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EZ Pawn: Statement From Van Bramer, Nolan

Jackson Heights location (Photo: QueensPost)

Aug. 12, 2010 By Christian Murray

Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer and Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan have won some concessions after entering into negotiations with the owner of EZ Pawn. However, they have not been able to “close” or “move the location” of the EZ Pawn branch.

Hundreds of local residents have expressed their opposition to the opening of an EZ Pawn branch on the corner of 46th Street and Queens Blvd next month.

The following is a statement from Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer and Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan after their discussions with the owner of EZ Pawn.

EZ Pawn Statement by on Scribd

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I am an EZ-Pawn Corp employee and all i can say is we are not your typical pawn shop.We sell a variety of upscale items such as musical instruments,fine jewelery and electronics.That is what we do as a business.The other side of the coin is we do lots of charity events for the local communities we are located in.This year alone we participated in the 30TH ANNUAL AIDS WALK,we helped raise almost 4000 dollars to help in the fight against this global killer,this pass winter we sponsored the kiss cares coat drives where we collected coats for those less fortunate….i guess what i’m getting at is people need to see for themselves.I have no doubt the people of Sunnyside will find out they have been blessed by our arrival and not cursed.For the record we are a legitimate and established leader in our industry.This has been made possible through our close ties established with the communities we are located in.We have developed these ties through personal interaction with our clients as well as sponsoring community events.Again in the end Sunnyside will see EZ Pawn Corp is a diamond in the rough.Not a curse at all but an asset to the community which will spur more business in Sunnyside.To the Residents of Sunnyside i say this never judge a book by its cover EZ Pawn Corp will be good reading for all involved especially the citizens of Sunnyside.

old school

So – let me get this straight –
Local Councilmen are “against” a business that provides a service that some may disagree with, but can be useful in this economy. They have the balls to stand up and challenge him.
Local Councilmen are “for” a mosque near the WTC pit where many of us have friends and relatives whose remains and souls still blow around – and it is an “outrage” have the balls to even consider asking for “concessions” or heavens forbid “compassion”.

It is logic like this that makes me think (as crazy as it sounds) the tea baggers may be on to something.

Let the guy in the pawn shop open up and leave him alone. If you see something shady- call the PD.
Ask the mosque to move a few blocks away. Ask their leaders for TRUE interfaith dialogue; let’s see if THEY can show compassion. If their answer is no – we know the true intentions of that site choice.

City Council – grow some balls…. get real…

“45th and Skillman”: I do remember the topless bar.
I remember many more pawn shops (not in Sunnyside – but overall in Queens) around back in the day.
I remember when Queens was TOUGH and people spoke their minds – not what they thought people wanted to hear.
What is happening?


Does anyone know if it’s true that the landlord is getting $8,000 a month in rent?

That would limit the kinds of stores that could afford to open up there.


So many ignorant and stupid people out there. The store that occupied that space before was running a gambling ring in the basement and had pigeons shitting all over the food in front of the windows. I guess thats the kind of business that should operate in sunnyside. Not a legitimate licensed well run operation like E Z Pawn Corp.

Time's Up

Wow. I just hope that no one who wants the gov. to actively stop the opening of this place calls him or herself a conservative.


This letter is so funny. I like how they mention that the pawnshop is a “family-run” business, as if that is supposed to make us feel better.

Haven’t they heard of the term “crime family?”


Yes, now desperately poor people who are lured into parting with a treasured memento under the false hope that they will be able to afford to buy it back at 36% interest, and the chain-snatcher who now has a convenient location to sell their goods – yes, these folks will now have a more tastefully decorated store to do their business.


Yay, my biggest issue with the store is that garish sign. Glad to see that that issue was addressed.

-Resident 42nd street.


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