Sunnyside branch of EZ Pawn (Photo: QueensPost)
Nov. 30, 2010 By Christian Murray
Some businesses move into a neighborhood quietly, while others, well, don’t.
This week the Sunnyside branch of EZ Pawn is holding two grand opening parties. The first will be on Wednesday at 5:30 pm, where politicians and local business leaders have been invited.
Lauren Kaminsky, whose father David Kaminsky owns the EZ Pawn chain, said in an e-mail that the Wednesday event will be an opportunity for the store to showcase its newest products, along with hand selected vintage jewelry. There will be hors d’oeuvres and even special discounts for that evening.
The second grand opening, much more of a public affair, will take place on Saturday Dec. 4th, when the radio station 98.7 kiss FM will be there playing music and giving away promotional items. David Kaminsky said that he will probably be there dressed up as Uncle Sam.
what a dissappointment…am kicking myself now for not being more active in trying to voice some opposition…a blight on the community…in the top three signs of a neighbourhood in decline…..cant think what it is going to mean for the property values long term…not good…tacky fake postings about the girl who cant wait to see the jewelery !!!! what a terrible business to be in..making money out of other peoples misfortune…selling tacky personal second hand items that the original owners had to hock to stay afloat…the bullet proof glass counters add to the overall seediness…..and thats what we’re talking about here…seedy, and unseemly…not at all appropirate or a welcome addition…the opening was just awful, really sad and empty overreaching fanfare…in the days that followed i was glad to see the place empty…….i think they have made a mistake in moving in, and hope that they leave sooner rather than later…really , im so disgusted ..
this place is on par with casa romana in terms of what it can do to its surroundings. two thumbs down.
Fantastic. Maybe I’ll hook up with Charlie Sheen when he’s in town on a bender, we’ll rob an old lady and sell her pearls, which should fetch just enough to buy a couple o’ nice vials of crack. It will be a great party.
How about Dazies getting shut down bye the health department has anyone seen that Hahahah isn’t that owned by a council member?….how come that hasn’t been posted up?
I don’t mind so much that its a pawn shop, more that it is an E-Z Pawn. If it was just branded as “mom and pop’s trade shop” or something along those lines, i think the neighborhood would be more welcoming. EZ Pawn is pretty tacky.
I agree Patrick-these comments look fake.
Sunnyside, this is payback for all the opposition to EZ Pawn. KISS-FM radio this weekend? NOT GOOD.
Do NOT support this establishment-eventually, they will get the message, realize this location is not working for them, shutter their doors and move on.
This store feeds on the desperate-the best thing to do is ignore them. EZ Pawn will get the message eventually-they are not wanted in Sunnyside and they are wasting their time.
“”where politicians and local business leaders have been invited”” HUH/? WOW!! Are yhose the politicans that Lauren Kaminsky, whose father David Kaminsky owns the EZ Pawn promised when they were opening the Pawn Shop that they would put an eye pleaseinG . legal canopy over the store. the new canopy/awning is in violation og three city?DOB laws, NOT TO MENTION AN EYE SORE
and that they would replace the existing Irion Shutter gates(also known as Getto gates) with the nes security shutters that will be required under city Council law, UNDER THE NEW LAW SHUTTERSMUST BE 70 % TRANSPARENT!!
OK, what’s going on here? It seems like these are a bunch of fake comments – I doubt that there is that much enthusiasm for EZ Pawn considering the community outrage. That or there is significant snark I am missing here.
Don’t judge! Be EZ. I’ll be there.
If Lauren Kaminsky is behind this opening I have a strong feeling it will not disappoint! The EZ Pawn chain has always been reliable, can’t wait to see what Sunnyside holds! And hey, who’s not up for some good ol’ Uncle Sam?
I can’t wait to see all the jewlery!! I am really looking forward to Wednedsay evening!
I have stopped inside the store a few times and really think they have exceeded my expectations. I even purchased a 14kt gold bracelet for a pretty good price- not good at musical instruments but maybe there is room to negotiate if you are interested in something in the window?
Will definitely stop by the events, looking forward to it.
I think this is great for them and will definitely be there. I’ve been into the store and think they have done a good job- outdoor sign could have been a little better but other than that I am happy.
This place is usually closed by the time I get home and I haven’t gone in, but the couple of times I’ve walked by their window while they were open, they have these little 15 watt practice guitar amps that are worth about $15 and they’re marked at $65. Their guitars seemed similarly overpriced (unless they’re handmade American Gibsons, or brand new).