Photo: iStock
Nov. 10, 2012 By Bill Parry
A kitchen fire broke out in an apartment building Friday night, forcing all the residents to evacuate.
The FDNY were called to 50-05 44th St. at about 9:00pm and dozens of emergency vehicles filled a two block area at 50th Ave.
What firefighters found was a kitchen fire in Apartment 4A and heavy smoke. No injuries were reported and fire damage was contained to that one apartment.
“It’s a regular response.” said Battalion Chief James Maloney, “you never know what might happen.”
Suejin Suh, a fourth floor resident, said that the hallways were full of thick, black smoke.
I once rented a room from a guy who burned candles all day long for his dead relatives – while he wasn’t in the apartment to watch them. He also didn’t keep batteries in his smoke detectors. He didn’t understand why either of those things were unsafe. I moved out after a couple of months. Get renters insurance.
Ruben is right. Questioning the affordability of renters insurance is just silly. It is probably half of what some people pay for gym membership.
You’re really taking a risk if you don’t have renters insurance. a BAD risk. You have to assume that those living next to you, above you and below you are responsible adults. I live next to people who LOVE to flash fry fish (which smells like feet) and light up candles all around their apartments while their dozen or so kids run in and out of the hall ways.
Renters insurance is just a few bucks a month , I suggest you look into it ‘cuz nothing hurts more than being the victim to someone else’s stupidity. That’s what I always say!
I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t think that some people can’t afford renter’s insurance, or why someone would feel the need to ask that question Angela. It’s not like anyone said there was never an excuse for not having renter’s insurance.
Here’s a Yahoo questions thread from 5 years ago.
My understanding of renter’s insurance is that it’s not terribly expensive. But, you can see why renter’s often over look getting it. When a fire breaks out, the home owner is covered, but a renter without insurance is not.
maybe some people can’t afford to get renter’s insurance did you ever think of that
Renters insurance…get it.
Girl Power, Amen to your comment. Imagine if we had people with the bravery and integrity of firefighters in all areas of public service.
Thank you, firefighters. We feel better when you are around.
About nine vehicles and many men showed up. I guess this is all necessary but
it most cost a small fortune to send out a response like that.