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Fire Broke Out on 51st Street Last Night, No Serious Injuries


Nov. 20, 2014 By Michael Florio

A fire broke out in a Sunnyside apartment building last night.

The blaze took place on the fifth floor at 41-36 51st Street. The FDNY received a call just before 7 pm and the fire was brought under control by 7:30 pm, according to the FDNY.

The fire was contained to one apartment and one person, believed to be the tenant, was taken to a local hospital with serious, but non-life threatening injuries. The victim was believed to have been unconscious when he was removed from his apartment.

A neighboring tenant, who didn’t want to be named, showed up during the fire. She said the fire was first noticed by a passerby, who saw flames shooting out the window.

“This was traumatizing for everyone,” the neighboring tenant said. “Everyone here was freaked out.”

The apartment that caught fire is completely destroyed. The apartment above may have been damaged as well, and the apartment below suffered severe water damage.

The apartment that caught fire was rented by a younger man, according to a neighboring tenant, who moved into the building earlier this year. He was known for having parties.

“We [the occupants] were worried something like this would happen,” the neighbor said.

The FDNY is still investigating what caused the fire.

fire51st Street1

Photo: QueensPost

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Hey, NYPD, do something. Get Rid of the invalid Drunks in the small park.

The rest of yous in this thread… “drinking and smoking”… all fire and brimstone like you’re perfect. you all should be ashamed. It’s a predominantly Irish neighborhood, filled with tons of [bad] Irish bars, full of drinkers and smokers. Oh, you don’t drink and smoke? well, the rest of your family does. denial.

I live here

The kid was disrespetful and a nuisance. His parents rented the apartment for him, I hope they stop enabling him. He would bring vagrants up to his apartment and we even found one of them sleeping in our basement. This is a quick way to bring down property value, I hope the board takes heed and learns from this pricey lesson.
I also agree with cops allowing the drunks to hangout in the small park across the street. I hope this brings some attention to that ongoing problem. Good riddance to those derelicts.

I live here too

Because this was an apartment rented out by the sponsor, the co-op board had no say as to who was allowed to move into the unit. They did all that they could as soon as they found discovered that the kid was trouble. Letters were sent, you name it.

Anonymous visitor

I have relatives in this building. It wasn’t a passerby who noticed the fire. It was a neighbor across the street who saw the flames out her window. She knows the super of that building and called them, and they called the fire department. Initially they sent over one firefighter, and the super helped that fireman carry up his equipment while the other fireman came in through the roof.

The man who lived in the apartment was known for associating with a group of drunks that are always at the triangle park across the street. This was bound to happen, especially with the police ignoring the drug and alcohol problem in that park. I was there that night after it happened. Everything was a mess. I hope something is finally done about this tenant and his friends at the park.


It may have taken a half hour to bring it under control. It doesn’t mean it took a half hour to get there, ak.


“The FDNY received a call just before 7 pm and the fire was brought under control by 7:30 pm, according to the FDNY.”

30 minutes to respond makes no sense when there is a firehouse literally RIGHT NEXT DOOR to this building. Perhaps they were out responding to another call?

Your name here

30 minutes from the time reported to when it was brought under control. Not 30 minutes to arrive

Anonymous visitor

30 min until the fire was brought under control doesn’t mean it took them half an hour to respond- it was the time it took for FD units to get there, hook up the hoselines, find the source of the fire, and basically put it out. 30 min isn’t bad to get to under control.


” Brought under control by 7:30. ” Nothing about arriving at 7:30. What article did you post a response to?


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