Photo: QueensPost
Sept. 6, 2014 By Christian Murray
A man entered Family Pharmacy on Friday with a gun and demanded prescription pain killers, according to police.
The pharmacist, at the 45-60 43rd Street establishment, complied with the suspect’s demand and handed over three bottles of drugs, including a bottle of Oxycodone, according to police. No one was hurt in the incident.
The suspect has been described as a white male, 6 feet tall and about 200 pounds.
Family Pharmacy is the second Sunnyside drug store to be robbed at gunpoint in the past week. On Tuesday, Greenpoint Pharmacy, located just blocks away, was held up for prescriptions drugs.
Family Pharmacy was also robbed a year ago for drugs.
Has the 108th made any arrests yet? Naaaaaah! I like the Breaking Bad/the Sunnyside edition idea. Soon: CSI – Sunnyside. It is dangerous to be a pharmacist or work in a bodega.
Ken, that’s not a bad idea, however with the amount of lawyers who are looking to sue anyone and make money “representing the victim” pharmacies would be sued and most likely locked up.
Just like stand your ground laws of other states, we should have “damn you junkie” laws in USA so pharmacies can be protected by law, but only if they have cameras to prove that the person they gave the special batch was a robber.
One more point, with the amount of bad medicine in the market, I sort of would not want to pick up anything where they have a lethal elixir that they keep for thugs. It better be lethal like you said because even if the junkie is puking is guts out, he will come back for vengeance.
These pharmacies should pack some bottles with some really lethal drug combinations and keep them ready to give to would-be-robbers. This will stop these druggie bastards right in their tracks.
Doris is your mother-in-law still with us? I remember her sitting out in front if her house. I knew her from I was a kid and she watched me kids growing up. Lovely lady
Why dont they just declare the pharmacy a gun free zone. That should solve tbe problem. I wonder if this armed punk would have walked around armed if the mayor hadn’t stopped “stop and frisk”.
What a shame! I am so glad no one was hurt. The owners of Family Pharmacy are wonderful and very kind. They were so good to my mother-in-law Rose when she lived down the block. A new school just opened this month right next to the group of stores, This is not good!
Shame on 108 if they still cannot capture this lowlife junkie, obviously he is a local. There is also a camera on 44th street, 1 block away from this spot, I really hope they are utilizing those cameras this time.
Remember people, there is a school right next to this pharmacy. Is JVB reading these news at all? We need to go to press with this, and we all know press LOVES to make a big deal out of small things, they can consider “is this a new crime wave” or “Is someone Breaking Bad in Sunnyside” Believe me, this piece of crap will be found in no time right after that.
What? no racist comments?
Bring back the NYPD Stakeout Squad.
This guy is obviously very predictable. Hopefully, the 108 will stake out likely new targets in the area and arrest him before he kills someone but I’m not holding my breath.
It’s obvious that he’ll try again. He’s a desperate drug addict. They should all be prepared.
We need the auxiliary police some kind of police presence
That’s really messed up cause this is the second time they robbed this pharmacy and these’s pharmacist are such nice and decent people I really hope they catch these junkies or they freaking die of a over dose.
This sucks. I’m glad nobody was hurt but they were no doubt traumatized.
This certainly has to be the same guy. He’s picking small, independent pharmacies. I hope the cops nail him soon.
f**king junkies.
The drugs won’t work, they’re just making you worse.