Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer at a rally outside 47-55 39th Place
Aug. 23, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
Members of the Sunnyside community, along with elected officials and community leaders, rallied outside an apartment building that has been revealed to have “bizarre” American history murals–that include images of fascist leaders– put up by the building’s property manager, who is also accused of harassing and “terrorizing” tenants.
The rally outside 47-55 39th Place, organized by councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer, was organized after news broke of the unusual lobby and the alleged experiences of residents living in the building under Neal Milano, the property manager responsible for the elaborate images in the lobby.
Inside the lobby are images of Hitler, Mussolini, a large swastika, and the Confederacy peppered among an elaborate display of American symbols and paraphernalia.
“This is racist. This is deplorable,” Van Bramer said at the rally. “We are sickened by what is happening here in this lobby.”
The building directory also includes some bogus names, including celebrities and Nazis Joseph Mengele and Rudolf Hess. Milano’s attorney said his client was not responsible for the directory and that someone looking to defame him most likely added those names, according to the New York Post.
“The lobby in the building is one of the strangest sights you’ll ever see,” State Sen. Michael Gianaris said at the rally. “It can only be described as bizarre.”

Lobby at 47-55 39th Place
Members of Jewish organizations present at the rally denounced the depiction of Hitler and the Nazi flag in the lobby.
“No one should have to walk through their lobby with swastikas and portraits of Adolf Hitler,” said Evan Bernstein, the New York regional director at the Anti-Defamation League at the rally.

Building directory with names including Preet Bharara, Joseph Mengele, and Rudolf Hess
The lobby, which depicts prominent figures and moments in American history, like the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, the founding fathers, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., also has imagery spilling over into the hallways on the first floor, where a World War II banner shows leaders of the Allied and Axis powers, including an image of Hitler and the Nazi flag. The lobby also includes a Civil War section showing Confederate and Union imagery, including Robert E. Lee and the Confederate flag.

World War II banner showing an image of Hitler
Milano, who is also president of the condo board, is alleged to have told residents that he has guns in his apartment, and is also alleged to have harassed tenants repeatedly through fines and intrusive notices spread across the building on tenant behavior. In one instance, Milano allegedly spread notices around the building about a resident who had a “six-foot-four Middle Eastern person of interest” sleep over more than 20 times, according to NY1 News. In another, Milano allegedly fined residents $200 if they did not fold cardboard properly for recycling, according to the news outlet.

Images of the Civil War and of President Donald Trump inside 47-55 39th Place
Lynn Calvacca, a lawyer and owner of a condo in the building, is suing Milano and the condo board for a host of grievances that have piled on in the past several years.
“He’s a bully,” she said at the rally. “He’s a terrorist in the Sunnyside area.”
Van Bramer called on the NYPD to conduct a full investigation on Neal Milano and the allegations made by residents in the building and around the neighborhood, and also sent a letter to the mayor about the building, and expressed his hopes in getting Attorney General Eric Schneiderman involved.
The Sunnyside Post was unable to reach Milano’s attorney for comment.

View from the stairs of the lobby at 47-55 39th Place
For additional coverage, click on links below:
NY1 Uproar at Queens Condo
NY1 Queens Councilman tours nightmare condo lobby
NYP This Queens building has images of Hitler
ABC7 Lobby of Queens Condo filled with racist posters and flags
PIX11 Sunnyside building decorated with Nazi propaganda, Jim Crow images terrifies neighbors
He charges people for having overnight guests? It’s someone’s home, that’s THEIR right. It’s not a hotel. Who gives him the authority to do that (it’s illegal) I’m sure this money, who ever is foolish enough to pay that, goes towards buying more posters to make the lobby look like a hillbilly junkyard
Mayberry Near Manhattan, is that what the NYT called us?
Does anyone know if the building has an underlying mortgage? If so that is the first place to start with a lawsuit. Often condo buildings have mortgages on the entire property. It is also worth looking into the financial management the condo board is overseeing and how much capital reserves are on hand. If income from maintenance fees is being used towards all of this nonsense the super and board members are in big trouble.
Sad that the few trump supporters that troll this blog are coming out of the woodwork to defend this awful stuff. Why don’t they put historical swastikas on their own front doors??? “Fine people” indeed.
Just a reminder: trump avg’d about 16% in Sunnyside. This property manager is a great example of a typical trump train rider. Loser
This is NYC, If you don’t have a hoarder, insane person, Airbnb renter, drug dealer or self-styled DJ among your neighbors consider yourself blessed.
We have a hoarder that keeps filling up the apt. floor to ceiling even after being emptied by the landlord. Any helpful suggestions?
After Trump won all kind of crazy is coming out of the woodwork. It’s not that they were not crazy before, it’s that they are fierce and fearless now. At least, many who lived in a dream world can see now what half of country is really about.
Someone needs to get these tenants together to start a lawsuit against the property owner for allowing this sort intimidation to take place.
Whew. That was easy. I think the amount of American flags and USA memorabilia far outnumber any “problematic” stuff and show that there is no hate intended.
Private home, they can hang what they want. Case closed.
It’s not a private home and this white trash is not the owner of the building.
I went to the protest and chomped on a bag of milano cookies, double dark chocolate. Quite good.
My brother has brought shame upon this family
My building has swastikas carved in the walls. The MGMT. Came by and laughed. I had to buy paint and cover it myself. This isn’t new.
BS story
Jvb does a good job. I don’t agree with everything he does and some of his publicity stunts but he does work at bettering the community. Can’t please everyone. With that said I’m voting for a change. Let’s see what someone else can do
Gonna post another great video tomorrow of your favorite building manager, Neal Nazi Milano, stay tuned….
Are you gonna posit it? I can hardly wait!
The management company who owns the building better get rid of this guy yesterday or they will be facing huge fines and likely additional lawsuits. Their liability is totally exposed now and once councilmembers, the media, DOB etc start snooping around they are going to have to contend with much bigger issues.
Great job Van Bramer.
It’s a condo, so the owners of the units own the building – the manager serves at their sufferance under the supervision of the condo board. That’s what so crazy about this. This was a collective decision – made by the board of unit owners of this building – to allow this nutcase to run wild with his political agenda in their lobby. And they exposed themselves personally, and all their fellow unit owners, to this mess. If I lived there I’d get the board to drop the manager and then vote out the board that allowed this to happen in the first place.
do all of these people in this photo actually live in this building – except for JVB who does not
I for one am SHOCKED that so many Trump supporters are defending a neo-Nazis
Trump supporters are not defending him! However, people like you fit in with the anti free speech TOTALITARIAN LEFT as Mark Levin calls you.
god youre annoying…do you have friends?
The more I think of it, the more I think this is a weird story. The condo board controls the property manager. They can fire him at any time. So how the board/condo owners have permitted this Neal guy to turn the lobby of their building into his personal “history” space is beyond me. He doesn’t own the lobby, they do. As a matter of simple aesthetics the lobby looks awful. Maybe trump folks like it, but many people clearly do not.
Worse yet, the board also seems to tolerate this Neal guy harassing the unit tenants and acting like a jerk in general. Great job guys, you effectively lowered your own property value and have taken on massive legal liabilities! At the end of the day, the condo and its owners, not Neal, will be footing the bill for this circus.
I agree. The owners of the condos should be dealing with this. Owners have the right to hire and fire. It’s their space, so I think there is more going on here than what is reported.
It’s private property and it’s indoors. It’s a matter for the residents to deal with. Now government officials thinks it’s their place to tell people how the inside of their buildings should be decorated.
While I agree as decoration of the building’s lobby it looks a bit bizarre by any stretch there’s certainly nothing here that’s explicitly hateful as the images are historical in context. If they only had picture of Hitler it would not be the case. Similar to have a baseball bat in your car but no baseball conveys a different intent. The images are available in any historical textbook or newspaper of the era. It’s also a privately owned lobby for the building owners to hash out internally.
The greater risk here is the damage to civic and free speech issues posed by public officials opining on such issues as “hate speech” simply because they don’t like to see a particular image. I have to agree that JVB is simply riding a histronics wave and vote getting train here. It’s protected free speech and needs to be recognized as such on private property.
Free speech will mean very little effectively if we start allowing a right “not to be offended” by it to anyone who merely objects. Next stop in NYC will folks deem it “offensive” for private home owners erect campaign posters such “Vote Trump” or “Vote Republican” in their windows? Its a slippery slope folks…
You sir, are an idiot.
I really wish I could get a job working for Neal he sounds like a great man, he tells the truth and loves his country. Nothing wrong with that. A real patriot.
All these pussy’s in the building crying to JVB how come JVB doesn’t let you sleep over his house If your so scared of good old Neal?
And why is JVB using Hilary’s deplorable’s line now? He can’t come up with his own speech?
JVB is real tough on camera and around his posse but see him on Queens Blvd by herself she’s a mouse.
I wish Neal good luck. The place looks great.
Me too
take a look at your man Neal Milano, what a guy!
Gee Wiz Van Bramer came to this part of Sunnyside for a photo op. Too late JVB spend a night near the parks on our side if you have the stomach for it. It’s not like your side for some reason. hmmmmmmmmm. Election time is coming fast.
You completely miss the point. Where did you go to school, Trump University?
Milano made that building lobby look like a dump. He can wallpaper his own apartment with as many silly murals all he wants, but he’s overreaching by doing it in a common space he does not own.
Really love what he’s done with the place.
This guy will pop your tires if you park where his ” construction pickup ” barracade is he’s been a douchebag since day 1 it’s sad nobody in that building has any balls to face him
Neither would you!!! hahaha.. All talk.
Ive parked there. Fucker wouldnt dare
Ohhhhh so scary. A tough guy.
but i guess 6 months ago no one cared about this lobby
jimmy and his friends care now because it is the topic of the month, good leaders dont need to follow what everyone else is doing. he should have been saying this months ago.
I live here and I love it. Its a big improvement of what the lobby used to be . I won’t put my name because of the nutty Tennant’s that don’t like it. What’s really a crime is putting up fake sex offender posters with the police logo. That person. Should be arrested
Nice try, Neal!!
Maybe you should learn how to spell and punctuate sentences before you comment again.
No name – It’s not just the people who live in the building who have issue with Neal. Those posters could have been put up by the many people this jerk has started fights with just for trying to park on the block, the many women he has said nasty crap to, the many many contractors he has been seen arguing with on a regular basis in the street and building, the delivery guys, Barbara’s friends, the people at the laundromat etc, etc the list is endless. You’re absolutely right, this pocket of Sunnyside has improved immensely as has most of the South side of Queens Blvd. has however this does not change the fact Neal is an unstable volatile time bomb who is only getting worse. Somebody will eventually be hurt or worse just like the recent chain of events involving the retired NYC cop and his landlord straight down Greenpoint avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn last March.
Hey bruno, thx for a decent well thought, civil reply. I don’t know Neal, but saw the you tube clip and he does seem like an asshole so you may be right, but your wrong about the Southside it’s terrible. My friend lives there and he carrys a weapon now after several attempted muggings as he works in the city and has to walk from the 7 train to up by laurel hill at 1am. Enjoy.
Neal, I would pick on your inability to write in complete sentences but I have a feeling you’re going to have plenty of time to learn when you’re in a cell.
Your a moron Bobby b. No brains and no guts.
I feel for the condo owners, how do u sell a unit in this building. Maybe this giy is doing this to drive property values diwn and if so that’s criminal.
My Social Studies Textbook had some of these images. Let’s ban them and all history books from libraries and schools! No one should ever see images of Lincoln, MLK, that races unite around the world poster, or the Allies/Axis powers of WWII. This is all horrible! Banning is not even enough, let’s have a book burning. let’s burn posters, flags, etc… Hmm… what country had done such nonsense in the past? Oh, right, an Axis country. Guess we are turning into them now. No more freedom to those I disagree with! Send them to internment camps!
The mob is always right.
You’re missing the point. The lobby looks like a dump. He can wallpaper his own damn apartment with that garbage, but he’s overreaching by doing that b s in the lobby. He probably cratered the property values, can’t imagine who would want to buy or rent there…
43rd@43rd- You totally missed the point.hahaha Milano is the reason condo and co-op boards have so many “seemingly” ridiculous rules and regulations about what shareholders could hang as “decorations”. Beside the fact this guy runs around the building and neighborhood like an uneducated crude angry old bully. That part I have witnessed on multiple occasions. I saw on the news this fool bills people for over night guests and improperly folded cardboard. I think extortion could be added to the laundry list of crimes and infractions this idiot has committed.
I certainly wouldn’t buy a condo in this building, and I feel for the people who live in it. But really, a rally? I don’t get it. Surely a lawsuit would be more effective. And I actually *like* JVB.
Story growing , my in-laws in Vegas just called. Story on local news channels. Reporter said ” Where are all the tough New Yorkers sticking up for themselves?” Too funny
so intense conversations here…
This is some beautiful historic stuff. It’s really part of history. What’s the big deal. Sorry to say but it’ slavery happend, ww2 happened , I love history, I don’t condone it but I really would love to see this lobby it’s full of cool artifacts
Go to a museum. This is an apartment building.
Alternately maybe his daughter will sell it all to you to raise bail money for when he’s finally caught and arrested.
I have been at the museum, I also want to see it. I want to see this lobby
I think its cool
So why don’t you mind your business bobby you dick. I am also a fan of historic artifacts. Hell I’d move in here I like it so much.
There is not one single historical artifact in that building. You clearly don’t even know what an “artifact” is.
Listen Neal, you can’t win. You’ve never been to a museum.
So he has told numerous people, while angry and acting threatening, that he has a gun. That right there is grounds for a search warrant and (assuming mr. big man has one) arrest for a felony crime that carries a 3 year minimum sentence.
So for those of you who claim to have been threatened by him in this manner, you need to stop at the 108pct. (located right outside of the vernon jackson 7 stop) and file a complaint. When you do so, also inquire about an order of protection, which will make it a crime for him to come anywhere near you – again – increasing the chances that this perp is taken out of our community once and for all.
Every time this lunatic threatens anyone, the police should be called.
The only way to get criminals out of our neighborhood is actually report them. Every single time.
That’s assuming he has one ILLEGALLY though right?
To do that he’d have to go down to 1PP and apply, then go through some serious background checks. He would also have to get it renewed. I’ll bet a nickel if he does have a gun, he has no permits.
They are licensed in FL
Like his car? An out of state gun permit doesn’t mean shit in NYC
So because they are drunk and doing drugs they are illegal? It’s people like You that are the reason Donald trump is president. Racist idiots! And as for that jackass Neal he should be arrested for harassing innocent people!jerk
Sunnysider qualifies for ssi for being blind. (to the truth) Go there and see for yourself first and then speak.
Sounds like Rob and Sunnyside Truther should be teaming up for some vigilante justice.
Now that would be good, those punks in the parks probably deserve a good lesson and a reason to leave the park.
So much fuss about nothing. Awww you sunnysiders are a ‘special’ bunch.
Neal please stop posting you’re not going to save yourself.
Who’s Neal?
Search the articles for subtle clues as to who Neal is
It was rhetorical, and as in… I’m not Neal. Too complicated for you simple folk? Yeah, thought it might be.
hey asshole bramer..how about a rally to protest the flooding that takes place on 42 n qb when it rains
FYI – doing one thing does not preclude all other things.
JVB always being such a stand up guy…take a walk down the street to the playground on Greenpoint & 42ST and you’ll see guys passed out drunk, doing drugs, peeing everywhere. All right by the entrance to the playground. But no, the tough guy won’t go there because heavens forbid he might insult one of those illegals who are actually ruining the quality of life for people in the neighborhood.
Lol of course the Trumpeter neo-nazis are defending the swastika
Nope sorry there was no defense of the swastikas so you’re wrong..move along
What’s the last thing you did for sunnyside, clownpants?
I couldn’t agree more.
I live across the street and have seen them expose themselves urinating infront of young girls.
@Sunnyside Truther…No cameras No JVB!..Wish he would just resign from the council along with his merry band of pink hatters and do his Resisting on his own time!!!
Grow some and rip it down. Are we all snowflakes? Go old school on the bastard. Rip it down, if he don’t like it….. kick his ass.
If anyone is going to do this note that he has the building covered in cameras, and that by beating him up YOU will (unfortunately) now be the one the cops are looking for. So wear a mask.
Don’t worry too much though – literally no witnesses will come forward when this guy finally does catch a beating.
F..k his ass UP! This is NYC you can’t just run people without any consequence! Period
You are a real instigator. Telling people to wear masks. You should be arrested
Listen Neal, you brought this on yourself.
Bob what’s the b stand for bitch? Or balls-less?
Snowflakes always have something to whine about.
But “Hello,” could you at least agree with a little wee snowflake like me that at the very least, regardless of the messaging, the inside and outside of this building is just plain tacky? You’ve walked by the building, right? Can a snowflake like me and a MAGA supporter like you join hands in agreeing that it’s just plain ugly at least? Is there hope for our future?
Nazis always have something to cry about.
Much unlike the uninformed radical liberals that are bigger racists.
Come on over and ask your mom about that…
I take freedom of speech very seriously, but this is in my mind is a clear violation. A co-op lobby and exterior is a mixture of public and private space. All the more power to the guy if he wants to plaster his apartment windows with these images or cover his car with bumper stickers with them while wearing them on his t-shirt and giving lectures on the street corner. He can start blog, podcast, or organization. He can express whatever it is he wants (I guess reminding us of WWII & The Civil War & Trump?), but unless this is his own private residence (which it’s not), then I think there is a very easy call to say these can be ordered to be taken down.
It’s a condo so the way co-ops run this wouldn’t happen. This is atrocious
Like it or not this is protected under the Freedom of Speech whether you think its hate speech or not.
Only protected when it’s on your own property. Other people own condos here too. Is vandalism and harassment also freedom of speech?
Eh… see who owns the lobby/building :eye roll: Again, hate speech is protected under the Freedom of Speech. You can’t start banning hate speech because then who’s to say what’s hate speech? This is all a ploy to in the end crush the USA people. UN just announced “early warning” signals of civil conflict. Its all purposely done as it has be done in the past.
Looks like the “Dislike” guy is on it.
Nazis always hide behind this when the reality is this guy is a lunatic and blight on the community. Harassing women, threatening people and claiming to have a gun are all grounds for this guy to be criminally investigated and arrested.
This is a condo. The residents, NOT the building manager, own the building. He has NO RIGHT to ‘decorate’ property that does not belong to him in any way that he wants. Got it?
is this protected too? here is the creep responsible for all the swastikas and harassment towards tenants of that penitentiary they call a condo building.
Please keep posting these. Video him every time, and if the regular patrol 108 guys don’t want to do anything about it, stop by the station and talk to a detective or the CO.
His demeanor is threatening, which is also grounds for an order of protection to keep him away from you. Violation of that order (film it) should also result in his arrest.
check out Neal Millano in this video, this is how he communicates, you tell me this is speech??
Thanks for posting this. Now I hear his voice every time I read a post where someone is crying about ‘snowflakes’ taking their free speech rights away. Under educated and wrapped in the constitution with zero analytical ability…sad!
Unfortunately, liberals only believe free speech applies to people who agree with them.
So true
As usual Alvin from SUNNYSIDE views are stupid and now we know that big Al from SUNNYSIDE is a racist. I’d love to fight Al.
Bring it on el pussy
The libs got their basement dwelling pals to hit the “dislike” button. they have lots of free time on their hands since they don’t work and like to collect government paychecks and benefits.
But now if you don’t agree with them 10 of them brave libs. will attack you. ( I’m not sure about beat you up since the women are more manly then they are! )
I am a unit owner, Neal does not own any property here, can’t get him out because I need more than 50% of the owners to agree, Neal is just a tenant.
And now we also know that Al is not very smart and likes to use profanities. Al, you really shouldn’t challenge people to fights that you nothing about. Not smart.
If he is the property manager, he can be fired; ditto if he is on condo board. This seems to be a condo board with zero responsibility or common sense. For starters, you cannot decorate without permission.