Aug. 6, 2014 By Christian Murray
The FDNY, which aimed to purchase a site next to Lou Lodati Park to store a fleet of fire engines, has formerly withdrawn its request to acquire the site.
The FDNY notified the Queens Borough President’s office on July 29 that it no longer seeks the use of the 39-34 43rd Street location, according to a spokesman for the borough president’s office.
The FDNY initially sought the site to keep a reserve fleet of about 100 engines on hand in case any of its vehicles throughout the city broke down. Additionally, the site was to be used to warehouse its wrecked and decommissioned vehicles.
The plan, which needed to go before the borough president’s office for review, was essentially torpedoed in June–when Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer announced his opposition to it.
“I have serious concerns about these large trucks rumbling in and out a residential neighborhood—adjoining a park where literally thousands of children, pets, and seniors cross the street to go to,” Van Bramer said at the time.
The FDNY needed the approval of the city council to go ahead with the plan and without Van Bramer’s blessing its chances were bleak.
The FDNY withdrew its application before Queens Borough President Melinda Katz even got to weigh in on it.
“I am pleased that the FDNY has decided to withdraw its application for the proposed 43rd Street facility,” Van Bramer said. “While I support the FDNY and the brave men and women who serve it, this site is not appropriate for this use.”
The proposal, which was controversial from the get-go, drew fierce opposition from adjacent homeowners.
For instance, at the Community Board 2 hearing on the proposal — which was on the same night as the vote– Mike Kenny, a nearby resident said: “This is a residential neighborhood, not suitable for a 24 hour corridor that already suffers from increased noise, pollution and traffic.”
Some of the advocates for the plan, however, argued that it made more sense to work with the FDNY than to have no say over a commercial enterprise that would eventually take over the site. Their argument was based on the premise that something worse could move in and the community would not be able to weigh in on it.
The plan did receive the approval of Community Board 2, subject to multiple conditions. Nevertheless, at the time the board rendered its decision the FDNY had not provided the board with any information as to how many big trucks would be rolling in and out of the site.
again perfect for a MONTHLY parking garage….no frills…no daily parking and very little traffic generated.
Thanks for waking up Jimmy Van Bugle now go back to sleep in your office and fix your hair.
This neighborhood is far from gentrified.
Did anyone see what conolly put on his facebook page today? Now that he has completely succeeded in gentrifying this neighborhood he is crying “Foul!”
He says there is no affordable housing here. So he proposes erecting apartment towers in Sunnyside near Northern Blvd. between 43rd and 48th. And something else in Woodside.
Forked tongue! Evil doer. What a snake that creep is.
So even without the trucks, this neighborhood has been raped by JC. Good God, how do we get rid of him?
I think rejecting the NYFD proposa was a mistake. I agree with 4112’s comment that little foot traffic would pass by this lot from the park. On the other hand, I assume that 1) storing fire engines or vehicles here would not be an all day 24hr in and out of vehicular traffic as expressed by the opponents; 2) NYFD would have some sort of security measures in place, perhaps even a night security guard which would add to the overall safety of the area which is absolutely desolate and scary at night; and 3) far better than what will end up here, which I’m afraid will be multi-storied housing adding to the overburdened population density and increase we are now facing. The city is talking about shoving 200,000 affordable housing units in western Queens, and we’d be foolish to think that a lot like that wouldn’t be a prime target for real estate developers.
“That warehouse that has been next to the park for 50 years shouldn’t be allowed to operate, because it’s next to a park.”
Sunnyside Post Readers
Seriously folks, how much of the park foot traffic comes from that direction anyway? If you don’t want this building to operate because you’re afraid of the noise, then be honest and say so. But, it’s BS to use the safety of the kids as an excuse. Are you telling me that the car dealership next door doesn’t generate traffic.
This building predates the development of Rabbit’s Island. To say it shouldn’t be allowed to operate anymore is a load of crap.
Van Brammer did the right thing.
I think he now needs to get the city to buy the land and turn it into a park with grass. This would be great since that would stop a factory from moving in and would also provide us with some much needed grass.
This end of Sunnyside needs grass. The other section has the Sunnyside Gardens Park
On the same page as Anonymous. I would love to see a similar park like the Gantry and Hunters Point South Park.
4112, you must also remember the donut smell on barnett, my god I used to love that street, whatever happened to that place?
Isn’t there already a big parking lot down on 38th ave already? Why not build more levels and make that a community parking lot instead of one flat piece of land? Who owns that place? zipcar?
Good. Can the city buy it and expand our park with something like grass or green turf as in LIC?
In the last article about this subject, many were saying that this building has been vacant for many years. When I was a kid (in the 70’s,) it was a distribution center for a game factory. They used to ship Yahtzee games out of here.
Yes, there were trucks right next to the park where we played, and we LOVED it.
Thank you JVB
This place really should be turned into a parking lot
A safe place from walkers
Finally! That warehouse is no place for a community like this. Put it somewhere away from Sunnyside so I can have my peace and quiet.
Thank you Jimmy Van Bramer!
Perfect place to be converted into a parking lot