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Elderly Woman In Critical Condition After Collision On 52nd Street

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May 23, 2016 Staff Report

A 72-year-old woman is in critical condition after being struck by a car Friday night.

A driver struck the woman while attempting to reverse into a parking spot at the intersection of Skillman Avenue and 52nd Street, on Friday just after 9:30 p.m., according to the NYPD.

The driver was traveling northbound along 52nd Street. The motorist then stopped at the intersection of Skillman Ave and attempted to back his vehicle into a parking space, where the woman and her husband were crossing, cops said.

The couple crossed about 75 feet away from the crosswalk, according to the NYPD.

The driver struck the woman, knocking her down. She struck her head on the ground as she fell, according to police.

She was taken to Elmhurst General Hospital in critical condition to be treated for head trauma. Police could not reveal her identity at this time.

The driver received a summons for driving with the wrong type of license, no insurance card and failure to yield to a pedestrian, according to an NYPD spokesman.

The NYPD could not release the driver’s information.

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Screwed again

I think mark is referring to a call when mentioning a truck driver license.


Good wishes to the injured pedestrian for recovery. It does seem odd nowadays to call a 72 year old ‘elderly’. Perhaps when the life expectancy averaged 65 that made sense, but not now. Save ‘elderly’ for people over 80.

Woodside parking wars

Guaranteed the driver saw the parking spot and threw it into reverse and flew back carelessly to get the spot. A parking spot around here is like throwing a steak to a pack of wild dogs


Not even close to reality, there’s tons of parking in North Sunnyside

You obviously live in Staten Island


No insurance card does not mean no insurance, it just means failure to provide proof. If he had the wrong license they are claiming he needed a truck driver’s license. They’re obviously trying to hammer this guy but the fact remains that the pedestrian was jaywalking dangerously while a truck was backing up. This was an accident pure and simple.

And why would he need a special license when anyone can rent a HUGE 26; truck from Penske with an every day license which is extremely dangerous to drive if you don’t know how to take turns

ducks quack

Huh! what article are your reading. there is no mention of a truck or truck licences like you claim. easy going is correct, would bet 100% that the motorist has no insurances.

ducks quack

I know what i read as its the same publication we are both seeing, Just a little confused how you are making so many assumptions- will let you in on a little secret here- dont ever be on a jury


Its amazing how often people do this, and they are annoyed and entitled when you are backing into a parking space because they want to walk behind your car and cross the street in the middle of the block.

easy going

no Insurance card means “no insurance” this poor womans battle will only begin once she recovers and the medical bills start piling up


I hope when the poor lady recovers, she will be properly pissed off at being referred to as “elderly.”

Bart Stone

Tragic. That’s a sleepy little side street, driver probably lives nearby and wasn’t looking back as he/she rolled into the spot. Hope the pedestrian recovers to 100%.


Do you know how many uninsured drivers are on the road, and if they hit you , you have to pay for it your medical and your car damage . A little unfair

Mikey Conrad

@Von: That’s if you have a shyte car/health insurance. Typically good insurance policies will cover the accident in the case when the other person doesn’t have insurance and is the cause of the accident.

Chris P. Bacon

Yes they do offer that, and you get to pay extra for it. Basically paying the uninsured drivers insurance. Its quite upsetting and I’m not sure what can be done about it.


well the idjits were crossing in the middle of the block at 930 at night and the driver didn’t think they were that stupid to walk in back of his car while backing up….they should have been arrested for jaywalking

but he shouldn’t have been driving…. and got ticketed…

Bliss St

The penalty for idiocy is not death or serious injury. If it was, I would be replying to a very, very stupid ghost right now.

Brian Howald

The New York State vehicle traffic law requires pedestrians to yield the right of way to vehicles when crossing other than at intersections.

If the vehicle in question went all the way to the intersection, as is stated, then reversed 75 feet from the intersection, where the woman was hit, what right of way would the vehicle have had?

enny me

are u fucking stupid! wish you were the one who got ran over. you don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t be fucking hypocrite.

enny me

All I can say to the driver who ran over this poor woman. If she dies you’re ass will be in jail, where it belongs. Rot in jail.


The idiot is the driver. Driving with unlicense permit.u got it…..for those idiot who didn’t witnessed it or where not there. The driver reversed so hard . Lots of witnesses of the idiot driver .


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