!!
I am LAUGHING at all the PLANTS. Starting from JERRY all the way to Flavoristic. WHat a desperate sad attempt.
They should seriously hire some good consultants. Before opening another store, construction took long because the “contractors are perfectionist” what a lame excuse, also what a public image fail every other month they are about to open, only signs and floors left? Looks like more than a month.
I really hope they figure out what they are doing because it is clear they lack a lot of know how
Is this going to be yogurtberry south?
Good luck! Looking forward to giving it a try.
Love seeing money washed and funneled this way.
I heard they are going to have over 35 toppingssssssss!! Whoa who can compete with that , other yogurt stores should just close down with this store in town.
I cant wait!! All my friends are excited for this
Finally something new with more varieties tired of these so called yogurt stores with 2 flavors
Cant wait! This will def be a success! Yoggurberry is all the way on the other side..lets wish them both luck but surely I will be going here!! 😉
Omg im so excited cant wait, need a new spot to study… ipads, whats a great idea… woohoooo
Omg i saw this store and it is just what our community needs! They have 16 flavors and it is way bigger than yogurberry it has a lounge area where im going to be studying there and using the ipads all the time
Is that George Jetson peaking out from behind a column? Anyway, good luck guys, frozen yogurt is always a treat.
Haha my car made Sunnyside post!
Who thought opening a froyo place in January was a good idea? This should’ve been open back in June. Now they’re gonna have months of eh sales before it warms back up.
Yogurt berry is actually awful: watery and tasteless, so I’m hoping this place will be much better.i actually go to Astoria for frozen yogurt so maybe this will bring my business back to sunnyside if the quality is good.
This is great! If one of everything was enough, we could essentially cut every second pizzeria, Thai restaurant, Chinese takeout, and Mexican restaurant. I think moving away from the 99 cent store market into the small business world is exactly what we need.
Welcome 4 Squared Flavors!
Hehe I was just asking about that place. I’m looking forward to it!
The interior looks like the set of a 1980s sci-fi movie. And when it comes to frozen yogurt stores one’s enough.
I’m keeping my thoughts about this to myself.
did these guys do a stroll around the neighborhood first? did they NOT see Yogurtberry ? Did they see it and say ” Yes…but our yogurt will be BETTER!”